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Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) or search for Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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nrise of the 18th, when Harman impressed a Manassas Gap railroad train to take the lead toward Strasburg, followed by the other trains that had brought troops to the junction. The Ashbys and Funstenrmation of this movement reaching Washington. Before 10 a. m. of the 18th, the trains reached Strasburg and the infantry companies took up the line of march for Winchester. Imboden, with great diffwere destroyed. The machinery from the armory was sent forward, by wagons, from Winchester to Strasburg, and thence by the Manassas Gap railroad to Richmond. The Confederates evacuated Harper's Fhauling them with horses along the turnpike through Winchester to the Manassas Gap railroad at Strasburg. Jackson was also instructed to destroy all Baltimore & Ohio rolling stock that could not be greatly confused by Scott's unintelligible orders, directing movements to Alexandria by way of Strasburg, etc., but, stimulated by the arrival of reinforcements and the prospect of more, he issued or
ere strategic. It was, by public roads, about 20 miles from the Potomac, a distance over which the movements of the Federal army could be easily watched; and it covered the junction of the Orange & Alexandria railroad—which had connection at Gordonsville, by the Virginia Central, with Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy, and with Staunton, a great depot of supplies and the most important town in the Shenandoah valley—with the Manassas Gap railroad, which led from Manassas Junction to Strasburg in the lower valley of the Shenandoah, giving quick connection with the army there operating under Gen. J. E. Johnston. Excellent highways from Alexandria and Washington, and from other important points to the northwest and southwest, converged at Centreville, about 3 miles east of Bull run, offering great advantages for the concentration of the Federal army in the immediate front of this line; while roads diverging from the same village to the northwest, west and southwest, made it an
n, preferring fighting to retreating, skirmished with Banks' advance, offering him battle in front of Winchester, but when that was not accepted, reluctantly evacuating that historic town. Sending all his stores up the valley, he fell back to Strasburg, conforming his movements to those of Johnston, but, in the person of Ashby, his famous cavalry leader, constantly punishing every advance of his timid pursuer. Reaching the conclusion that he had started on the wrong road to Richmond, McClef these great tidal rivers, by the nearest roads, to Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy as well as of Virginia. The defenses of Washington were to be held by some 18,000 men; some 7,000 were to occupy Manassas, that the railway thence to Strasburg might be reopened, and 35,000 were to help Banks look after Jackson in the Valley. The force that had followed Gen. Ed Johnson as he fell back from Alleghany mountain, and that in the South branch of the Potomac valley were soon to be combined
n a fence comer. The next day he marched to Strasburg, 18 miles from Winchester, where he halted u's and Burks' from Mt. Jackson, all reaching Strasburg and encamping there that night. Ashby with elegraph at Buckton, between Front Royal and Strasburg, thus breaking communication between those pank and that the Federal infantry cut off at Strasburg had escaped Gordon fell back from Newtown atow in force at that town, within 12 miles of Strasburg by the direct road leading past the northernin the vicinity of Winchester, 20 miles from Strasburg; Winder's brigade had spent most of the dayput everything in motion from Winchester for Strasburg. The 2,300 Federal prisoners marched first,se, and the whole reached and passed through Strasburg late in the afternoon and the army bivouacke gladdened Jackson's men who were resting at Strasburg, and helped Winder's men in their early marcys. Friday morning Jackson was 50 miles from Strasburg, in front of Harper's Ferry; Fremont was at [42 more...]
00 men, including Gen. John Daniel Imboden's cavalry and McLaughlin's artillery company with eight guns. These met Sigel at New Market, on the 15th of May, and completely routed him, capturing six guns and nearly 900 prisoners. Breckinridge's infantry made a front attack, aided by the artillery, while Imboden fell on Sigel's flank. The mere boys from the institute fought like veterans in this, their first engagement. Halleck telegraphed to Grant, on the 17th: Sigel is in full retreat on Strasburg. He will do nothing but run. Never did anything else. The day before, Grant received the unwelcome news that the army of the James, under Gen. Ben Butler, from which he expected so much assistance, and which he was longing to join, had been successfully repulsed from a position it had gained. on the railroad between Richmond and Petersburg, and driven back into the angle between the James and the Appomattox, where, as Grant says in his official report, his army, therefore, though in a p
er's hill. On the 2d, the march was through Strasburg, Middletown and Newtown, to the Opequan at Bd the march was continued to the vicinity of Strasburg, the army encamping on Hupp's hill. McCaus of Buckton; the army remaining in camp near Strasburg, resting and cleaning up. Having sent hisision of the enemy's cavalry came on to near Strasburg. Early spent the 21st in his works on Fishein the lead, and reached Hupp's hill, beyond Strasburg, by 10 a. m. Concealing his infantry behind a mile or more, to between Tumbling run and Strasburg, to cover Rosser's movement, and reconnoissances were made in front of Strasburg, while General Gordon and Captain Hotchkiss of the engineers wurn his left flank. Kershaw was to march to Strasburg at a later hour, then by a country road to B followed by the artillery of the army, past Strasburg to Hupp's hill, and remain there and be readn on Hupp's and the adjoining hills, between Strasburg and Cedar creek, so slowly had he learned th[4 more...]