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your estate. And in all the villages the prayers of God's people went up, that they might be crowned with victory to the glory of God; for the war with France seemed a war for Protestantism and freedom. But Johnson knew not how to profit by success; with a busy air, he kept the men all day on their arms, and at night, half of the whole were on guard. Shirley and the New England provinces, and his own council of war, urged him to advance; but while the ever active French took post at Ticonderoga, as Duquesne had advised, he loitered away the autumn, expecting very shortly a more formidable attack with artillery, and building Fort William chap. IX.} 1755. Henry, a useless fort of wood near Lake George. When winter approached, he left six hundred men as a garrison, and dismissed the New England militia to their firesides. Of the enterprise against Western New York Shirley assumed the conduct. The fort at Niagara was but a house, almost in ruins, surrounded by a small ditch a
ighly cultivated mind; of small stature; rapid in conversation; and of restless mobility. He was accompanied by the Chevalier de Levis Leran, and by Bourlamarque, colonel of infantry. Travelling day and night, he hurried to Fort Carillon, at Ticonderoga; by two long marches on foot, he made himself familiar with the ground, and took measures for improving its defences. Montcalm to the minister, 20 July, 1756. He next resolved by secrecy and celerity to take Oswego. Collecting at Montreal bercrombie and his chief sheltered their own imbecility under complaints of America. After wasting a few more weeks in busy inactivity, Loudoun, whose forces could have penetrated to the heart of Canada, left the French to construct a fort at Ticonderoga, and dismissed the provincials to their homes, the regulars to winter quarters. Of the latter, a thousand were sent to New York, where free quarters for the officers were demanded of the city. The demand was resisted by the mayor, as contrar
Stark. with seventy-four rangers, goes down Lake George, and turns the strong post of Carillon. A French party of ten or eleven sledges is driving merrily from Ticonderoga to Crown Point. Montcalm's Account Stark sallies forth to attack them; three are taken, with twice as many horses, and seven prisoners. But before he can reanaries with them, and hymns were chap XI.} 1757. sung in almost as many dialects as there were nations. On the sixth day, as they discerned the battlements of Ticonderoga, the fleet arranged itself in order, and two hundred canoes, filled with braves, each nation with its own pennons, in imposing regularity, swept over the smooth waters of Champlain, to the landingplace of the fortress. Ticonderoga rung with the voices of thousands; and the martial airs of France, and shouts in the many tongues of the red men, resounded among the rocks and forests and mountains. The Christian mass, too, was chanted solemnly; and to the Abenaki converts, seated reverently
rangers in the forests near Fort Carillon, as the French called Ticonderoga, and brought back one hundred and forty-six scalps, with three pconquest of the Ohio valley was intrusted to Forbes; and against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, Abercrombie, a friend of Bute, was commander-inning a hero's name, questioned him closely as to the position of Ticonderoga and the fittest mode of conducting the attack. On the promontl they approached the outlet. This the road from Lake George to Ticonderoga crossed twice by bridges, between which the path was as a cord tear and could easily force a passage. The mountain over against Ticonderoga was in their possession. Had I to besiege Fort Carillon, said M season in supine inactivity. The news of the disastrous day at Ticonderoga induced Amherst, without orders, to conduct four regiments and athe avenue to Niagara; and he turned his mind from the defeat at Ticonderoga, to see if the banner of England was already waving over Fort Du
. Conscious of their inability to resist the British artillery and army, the French, on the twenty-sixth, abandoned Ticonderoga, and, five days afterwards, retreated from Crown Point to intrench themselves on Isle-aux-Noix. The whole mass of thenight, Crown Point was occupied, without opposition. Amherst must advance, or Wolfe may perish. But, after repairing Ticonderoga, he wasted labor in building fortifications at Crown Point, which the conquest of Canada would render useless. Thus hn advantages over a guard of invalid soldiers; and learned that Niagara had surrendered; that the French had abandoned Ticonderoga and Crown Point. The eyes of Wolfe were strained to see Amherst approach. Vain hope! The commander-in-chief, thoughraving danger, wounded, but cheering by his example. The second in command, De Sennezergues, an associate in glory at Ticonderoga, was killed. The brave but untried Canadians, flinching from a hot fire in the open field, began to waver; and, so so