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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 3: a cavalry officer of the army of the United States. (search)
ort Monroe. The John Brown raid, as it was termed, was the natural outgrowth of the agitation by the abolitionists of the slavery question on the mind of a wild fanatic. The mad actor in the Harper's Ferry tragedy was born in the State of Kentucky, and for the greater part of fifty-nine years had been a monomaniac on the subject of freedom for the negro. His mind had become overexcited, and in his frenzy he had already performed deeds which placed him close to the dangling rope. At Springfield, Mass., where he once resided, he formed an order called the League of Gileadites, pledged to rescue fugitive slaves. To this order he delivered addresses in manuscript, saying in one of them: Stand by one another and by your friends while a drop of blood remains and by hanging, if you must. Nine years afterward in Virginia the rope was placed in uncomfortable proximity to his own neck. Kansas when a Territory, and an applicant for admission to the American Union, was made the abolitio
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xl. (search)
ho has never smelt salt water! Some of Mr. Lincoln's immediate neighbors were taken as completely by surprise as those in distant States. An old resident of Springfield told me that there lived within a block or two of his house, in that city, an Englishman, who of course still cherished to some extent the ideas and prejudices very few minutes after the final balloting, when Mr. Lincoln was nominated, it happened that a train of cars started upon the Central Railroad, passing through Springfield, and Mr. R. took passage in the same. Arriving at Springfield, he put up at a public house, and, loitering upon the front door-steps, had the curiosity to inquSpringfield, he put up at a public house, and, loitering upon the front door-steps, had the curiosity to inquire of the landlord where Mr. Lincoln lived. While giving the necessary directions, the landlord suddenly remarked, There is Mr. Lincoln now, coming down the sidewalk; that tall, crooked man, loosely walking this way. If you wish to see him, you will have an opportunity by putting yourself in his track. In a few moments the obj
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery., Fourth joint debate, at Charleston, September 18, 1858. (search)
ng that year, there was an understanding between the Democratic owners of Dred Scott and the Judges of the Supreme Court and other parties involved, that the case should be brought up. I then demanded to know who these Democratic owners of Dred Scott were. He could not or would not tell ; he did not know. In truth, there mere no Democratic owners of Dred Scott on the face of the land. Dred Scott was owned at that time by the Rev. Dr. Chaffee, an Abolition member of Congress from Springfield, Massachusetts, and his wife ; and Mr. Lincoln ought to have known that Dred Scott was so owned, for the reason that as soon as the decision was announced by the court, Dr. Chaffee and his wife executed a deed emancipating him, and put that deed on record. It was a matter of public record, therefore, that at the time the case was taken to the Supreme Court, Dred Scott was owned by an Abolition member of Congress, a friend of Lincoln's, and a leading man of his party, while the defense was conduc
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery., Sixth joint debate, at Quincy, October 13, 1858. (search)
e Court from the courts of Missouri at the time he charged that the Judges of the Supreme Court entered into the conspiracy, yet, that there was an understanding with the Democratic owners of Dred Scott that they would take it up. I have since asked him who the Democratic owners of Dred Scott were, but he could not tell, and why? Because there were no such Democratic owners in existence. Dred Scott at the time was owned by the Rev. Dr. Chaffee, an Abolition member of Congress, of Springfield, Massachusetts, in right of his wife. He was owned by one of Lincoln's friends, and not by Democrats at all; his case was conducted in court by Abolition lawyers, so that both the prosecution and the defense were in the hands of the Abolition political friends of Mr. Lincoln. Notwithstanding I thus proved by the record that his charge against the Supreme Court was false, instead of taking it back, he resorted to another false charge to sustain the infamy of it. He also charged President Buchana
Colonel Allen of the First Regiment N. Y. S. V., was arrested at Fortress Monroe for court martial, by order of General Butler.--The Eleventh Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, under the command of Colonel George Clark, Jr., left Boston for the seat of war. The regiment, previous to their starting, were encamped at Camp Cameron. They were enlisted in April last, and sworn into the United States service about three weeks ago. They number 950 men, and are all armed with new smooth-bore Springfield muskets. In point of equipage, no regiment, perhaps, has exceeded the Eleventh. Their camping arrangements are complete, and they will enter upon their duties with no less than twenty-five baggage wagons, and eighty horses. So complete, indeed, are their arrangements that they will be dependent on the Government for nothing except food and ammunition.--N. Y. News, June 30. The steamer St. Nicholas was captured in the Potomac River, by a party of secessionists. The steamer left Ba
rs, and has served faithfully in its ranks as Lieutenant, Captain, Major, and Lieutenant-Colonel down to the present day.--N. Y. Tribune, August 11. General Lyon learned that the rebels, 22,000 in number, under Ben. McCulloch, were on Wilson's Creek, nine miles from Springfield, Mo., and moved against them with his whole force, only 5,200. The force was disposed in two columns. One under Col. Siegel with his own regiment, and that of Col. Salomon's, and six guns, moved 15 miles in a southerly direction to turn the enemy's right flank, and the other under Gen. Lyon moved forward to attack in front. Lyon's column consisted of the Missouri First, Iowa First, Kansas First and Second, part of the Missouri Second, a detachment from Col. Wyman's Illinois Regiment, all volunteers; eight hundred regulars, and two batteries of 4 and 6 guns respectively. There were also four mounted companies of Home Guards. Both columns left Springfield at about 8 P. M.--St. Louis Democrat, August 12.
