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f Northfield; Joel Hayden, of Williamsburg; James Ritchie, of Roxbury; Oakes Ames, of Easton; and Eleazer C. Sherman, of Plymouth,—were elected Councillors. William Schouler, of Lynn, was Adjutant-General, to which office he had been appointed by G of Middlesex, the communication was laid on the table, and ordered to be printed. Feb. 1. In Senate.—Mr. Whitney, of Plymouth, from the Committee on Federal Relations, reported a bill to create an emergency fund for the Governor of $100,000, to ttained by Messrs. Northend and Stone, of Essex; Davis, of Bristol; and Hardy, of Norfolk; and opposed by Mr. Whiting, of Plymouth. The resolves passed,—yeas 24, nays 6. The bill provided, that the commissioners should be appointed by the Governor, pril 5. In Senate.—A resolve in favor of calling a national convention was discussed. It was opposed by Mr. Whiting, of Plymouth, and Mr. Walker, of Worcester, and advocated by Mr. Northend, of Essex, and Mr. Hardy, of Norfolk. It was finally, on
inia its patriot freight. It arrived at Fortress Monroe on the 20th. The field and staff officers of the Fourth Regiment were Abner B. Packard, of Quincy, colonel; Hawkes Fearing, Jr., of Hingham, lieutenant-colonel; Horace O. Whittemore, of Boston, major; Henry Walker, of Quincy, adjutant; William H. Carruth, of Boston, quartermaster; Henry M. Saville, of Quincy, surgeon; William L. Faxon, of Quincy, surgeon's mate; Alvin E. Hall, of Foxborough, sergeant-major; and George W. Barnes, of Plymouth, quartermaster-sergeant. Company A, Union Light Guards, Canton. Officers: Ira Drake, of Stoughton, captain; Henry U. Morse and Walter Cameron, of Canton, lieutenants. At this time, Lieutenant Cameron was in New Orleans; and John McKay, Jr., of Canton, was chosen to fill the vacancy. Lieutenant Cameron, however, soon after returned home, and joined his company at Fortress Monroe. Company B, Light Infantry, Easton. Officers: Milo M. Williams, captain; Linton Waldron and William E. Bu
ernment securities, under a suspension of the rules, was passed to be enacted. Mr. Whiting, of Plymouth, moved an amendment to limit the purchase to fifteen per cent of their capital stock. Lost. ernor and Council in any way connected with the disbursements made by them, &c. Mr. Whiting, of Plymouth, favored the amendment; but it was rejected,—yeas 10, nays 11. The bill was then passed to be guard was passed to be engrossed, without opposition. May 17. In the Senate.—Mr. Whiting, of Plymouth, moved a reconsideration of the vote whereby the petition of J. Sella Martin, Robert Morris, an Martin, Robert Morris, and others, to the next General Court, was advocated by Mr. Whiting, of Plymouth, who said this was not a time to make invidious distinctions between the different classes of cpension of the rules, was ordered to be engrossed. In the afternoon session, Mr. Whiting, of Plymouth, moved a reconsideration of the vote by which the bill withholding certain aid from the people
rebellion may be brought to a speedy close, I am Your Excellency's obedient servant, John F. L. Findley. This letter was received by the Governor on the twenty-second day of December, the anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, which is referred to in the text. Dec. 22, 1861. To Hon. John F. L. Findley, Chairman of a Committee on Militia of the House of Delegates of the State of Maryland. My dear Sir,—It is with feelings which I will not attempt to express thatas saved. The Democratic convention was held in Worcester, Sept. 18, and nominated Isaac Davis, of Worcester, for Governor; Edwin C. Bailey, of Boston, Lieutenant-Governor; Charles Thompson, of Charlestown, Secretary of State; Moses Bates, of Plymouth, Treasurer; and Edward Avery, of Braintree, Attorney-General. These gentlemen were war Democrats. Moses Bates was elected president of the convention, and, on taking the chair, made a long speech, which, so far as it related to the great nat
