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George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 3: through Harper's Ferry to Winchester—The Valley of the Shenandoah. (search)
of the 25th, ordered me to report to him at Strasburg. It was apparent the fight with Jackson wasime the remainder of Jackson's corps was at Strasburg, Fulkerson's brigade having marched from Wooo, at daylight, Jackson pressed forward from Strasburg. At one P. M. his whole force reached the vfrom the crest. The ridge commands both the Strasburg road, from Kernstown to Winclester, and the It was part of his feint to move forward to Strasburg on the nineteenth of March, and retreat rapi, and no more. If Shields had remained at Strasburg, the history of Banks's retreat would never r, Jackson, on March 12, fell slowly back to Strasburg, eighteen miles, in two days, remaining ther, twentyfour miles, his adversary halting at Strasburg. I received these reports on the 19th, and the valley pike all night, pushed on through Strasburg, Battle-fields of the South, vol. i., Asmy tired troops laid down their knapsacks in Strasburg. The effect of our victory we perceived in [7 more...]
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 4: the Valley of the Shenandoah (continued)—Return to Strasburg. (search)
rmy. At Charlestown, at Winchester, and at Strasburg, we had heard extravagant stories of the gre Jackson, p. 126. Though the valley from Strasburg had at every step developed new beauties, ths in the same state of excitement as when at Strasburg was apparent from a despatch received from there while awaiting the order to return to Strasburg. The official report of the evacuation byat to us had fallen only the task of holding Strasburg for the protection of the valley. On the teenth of May Williams's division re-entered Strasburg. The roads, the bridges, the scenes, and thBy orders from Washington we were to fortify Strasburg; Why the Government should have treated Front Royal as an outpost and Strasburg as the main place to be defended it is impossible to explainthe service required thewriters to remain at Strasburg (within the valley). Major Scott, of Col supplies. The amount of public property at Strasburg was enormous. Since we had first passed th[3 more...]
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 5: return to Strasburg (continued)—Banks's flight to WinchesterBattle of Winchester. (search)
of the Second Massachusetts. of infantry at Strasburg, commanded by Brigadier-General A. S. Williants to the enemy. In less than two hours Strasburg was aroused. On the road towards Front Roya bridge had been attacked. Six miles from Strasburg is Buckton Station. When Jackson's infantryhat more were threatening; that to remain at Strasburg was to be surrounded, and that to attack thetened teamsters came thundering back towards Strasburg, urging their mules at a gallop,--some as ifgot, too, that note, that we would remain at Strasburg. The head of the column now moved forwarpetually lengthening, as wagons emerged from Strasburg to fill the spaces of the still extending liith a still larger body, turned back towards Strasburg with his six pieces of artillery. With thisted efforts to join the column, fell back to Strasburg. The whole command under General Hatch at disaster, the crime of our wretched halt at Strasburg during the preceding night. It was this Gen[49 more...]
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 6: battle of Winchester (continued)—Federal retreat across the Potomac to Williamsport. (search)
southwesterly, parallel to the pike road to Strasburg, is towards the south broken up into a succepartment, sent the day before, and return to Strasburg. Such a telegram was in the hands of the ing of the preceding day, the 24th, while at Strasburg, he knew all about the extraordinary force oo the War Department that he would return to Strasburg the next day. Alas for history when made was not until the scenes of that march from Strasburg had been carefully reviewed; not until the tght of the 25th, my brigade had marched from Strasburg to Williamsport, a distance of fifty-four mipital at Winchester, and 64 not removed from Strasburg,--left there with two surgeons and attendan miles of wagons, taken by the enemy between Strasburg and Middletown. upon the road. Nearly all o theatrical company, whom I met in flight at Strasburg, which, so far as it goes, may correct the eSunday last, and throughout the retreat from Strasburg to this place. N. P. Banks, M. G. C. Jo[9 more...]
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Index (search)
ovements, 174. Enumeration of his forces at Strasburg, 183 (note). His fancied security at StrasbuStrasburg suddenly disturbed, 190,yet he makes no provision for safety, 191,--and meets General Gordon's ikson's approach, and begins his retreat from Strasburg, 201,--at which time he confesses he has mad Forms the rearguard in Banks's retreat from Strasburg, 201. Is met by Stonewall Jackson at Middlearville, 189. Is hindered in his advance on Strasburg by disobedience of his orders, 198. Hopes tof Banks's force before the latter can leave Strasburg, 208. Advances to Middletown, where he has His disappointment at not capturing Banks at Strasburg, 212. Delayed by the delinquency of Ashby'sl Jackson in regard to attacking Banks at Strasburg, 175, 181. Lee, Colonel, in command of thal to Banks, 172. Urges Banks to action, at Strasburg, without effect, 192. In battle of Ccdar Moed, and confined in Fort Lafayette, 99. Strasburg, Va., occupied and fortified by Banks's corps, [4 more...]