otomac, issued an order directing that the day should be celebrated in the army by firing a National salute at noon at the headquarters of each army corps; and that immediately thereafter the bands were to play appropriate National airs.--In the afternoon Gen. McClellan paraded the troops, and made them a few hopeful and encouraging remarks, thanking the men in feeling terms for their uniform bravery, fortitude, and good conduct. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of Springfield, Mass., was held for the purpose of devising means to meet President Lincoln's call for more troops. Patriotic resolutions were unanimously passed, and speeches were made by Mayor Bemis, George Ashmun, Gen. Devens, M. K. Kum of Missouri, George Walker, Judge Chapman, and others. The bombardment of the rebel fortifications at Vicksburgh, by the Union mortar-fleet, was continued during the whole of this day, ceasing at ten o'clock at night.--At Port Royal Ferry, S. C., a skirmish took pla
at Lebanon, Ky., between a small body of Union troops, under the command of Colonel Johnson, and a force of rebel cavalry under John Morgan, resulting in the defeat of the Unionists and the capture of the town by the rebels.--(Doc. 87.) Large and enthusiastic meetings, for the purpose of promoting enlistments into the army under the call of President Lincoln for three hundred thousand additional troops, were this day held at Boston, Cambridge, Roxbury, Brookline, Somerville, Malden, Springfield, and West-Cambridge, Mass., and at Portland, Maine. Speeches by distinguished and prominent citizens were made in each place. In several of the towns large sums of money were collected for the purpose of paying extra bounties to the volunteers. President Lincoln received the Senators and Representatives of the slaveholding Border States at the Presidential mansion, and addressed them on the subject of emancipation. General Smith, of the rebel army, issued an address to the for
e of Union cavalry under the command of Major B. F. Lazear, and a body of rebel guerrilla cavalry, numbering four hundred and fifty men, under Boone, resultingin a complete rout of the latter, with considerable loss. The Twenty-fourth Texas Rangers to-day captured a train of thirty wagons, of the Fifth and Ninth Illinois cavalry, near Helena, Ark., and took several prisoners.--The Fourteenth regiment of Vermont volunteers, under the command of Colonel W. S. Nichols, passed through Springfield, Mass., en route for the seat of war.--Springfield Republican. A skirmish took place between the Union and rebel pickets in the vicinity of Nashville, Tenn., terminating in a retreat of the Unionists to their intrenchments at Nashville, with some loss.--The British brig Robert Bruce, of Bristol, England, Captain Muir, was this day captured off Shallotte Inlet, N. C., by the United States gunboat Penobscot, while attempting to run the blockade.--Two squadrons of the Fourth Pennsylvania ca
rate forces into Kentucky, has resulted in a miserable failure. --Columbia Sun. A fight occurred at a bridge near Shelby Depot, Tenn., between a reconnoitring force of Union troops under the command of Colonel Stuart, Fifty-fifth Illinois, and a body of guerrillas, who had set fire to the bridge, resulting in a rout of the rebels, with a loss of eight or ten of their number killed.--The Fifteenth regiment of Vermont volunteers, commanded by Colonel Redfield Proctor, passed through Springfield, Mass., on the way to the scene of war.--Springfield Republican. A force of five hundred Union cavalry, under the command of Colonel Edward McCook, left Crab Orchard, Kentucky, this morning, and proceeded toward Point Lick and Big Hill, where they encountered several bands of Morgan's guerrillas and Scott's rebel cavalry, killing four or five of them and capturing their telegraph operator, with his apparatus; also, thirty-three wagons, partly loaded. Thence the Union forces proceeded to