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the improvement of the Sangamon River, the location of the State capital at Springfield, a United States bank, a better road law, and amendments to the estray laws.the State capital had also been submitted to popular vote at this election. Springfield, being much nearer the geographical center of the State, was anxious to depra month the returns from all parts of the State had come in, and showed that Springfield was third in the race. It must be frankly admitted that Lincoln's succesln relates: Major John T. Stuart, then in full practice of the law [at Springfield], was also elected. During the canvass, in a private conversation he encour autumn of 1836 he obtained a law license, and on April 15, 1837, removed to Springfield and commenced the practice, his old friend Stuart taking him into partnershiecial service to his constituents. It is conceded that the one object which Springfield and the most of Sangamon County had at heart was the removal of the capital
edge Mary Owens Lincoln's removal from New Salem to Springfield and his entrance into a law partnership with Major John f government was definitely transferred from Vandalia to Springfield, and there soon gathered at the new State capital a grou the transition less abrupt than would at first appear. Springfield, notwithstanding its greater population and prospective ndalia, he and Lincoln returned together at its close to Springfield by the usual mode of horseback travel. At one of their 1836, and in the following April Mr. Lincoln removed to Springfield. Before this occurred, however, he was surprised to leand in the following April took up his permanent abode in Springfield. Such a separation was not favorable to rapid courtshipen thinking of what we said about your coming to live at Springfield. I am afraid you would not be satisfied. There is a grinois. Mrs. Able visited Kentucky, and he said to her in Springfield, Tell your sister that I think she was a great fool beca
Chapter 5. Springfield society Miss Mary Todd Lincoln's engagement his deep despondenatches. The meetings of the legislature at Springfield then first brought together that splendid ge heroes lent the little social reunions of Springfield a zest and exaltation never found-perhaps i delivered before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield an able address upon The perpetuation of oud to marry her. Much to the surprise of Springfield society, however, the courtship took a suddime auditor of Illinois, with his office at Springfield. Shields was an Irishman by birth, and, fo as a basis of argument, a couple of clever Springfield society girls wrote and printed in the Sang in the shedding of much ink and furnishing Springfield with topics of lively conversation for a mo 15, 1871; and the mother, Mary Lincoln, in Springfield, July 16, 1882. Robert, who filled the n of the many talented young politicians of Springfield, but this same condition also increased com[2 more...]
o have selected and pitted these two champions against each other. Therefore, when the Illinois State convention on June 16, 1858, passed by acclamation a separate resolution, That Abraham Lincoln is the first and only choice of the Republicans of Illinois for the United States Senate as the successor of Stephen A. Douglas, it only recorded the well-known judgment of the party. After its routine work was finished, the convention adjourned to meet again in the hall of the State House at Springfield at eight o'clock in the evening. At that hour Mr. Lincoln appeared before the assembled delegates and delivered a carefully studied speech, which has become historic. After a few opening sentences, he uttered the following significant prediction: A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall-but I do expect it will cease to be
was only when, on the night of November 6, he sat in the telegraph office at Springfield, from which all but himself and the operators were excluded, and read the teed the Attorney-Generalship on December 15, while making a personal visit to Springfield. Word had been meanwhile sent to Smith that he would probably be included. ich; and on the same day, in an interview with Chase, whom he had invited to Springfield, said to him: I have done with you what I would not perhaps have venturere occupied by his brother-in-law, on the south side of the public square in Springfield, where he could think and write in undisturbed privacy. When, after abundans were again immediately distributed. The alert newspaper correspondents in Springfield, who saw Mr. Lincoln every day as usual, did not obtain the slightest hint oll. It was the beginning of a memorable journey. On the whole route from Springfield to Washington, at almost every station, even the smallest, was gathered a cr
ruits to Major Anderson. Battery building was continued with uninterrupted energy until a triangle of siege works was established on the projecting points of neighboring islands, mounting a total of thirty guns and seventeen mortars, manned and supported by a volunteer force of from four to six thousand men. Military preparation, though not on so extensive or definite a scale, was also carried on in the other revolted States; and while Mr. Lincoln was making his memorable journey from Springfield to Washington, telegrams were printed in the newspapers, from day to day, showing that their delegates had met at Montgomery, Alabama, formed a provisional congress, and adopted a constitution and government under the title of The Confederate States of America, of which they elected Jefferson Davis of Mississippi President, and Alexander H. Stephens of Georgia Vice-President. It needs to be constantly borne in mind that the beginning of this vast movement was not a spontaneous revolu
ged to active war. The rebels gained possession of Charleston harbor; but their mode of obtaining it awakened the patriotism of the American people to a stern determination that the insult to the national authority and flag should be redressed, and the unrighteous experiment of a rival government founded on slavery as its corner-stone should never succeed. Under the conflict thus begun the long-tolerated barbarous institution itself was destined ignobly to perish. On his journey from Springfield to Washington Mr. Lincoln had said that, devoted as he was to peace, he might find it necessary to put the foot down firmly. That time had now come. On the morning of April 15, 1861, the leading newspapers of the country printed the President's proclamation reciting that, whereas the laws of the United States were opposed and the execution thereof obstructed in the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, by combinations too powerful to be
ed Cairo, a yet more important point needed his attention and help. Lyon, who had followed Governor Jackson and General Price in their flight from Boonville to Springfield in southern Missouri, found his forces diminished beyond his expectation by the expiration of the term of service of his three months regiments, and began to bd the Indian Territory, whence they had come. But General Price, with his Missouri contingent, gradually increased his followers, and as the Union retreat from Springfield to Rolla left the way open, began a northward march through the western part of the State to attack Colonel Mulligan, who, with about twenty-eight hundred Federlet the inclosure addressed to General Hunter be delivered to him. The order of removal was delivered to Fremont on November 2. By that date he had reached Springfield, but had won no victory, fought no battle, and was not in the presence of the enemy. Two of his divisions were not yet even with him. Still laboring under the
e army and was engaged with his father in a leather store at Galena, Illinois, when the Civil War broke out. Employed by the governor of Illinois a few weeks at Springfield to assist in organizing militia regiments under the President's first call, Grant wrote a letter to the War Department at Washington tendering his services, andnd at the railroad terminus at Rolla, Missouri, under command of Brigadier-General Curtis, for the purpose of scattering the rebel forces under General Price at Springfield, or driving them out of the State. Despite the hard winter weather, Halleck urged on the movement with almost peremptory orders, and Curtis executed the intentions of his chief with such alacrity that Price was forced into a rapid and damaging retreat from Springfield toward Arkansas. While forcing this enterprise in the southwest, Halleck had also determined on an important campaign in southeast Missouri. Next to Columbus, which the enemy evacuated on March 2, the strongest Confede
depth of emotion it brought to life. Some of the guard of honor have said that it was at this point they began to appreciate the place which Lincoln was to hold in history. The last stage of this extraordinary progress was completed, and Springfield reached at nine o'clock on the morning of May 3. Nothing had been done or thought of for two weeks in Springfield but the preparations for this day, and they had been made with a thoroughness which surprised the visitors from the East. The bSpringfield but the preparations for this day, and they had been made with a thoroughness which surprised the visitors from the East. The body lay in state in the Capitol, which was richly draped from roof to basement in black velvet and silver fringe. Within it was a bower of bloom and fragrance. For twenty-four hours an unbroken stream of people passed through, bidding their friend and neighbor welcome home and farewell; and at ten o'clock on May 4, the coffin lid was closed, and a vast procession moved out to Oak Ridge, where the town had set apart a lovely spot for his grave, and where the dead President was committed to the