n the service of the State and before being mustered into the service of the United States, and what amount may now be due them for commutation pay. Jan. 13. In the Senate.—A bill was reported from the Committee on the Militia, granting State aid to the families of the volunteers in the regiments raised in this State by General Butler. An attempt was made to suspend the rules and pass the bill through its several readings, but did not prevail. In the House.—On motion of Mr. Davis, of Plymouth, it was ordered, that the Governor be requested to communicate to the House the correspondence relating to the recruiting of troops in this Commonwealth by General Butler. Jan. 14. In the Senate.—The bill to give aid to the families of volunteers recruited in this State by General Butler was passed to be engrossed. In the House.—Mr. Roberts, of Lakeville, offered an order, directing the Committee on the Militia to consider the expediency of making certain amendments to the State-aid
Hampshire, and Worcester, were sent. The old camp at Lynnfield was continued, and designated Camp Stanton, which served as the general rendezvous of recruits from the counties of Barnstable, Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk, Nantucket, Plymouth, and Suffolk. Until further orders, Lieutenant-Colonel Lincoln, of the Thirty-fourth Regiment, which was then being recruited, was placed in command of Camp Wool; and Colonel Maggi, of the Thirty-third Regiment, which was also being recruited, e concluded with offering a resolution, the substance of which was, thanking Senators Sumner and Wilson for the faithful manner in which they had discharged their duties, and recommending Mr. Sumner for reelection to the Senate. Mr. Davis, of Plymouth, said that this was a war of ideas, of barbarism against civilization, involving the principles of civil liberty on one hand, and the principles of damnation on the other. He wanted an expression of opinion on the general policy of the war. We
ere this month. Forts Pickering (Salem) and Sewell (Marblehead) will not be ready for their armament for several weeks. It is not likely that any thing heavier than 24 or 32-pounders can be got for these works. The quartermaster must provide quarters for the men. The battery at Long Point, Provincetown, will be finished by cold weather. It will be mounted with eight 32-pounders. The battery will be an open one, and the quartermaster must furnish quarters for the men. The works at Plymouth are just begun. The armament is unsettled, but probably will be five guns. This is all the information I have been able to gather respecting the forts and armaments. Major Blunt made a special report to General Totten about two weeks ago, showing the condition of the Boston works as to armament; a copy of which he thinks your Excellency could obtain by application to General Totten. Condition of each Company of Heavy Artillery. Co. A, 1. Captain James H. Baldwin, Fort Warren, 14
manufacture of ordnance, in the building or equipping iron-clad or other steamers, or the erection of iron-clad or other fortifications, or in such other measures as the public exigencies might require. The inhabitants of any town on the coast were further authorized, with the approval of the Governor and Council, to raise money, and expend it in defending their town against the public enemies of the United States. Under this act, fortifications were erected at Newburyport, Marblehead, Plymouth, Salem, New Bedford, and Gloucester. The forts in Boston Harbor were connected with each other and with the city by a magnetic telegraph; a complete and most ingenious system of harbor obstructions was devised for the harbor of Boston; and all the workings, drawings, and bills of materials prepared which would admit of the system being applied at a moment's warning. The great want, however, was still of the largest gun; and the result of all inquiries was, that no more could possibly be o
representative men of the party. Alexander H. Bullock, of Worcester, was unanimously nominated for Governor, and William Claflin, of Newton, for Lieutenant-Governor. Henry S. Briggs, of Pittsfield, was nominated for Auditor; Jacob H. Loud, of Plymouth, for Treasurer; Chester I. Reed, of Taunton, for Attorney-General; and Oliver Warner, of Northampton, for Secretary of State. In the afternoon, speeches were made by Hon. Charles Sumner, Benjamin F. Butler, Mr. Bullock, the nominee for Governto have these colors received with all the honors which the cause they symbolized, and the battle-fields over which they had waved, made proper; and he selected the twenty-second day of December, the anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth in 1620, as the day on which the ceremony should take place. Major-General Couch was selected to command, and Brevet-Major-General Hinks was appointed chief of his staff. The day was a common New-England wintry day; the ground was covered wi