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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 244 2 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 223 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 214 4 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 179 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 154 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 148 20 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 114 0 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 109 27 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 94 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 80 8 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Letter from General J. E. Johnston. (search)
st of the year amounted to 10,200. General Lawton had about 3,500 men at Cold Harbor, but (he still says) brought 6,000 into the army, many being left behind in Jackson's march — as rapid as usual — and they unaccustomed to marching, having served only in garrison. General Ripley's troops are also omitted. He reported to the Adjutant-General of the army, the afternoon of May 31st, his arrival in Richmond with 5,000 men to join it. The author gives our loss at Seven Pines, on the Williamsburg road, at above 4,800. General Longstreet, in his official report dated June 11th, when, if ever, the number of killed and wounded must have been known, gives it roughly at 3,000. General D. H. Hill, whose division did all the fighting on that road from three o'clock (when it began) to six, and four-fifths of it from six to seven, when it ended, set his down at 2,500--leaving 500 for that of R. H. Anderson, who came into the first line at six, on the 31st, and Pickett's, and part (two regi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
nt for a very short time would have killed me or run me mad, and my captors had been humane enough to release me on my parole of honor not to serve again until exchanged, I am sure I would have thought my Government more barbarous than the enemy if it had required of me a violation of my parole and a return to duty without exchange; but I feel confident no such dishonor would ever have been required of me by that Government for I do know that the paroles of some of my own men, captured at Williamsburg on the 5th of May, 1862, more than two months before the cartel was adopted, and for special reasons paroled within a week of their capture, were respected, and they were regularly exchanged. Mr. Stanton, in issuing the order of the 3d of July, 1863, violated the laws of civilized warfare, and the statement contained therein that the Confederate Government ( the enemy ) had pursued the same course was a mere pretext to give color to his own unwarrantable act. But for that order all the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Letter from General Wilcox in reference to Seven Pines. (search)
blished by the Society. The last paragraph of the letter referred to our losses at Seven Pines, as follows: The author gives our loss at Seven Pines, on the Williamsburg road, at about 4,800. General Longstreet, in his official report, dated June 11th--when, if ever, the number of killed and wounded must have been known — givesly on the morning of the 31st of May, and soon extended to the left, covering Pryor's entire front. These brigades were in line on the left, parallel with the Williamsburg road and facing north, the right of Wilcox's brigade over a mile to the east of the captured works of the enemy, on the right of the road. These two brigades de about twelve o'clock, and one of his regiments (the Nineteenth Mississippi) that had joined Anderson before the firing ceased was thrown further east on the Williamsburg road three or four hundred yards, on picket, and occupied the most advanced point reached by our troops May 31st. The losses in Wilcox's and Pryor's brigades
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Strength of General Lee's army in the Seven days battles around Richmond. (search)
69,559 men and officers. This included not only all the commands which had been at the battles around Richmond, except Daniel's brigade of a little over 1,500 men, which had gone back, but also the brigade of Evans, which had arrived, and Drayton's if it had arrived, as well as the Forty-seventh and Forty-eighth Alabama regiments, which had arrived and been attached to Taliaferro's brigade; Robertson's cavalry brigade of three regiments, which had come from the Valley; all the wounded at Williamsburg, Seven Pines, in the Valley, and the Seven Days battles, who had returned to duty; convalescents returned from hospitals, and prisoners who may have been exchanged under the cartel then recently adopted. Add the effective force for duty the last of July to the killed, wounded, and missing in the battles, and we have an aggregate of 89,116. Certainly General Lee's army, at the beginning of the battles, could not have exceeded this number; and from the various sources mentioned it is very
