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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 8 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 8 8 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 6 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 6 2 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 2 0 Browse Search
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. 2 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Owen Wister, Ulysses S. Grant 2 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address before the Mecklenburg (N. C.) Historical Society. (search)
of a North Carolina general was poured out. After the massacre by the Indians in the valley of Wyoming, 1776, George Rogers Clark, of Virginia, with a brigade of his countrymen, penetrated to the upper Mississippi, chastised tile savage butchers, captured the British Governor of Detroit and seized £ 10,000 sterling, a most seasonable addition to our scanty currency. The Virginia troops bore the brunt of the battle of Brandywine, and stood, while others ran. At Monmouth and on the plains of Saratoga, Southern blood mingled with Northern in the battles of freedom. Morgan's Virginia riflemen greatly distinguished themselves, and their deadly rifles slew the British General Fraser, the inspiring spirit of Burgoyne's army. On our own soil we find the same heroism. When South Carolina was over-run, the guerrillas, under Sumter, Marion, Pickens, &c., drove the British back, step by step, to Charleston, where they were held in a state of siege until the end came. It is our deliberate op
e to excess with money; and relations between him and his agent were entirely unique. He had the same factor for years, drawing when he pleased for any amount, keeping open books. When his crop came in, it was shipped to the factor, the money retained-subject to draft-or invested. But it was by no means rare, when reckoning day came, for the advance drafts to have left the planter in debt his whole crop to the factor. In that case, it used to cost him a trip to Europe, or a summer at Saratoga only; and he stayed on his plantation and did not cry over the spilt milk, however loudly his ladies may have wailed for the missing creme-de-la-creme of Virginia springs. The morning after arrival we at last saw the house; which, far from being an imposing edifice, was a dingy, small office, just off the Levee, with the dingier sign of Long, Staple & Middling over the door. There were a few stalwart negroes basking in the sun about the entrance, sleeping comfortably in the white glare
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 13: (search)
, and in all social matters. She subsequently married Henry D. Lloyd, the noted writer. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Stone resided near us. Mr. Stone was one of the earliest successful men of Chicago, and came to the city when it was a wooden hamlet on the great prairie. He appreciated the possibilities of making Chicago the wonderful city it is to-day, and joined heartily in the various movements to accomplish this end. He had married for his second wife the beautiful Elizabeth Yager, of Saratoga, New York, who made his home very attractive. Mrs. Stone was gifted in the matter of dispensing hospitality and in providing entertainment for her friends. As a result, their house was one where society met most frequently. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Field were also near neighbors of ours. Marshall Field was of the Field-Leiter firm, merchant princes of Chicago from the days of the Civil War. In personal appearance Mr. Field was a French marquis, and no one could imagine that back of his suavi
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 21: Mr. Davis's first session in Congress. (search)
ded our federative creed, opposed to the idea of sectional conflict for private advantage, and favoring the wider expanse of our Union. If envy and jealousy and sectional strife are eating like rust into the bonds which our fathers expected to bind us, they come from causes which our Southern atmosphere has never furnished. As we have shared in the toils, so we have gloried in the triumphs of our country. In our hearts, as in our history, are mingled the names of Concord, and Camden, and Saratoga, and Lexington, and Plattsburg, and Chippewa, and Erie, and Moultrie, and New Orleans, and Yorktown, and Bunker Hill. Grouped together, they form a record of the triumphs of our cause, a monument of the common glory of our Union. What Southern man would wish it less by one of the Northern names of which it is composed? Or where is he who, gazing on the obelisk that rises from the ground made sacred by the blood of Warren, would feel his patriot's pride suppressed by local jealousy? Type
much distinction, tendered his services to the National Government, and the offer was accepted. Colonel De Courcy commanded a Turkish regiment during the Crimean War.--Louisville Journal, September 11. At Portland, Me., Cyrus F. Sargent and Octavius F. Hill, of Yarmouth, were arrested to-day by the United States Marshal, by order of the Secretary of War.--James Chapin, of Vicksburg, reported to be a captain in the rebel army, was arrested at the residence of his father-in-law, in Saratoga, N. Y., to-day, by U. S. Marshal Burt, of Albany, by virtue of a warrant of the Secretary of State.--At Boston, Mass., James Leguire, hailing from Halifax, N. C., was arrested on charges of conspiring against the Government. He was committed for trial at the U. S. District Court. Bail was refused. Leguire was bound for Memphis. A uniform was found in his trunk, and other suspicious circumstances led to the arrest.--N. Y. World, September 5. The schooner H. Middleton arrived at New Yor
