Browsing named entities in Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing). You can also browse the collection for Worcester (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Worcester (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Adams, John, 1735- (search)
Adams, John, 1735- Second President of the United States; from 1797 to 1801; Federalist; born in Braintree (near Quincy), Mass.. Oct. 30, 1735. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1755, and immediately afterwards taught school at Worcester, where he began the study of law. His father was in moderate circumstances — a selectman and a farmer. Beginning the profession of law in Braintree in 1758, he soon acquired a good practice; and, when he was twenty-nine years of age, he married Abigspondence were edited and published, in 10 octavo volumes, by his grandson, Charles Francis Adams. Though courteous in his manner usually, he was, at times, irritable and imperious. See cabinet, President's. While he was teaching school at Worcester, in 1755. he wrote a letter to Nathan Webb, in which he remarked: Mighty states and kingdoms are not exempted from change. ... Soon after the Reformation, a few people came over into this new world for conscience‘ sake. This apparently trivia
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bancroft, George, (search)
Bancroft, George, Historian; horn in Worcester, Mass., Oct. 3, 1800: son of Rev. Aaron Bancroft, a distinguished Unitarian clergyman and pioneer in liberal Christianity. He graduated at Harvard in 1817; studied at the German universities, and received, at Gottingen, the honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy when he was only twenty years of age. He resided some time in Berlin in the society of distinguished scholars, and on his return home, in 1822, he became a tutor of Greek in Harvard University. He published a volume of poems in 1823. and in 1824 a translation of Heeren's Politics of ancient Grecce. In 1823, in conjunction with J. G. Cogswell, he established the celebrated Round Hill School, at Northampton, Mass. While in the German universities, Mr. Bancroft studied with avidity whatever was taught in them, but made history a specialty. His chief tutors there were Heeren. Eichhorn, and Blumenbach. At Berlin he became intimate with Wilhelm von Humboldt and other eminent
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Census, United States (search)
30,39248,326 Newark, N. J.246,070181,83064,240 Jersey City, N. J.206,433163,00343,430 Louisville, Ky.204,731161,12943,602 Minneapolis, Minn.202,718164,73837,980 Providence, R. I.175,597132,14643,451 Indianapolis, Ind.169,164105,43663,728 Kansas City, Mo.163,752132,71631,036 St. Paul, Minn.163,065133,15629,909 Rochester, N. Y.162,608133,89628,712 Denver, Col.133,859106,71327,146 Toledo, O.131,82281,43450,388 Allegheny, Pa.129,896105,28724,609 Columbus, O.125,56088,15037,410 Worcester, Mass.118,42184,65533,766- Syracuse, N. Y.108,37488,14320,231 New Haven, Conn.108,02781,29826,729 Paterson, N. J.105,17178,34726,824 Fall River, Mass.104,86374,39830,465 St. Joseph, Mo.102,97952,32450,655 Omaha, Neb.102,555140,452*37,897 Los Angeles, Cal.102,47950,39552,084 Memphis, Tenn.102,32064,49537,825 Scranton, Pa.102,02675,21526,811 Lowell, Mass.94,96977,69617,273 Albany, N. Y.94,15194,923*772 Cambridge, Mass.91,88670,02821,858 Portland, Ore.90,42646,38544,041 Atlanta. Ga
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Davis, John, 1761-1847 (search)
the history of New England. In 1813 he made an address on the Landing of the Pilgrims before the Massachusetts Historical Society, over which he presided in 1818-43. His publications include an edition of Morton's New England Memorial, with many important notes; Eulogy on George Washington; and An attempt to explain the inscription on Dighton Rock. He died in Boston, Mass., Jan. 14, 1847. Statesman; born in Northboro, Mass., Jan. 13, 1787; graduated at Yale in 1812; admitted to the bar in 1815; member of Congress in 1824-34, during which time he opposed Henry Clay; and was elected to the United States Senate in 1835, and resigned in 1841 to become governor of Massachusetts. He was a strong antagonist of Jackson and Van Buren, and was re-elected to the United States Senate in 1845, but declined to serve. He protested strongly against the war with Mexico, and was in favor of the exclusion of slavery in the United States Territories. He died in Worcester, Mass. April 19, 1854.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Davis, John Chandler Bancroft, 1822- (search)
Davis, John Chandler Bancroft, 1822- statesman; born in Worcester, Mass., Dec. 29, 1822; graduated at Harvard in 1840; appointed secretary of the United States legation in London in 1849; and assistant Secretary of State in 1869, which post he resigned in 1871 to represent the United States at the Geneva court of arbitration on the Alabama claims. He was appointed United States minister to Germany in 1874, judge of the United States court of claims in 1878, and reporter of the United States Supreme Court in 1883. He is the author of The case of the United States laid before the tribunal of arbitration at Geneva; Treaties of the United States, with notes, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Devens, Charles, 1820- (search)