, and in perfect order, we sallied forth towards Williamsburgh. The artillerists at Yorktown had applied slow iately took to the woods for safety, and reached Williamsburgh about noon. Expecting the enemy to pursue, our rch was resumed, and we halted in the streets of Williamsburgh, before Johnston's headquarters. The Warwick an so several brigades were countermarched through Williamsburgh, and took up positions in a strip, of wood on thalking-sticks and clubs, and made a rush towards Williamsburgh. While laughing and chatting round the camp-firut drums or bugles. Outposts in the woods below Williamsburgh were strengthened, and ordered to fall back in ply us,) many of our wounded were left behind in Williamsburgh, and scores of dead left unburied. This, of cou hours after we had left, that the enemy entered Williamsburgh in force. This affair was heralded by McClels, and scores of infantry. The morning after Williamsburgh, I, with others, was detailed to escort a batch
t discretion. Every inducement was held out by Johnston to draw the enemy from their works and woods into the open space before us, but his endeavors were unavailing. At length it became known to our commanders that McClellan designed moving his left and centre nearer to us, and it was determined to attack him before his heavy masses could be brought up in proper order. Several reconnoissances were made to test the truth of the information we had received, and it was also confirmed by the daily reports of our pickets. In due time all doubt was removed. General Casey drove in our pickets, and camped on the Williamsburgh road, within a mile of us; the left centre and centre of the enemy down the railway and Nine Mile Road were at the same time thrown forward, and every appearance indicated that they meant to precipitate an action. In this attitude of expectation I must leave the two armies for a short time, in order to follow the fortunes of Jackson in — the Shenandoah Valley
flank and turn the enemy's left, while Longstreet pushed our right down the Williamsburgh road, (two miles from Huger,) and Whiting advanced his division near, and d up with the infantry advance of Longstreet toiling through the mire on the Williamsburgh road. Regiments and brigades occupied woods on each side the road, ready f. Still the fight continued with great fury. In fact, the attack down the Williamsburgh road had been so vigorously pushed that we were far in advance of our generoubt he would have driven them on a line with Longstreet's advance down the Williamsburgh road. As it was, the latter officer, with Hill as coadjutor, had made a feadvance nearer Richmond. While this was progressing on Sunday, down the Williamsburgh road, the enemy endeavored to dislodge Whiting's advance, near the railroady whatever, and except for about half a mile square, in the vicinity of the Williamsburgh road, there was little to disturb the peace and quiet of our lines in the s
fore, with out uniform, or blazing stars on his shoulder-straps, or distinctive color. Alarms were frequent during the week, both night and day, and the Texans under Hood, down the railroad, and Wright's Louisianians and Georgians, down the Williamsburgh road, were continually popping at the enemy. These skirmishes were not of an important character, but since McClellan and the Northern press have manufactured out of them a brilliant victory, which they term Fair Oaks, it is necessary to givrom that State. He afterwards recruited a regiment fifteen hundred strong, called the First Palmetto sharpshooters. His conduct during the whole war in Virginia has marked him as a very superior officer. He greatly distinguished himself at Williamsburgh, (May, 1862,) and commanded a brigade at Seven pines, where his generalship was loudly praised even by Northern journals. He is comparatively young, and can do more with raw troops, or recruits, than any officer I have seen in the field, rap
for they were still in the enemy's lines, ,and at the most difficult stage of the journey. The main body followed a by-path through the woods, leading to the Williamsburgh road, but scouts were sent out ahead and on the flanks. Who goes there? and a shot was the almost instant challenge. Our scouts rapidly fell back to the maidily found themselves in the midst or us, and were secured. This occurred on several occasions, but, by good fortune and daring, the whole command reached the Williamsburgh road, and, utterly exhausted, halted on the outskirts of our lines, the enemy being within a mile, and in full force, in pursuit. Excitement had strung both mry officer he stood second to Ashby only in Virginia, and, from his thorough knowledge of the country, was of incalculable service on all occasions. It was at Williamsburgh I first saw him. Commanding the cavalry rear-guard on that occasion, he was obliged to fall back before superior numbers, and rode up to Johnston's headquarte
s movements from Gordonsville were rapid, and fully known to half the people of Richmond. On Wednesday, June, twenty-fifth, it was rumored that he had reached Hanover Court-House, fifteen miles to the right and rear of the enemy, and the general anxiety was oppressive. Rockets at night were continually ascending on our left, which Jackson answered, and his last orders were to move next day in the rear of Mechanicsville. Longstreet's and D. H. Hill's divisions suddenly marched from the Williamsburgh road on Wednesday, and bivouacked on the Mechanicsville road, Huger and others being left to hold the right against any attack. General Ambrose Hill's division was on the Meadow Bridge road, to the left of Longstreet, and General Branch's brigade occupied the extreme left on the Brook Church (or Hanover Court-House) road. On the north bank of the river, at Brook Church Bridge, the enemy had collected in force, to dispute the advance of Branch, but on learning that Jackson was in the