as extended to the enemy, but henceforward it is presumed Capt. Berry will occasion little trouble or uneasiness.--N. Y. Herald, October 8. Fifty-seven released prisoners, taken at the battle of Bull Run, were returned to Fortress Monroe, from Richmond. They were released because their wants could not be supplied by the rebel Government. General Fremont, accompanied by General McKinstry, left Jefferson City for Sedalia, Mo., with the determination of following Gen. Price.--At Saratoga, N. Y., a large Union meeting was held, at which eloquent and stirring speeches were made by Lyman Tremaine, Benjamin Nott, and the Rev. A. D. Mayo, the Unitarian preacher. The gunboats Tyler and Lexington had an active engagement to-day, with the rebel shore batteries at Iron Banks, three miles above Columbus, Ky. The boats left Cairo, Ill., at nine o'clock, for down-river reconnaissance, and arriving at Lucas Bend, got sight of the rebel gunboat Jeff. Davis, which, on chase being given,
Virginia Convention, in session at Wheeling, was effected, and the work of forming a State Constitution was assigned to a committee. There appears to be no opposition to the idea of forming a new State. A gradual emancipation act will be passed by the convention. Henry R. Jackson was appointed a major-general, and Wm. H. T. Walker a brigadier-general in the Georgia army.--Richmond Dispatch, November 28. The Seventy-seventh regiment N. Y. S. V., the Bemis Heights battalion, left Saratoga for the seat of war.--N. Y. Herald, November 30. General McClellan issued orders from the Headquarters of the army of the Potomac, at Washington, D. C., directing the Sunday morning services to be commenced at eleven o'clock, and all officers and soldiers off duty, to attend divine service. The orders give the freedom of camps, quarters, and hospitals to chaplains, who are also released from attending reviews or inspections.--(Doc. 197.) The U. S. Government authorities assumed c
February 14. The Ninety-third regiment of New York Volunteers, (Morgan Rifles,) under the command of Colonel John T. Crocker, left Albany for the scene of active service. The regiment embraces three companies from Washington county, two from Warren, one from Essex, one from Saratoga, Fulton and Hamilton, one from Oneida and Albany, one from Alleghany, and one from Rensselaer. There are five full companies of sharpshooters, and a large proportion of the other companies are good shots. Colonel Crocker is a lawyer by profession, and a native of Cambridge, Washington county. He was for a long time Colonel of the Thirtieth regiment N. Y.S. M. In the British House of Lords, in reply to a question from the Earl of Stanhope concerning the stone blockade at Charleston, S. C., Earl Russell spoke as follows, declaring his approval of that measure: He said the government had no official information on this subject subsequent to that which had already been laid on the table of
Fail! by A. P. Mccombs. Fail! who dares to utter such a thought, With heritage so dearly bought; What! twenty millions freemen fail, Who do and dare, whose hearts ne'er quail, Whose cause is just and must prevail O'er every foe? Fail! with millions spent, with thousands slain, With all our tears, with all our pains, With all we've lost, with all we've won? By Fredericksburgh! by Donelson! By heaven, no! Fail! never while a Bunker Hill, Or Cowpens field is whispering still, Or Saratoga's frowning peak, Or Brandywine's red flowing creek, With Yorktown battlements still speak Of glorious deeds. We cannot drop a single star, While Italy looks to us afar, While Poland lives, while Ireland hopes, While Afric's son in slavery gropes, And silent pleads. Fail! never breathe such burning shame, Sell not your birthright or your name, He's sure a coward or a knave Who'd heap dishonor on the grave Of all the host of martyred brave, For liberty. What! twenty millions freemen fail, Whose
A battle poem. by Benj. F. Taylor. Break up camp, drowsy World! For the shrouds are unfurled, And the dead drummers beat the long roll through the morn, And the bugle-blown orders Invade the dumb borders Where the grave-digger dreamed he had laid them forlorn. From old Saratoga, From old Ticonderoga, From Bennington, Bunker, and Lexington Green, They have marched back sublime To the sentries of time, And have passed on triumphant, unchallenged between! I can hear the flint-locks,-- The old click of the clocks That timed Liberty's step to no pendulum swing! When the bullets all sped, Woman smilingly said, “Let us charm the dull weights till they fly and they sing!” Ah! those old blackened ladles Where Glory's own cradles! Rocked a red-coat to sleep with each birth from the mould, And the old fashioned-fire Blazed hotter and higher, Till it welded the New World and walled out the Old. By battalions they come, To the snarl of the drum! Bleeding feet that turn beautiful, printing