Devens, Charles, 1820- Jurist; born in Charlestown, Mass., April 4, 1820; graduated at Harvard University in 1838; studied at the Cambridge Law School, and practised the profession of law several years. In 1848 he was a State Senator, and from 1849 to 1853 was United States, marshal for Massachusetts. He was engaged in his profession at Worcester, Mass., when the Civil War began, and was one of the earliest Union volunteers, becoming major of a rifle battalion April 16, 1861, and colonel of the 15th Massachusetts Regiment in July following. Before the arrival of Colonel Baker, he commanded at Ball's Bluff (q. v.)and again after that officer's death. In April, 1862, he was made brigadier-general; served on the Peninsula; was wounded at Fair Oaks; was in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam; and commanded a division in the 11th Army Corps at. Chancellorsville. In the Richmond campaign of 1864-65 he was continually engaged, and in December, 1864, he was in temporary comman
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dexter, Samuel, 1761-1816 (search)
Dexter, Samuel, 1761-1816 Jurist; born in Boston, May 14, 1761; graduated at Harvard in 1781; studied law at Worcester, and became a State legislator, in which place he was distinguished for intellectual ability and oratory. President Adams appointed him, successively, Secretary of War (1800) and of the Treasury (1801), and for a while he had charge of the State Department. On the accession of Jefferson (1801) he resumed the practice of law. He declined foreign embassies offered by Adams and Madison. Mr. Dexter was a Federalist until the War of 1812, when, being in favor of that measure, he separated himself from his party. He was the first president of the first temperance society formed in Massachusetts. He died in Athens, N. Y., May 4, 1816.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dix, Dorothea Lynde, 1794-1887 (search)
Dix, Dorothea Lynde, 1794-1887 Philanthropist; born in Worcester, Mass., about 1794. After her father's death she supported herself by teaching a school for young girls in Boston. Becoming interested in the welfare of the convicts in the State prison at Charlestown, her philanthropic spirit expanded and embraced all of the unfortunate and suffering classes. Having inherited from a relative property sufficient to render her independent, she went to Europe for her health. Returning to Boston in 1837, she devoted her life to the investigation and alleviation of the condition of paupers, lunatics, and prisoners, encouraged by her friend and pastor, Dr. Channing. In this work she visited every State in the Union east of the Rocky Mountains, endeavoring to persuade legislatures to aid the unfortunate, and was instrumental in bringing about the foundation of several State asylums for the insane. At the breaking out of the Civil War she was appointed superintendent of hospital nurs
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gough, John Bartholomew 1817-1886 (search)
lost his place and soon drifted into the worst habits of dissipation. For several years he spent his time in drinking resorts, making his meagre living by singing and by his wonderful powers of comic delineation. In 1842 he went to work in Worcester, Mass., where he was soon looked upon as a hopeless drunkard. In October of that year a little kindness extended to him by a Quaker led him to a temperance meeting, where he signed a pledge which he faithfully kept for several months, when some old companions John B. Gough. led him astray. He soon, however, conquered his appetite, and a desire to give his life to the cause of temperance became irresistible. He left Worcester, and with a carpet-bag in hand travelled on foot through the New England States, lecturing wherever he could gain auditors. His intense earnestness and powers of expression and imitation enabled him to sway audiences in a manner attained by few speakers. For more than seventeen years he lectured on temperance
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Government, instrument of. (search)
re, 11; Bristol, 2; Taunton, 2; Bath, 1; Wells, 1; Bridgewater, 1; Southamptonshire, 8; Winchester, 1; Southampton, 1; Portsmouth, 1; Isle of Wight, 2: Andover, 1; Suffolk, 10; Ipswich, 2; Bury St. Edmunds, 2; Dunwich, 1; Sudbury, 1; Surrey, 6; Southwark, 2; Guildford, 1; Reigate, 1; Sussex, 9; Chichester, 1; Lewes, 1; East Grinstead, 1; Arundel, 1; Rye, 1; Westmoreland, 2; Warwickshire, 4; Coventry, 2; Warwick, 1; Wiltshire, 10; New Sarum, 2; Marlborough, 1; Devizes, 1; Worcestershire, 5; Worcester, 2. Yorkshire.—West Riding, 6; East Riding, 4; North Riding, 4; City of York, 2; Kingston-upon-Hull, 1; Beverley, 1; Scarborough, 1; Richmond, 1; Leeds, 1; Halifax, 1. Wales.—Anglesey, 2; Brecknockshire, 2; Cardiganshire, 2; Carmarthenshire, 2; Carnarvonshire, 2; Denbighshire, 2; Flintshire, 2; Glamorganshire, 2; Cardiff, 1; Merionethshire, 1; Montgomeryshire, 2; Pembrokeshire, 2; Haverfordwest, 1; Radnorshire, 2. The distribution of the persons to be chosen for Scotland and Irela