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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 31: the prison—discipline debates in Tremont Temple.—1846-1847. (search)
o appeared only once in the debate, urging fairness in the reports of the Society, and rebuking an anonymous newspaper attack on Sumner. Sumner, Howe, and Hillard were the subjects of coarse attacks in communications printed in the Boston Post, June 2, 4, 9, and 22. The first article was replied to by a writer in that journal, June 5. The Boston Advertiser, June 26 and 30, contained communications friendly to Dwight. On the other side there were several speakers,—Rev. George Allen, of Worcester, who consumed one hour in his first speech and two in another, comparing to some extent the two systems, but chiefly defending with friendly zeal Mr. Dwight; Bradford Sumner, a lawyer respectable in character, but moderate in professional attainments; J. Thomas Stevenson, who confessed that he knew nothing about prison discipline, and whose late participation in the debate was due only to his political antipathy to Sumner and Dr. Howe; and Francis C. Gray, 1796-1856. Mr. Gray was in his
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 32: the annexation of Texas.—the Mexican War.—Winthrop and Sumner.—1845-1847. (search)
me in substance as the committee's report, which sufficiently covered the ground. Child was a delegate from Lowell, to which city he had recently removed from Worcester to become the manager of some mills. While living at Worcester and representing that county in the State Senate he had taken very radical ground against the annWorcester and representing that county in the State Senate he had taken very radical ground against the annexation of Texas, maintaining that if Texas were annexed by legislation, it should be excluded by legislation. Judge Allen referred to this change of position as connected with a change of residence, and Child defended himself with considerable warmth. C. F. Adams, whose speech was heartily cheered, expressed his earnest desire boThe country is right on this subject; and Mr. Allen pointedly expressed the unhappy antagonism which now prevails, when he referred to the opposing influences of Worcester and Lowell.— the heart of the Commonwealth on one side, and the spindles on the other. Sumner found a difficulty at this time in getting access to the public
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 33: the national election of 1848.—the Free Soil Party.— 1848-1849. (search)
d to the nomination of Cass and Taylor to meet at Worcester, June 28, to take such steps as the occasion shalligs in Massachusetts have had our demonstration at Worcester, which was very effective. We have struck a chordRiver, Taunton, Lowell, Fitchburg, Dedham, Canton, Worcester, and Cambridge. and on October 31 at Faneuil Hall. party to the State. Mr. Lincoln spoke first at Worcester on the evening before the Whig State convention, aand E. R. Hoar. father and son. Charles Allen, of Worcester, by his personal influence and force of character vor touching their Anti-Taylor-and-Cass meeting in Worcester. Sept. 3. Sumner full of zeal for the BarnburnNovember 13. The passage of Sumner's speech at Worcester in June, in which he mentioned the secret influenc, but proceeded to assail Sumner for his speech at Worcester, in which he had brought into conjunction the lord The Free Soil State convention for 1849 met at Worcester September 12. The large body of delegates present
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 35: Massachusetts and the compromise.—Sumner chosen senator.—1850-1851. (search)
taint of radicalism in his character. It was not till 1850, in the heat of the Webster controversy, that he was subjected to social discrimination. Offence was then taken not only at his general course, but at a remark he made in a speech at Worcester, that there was not moral power enough in Boston to execute the laws of the Commonwealth when they conflicted with the interests of the slave-power. Adams's Biography of Dana, vol. i. pp. 187, 192. The two leading journals of the city shown and Webster's were in substantial identity. Emancipator and Republican, August 1 and 29. The Whigs outside of Boston made an effort to avoid the Compromise as an issue. The resolutions of their State convention, drawn by A. H. Bullock, of Worcester, abstained from approval and disapproval, though approving Fillmore's Administration; and their address, from the same hand, while delicately commenting on the Compromise, sought to pacify the public mind with the claim that the North had on t
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 36: first session in Congress.—welcome to Kossuth.—public lands in the West.—the Fugitive Slave Law.—1851-1852. (search)
in Cambridge, but afterwards removing to New York city. and Richard Hildreth the historian were at times contributors or editors; but after a temporary management by one or more of these gentlemen, it usually fell back into the editorial control of Elizur Wright, who was erratic and headstrong, and addicted to so many novelties and hobbies of his own as to exclude any considerate treatment of public questions or effective support of the Free Soil public men. J. D. Baldwin, afterwards of Worcester, succeeded to the management in January, 1853. During 1853 Dr. Howe contributed a considerable number of articles to the editorial columns. Meanwhile the Whig journals, which covered the State and most of New England with their daily issues, poured a volley of criticisms on Sumner whenever they could detect what they thought was a joint in his harness; declined to admit his speeches into their columns, although replying to them in still longer editorials; and were careful to exclude any
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 37: the national election of 1852.—the Massachusetts constitutional convention.—final defeat of the coalition.— 1852-1853. (search)
is given in the Reminiscences of the Rev. George Allen, pp. 99, 100, purporting to have been obtained by Mr. Allen from Mr. Giddings on the latter's visit to Worcester, Mass., at some time later than 1852. Conferences were probably held at Dr. Bailey's house; but Mr. Allen's report of what Sumner and others said is not authentic.osition to the Democratic candidates, and made his unheeded appeal to B. F. Butler, of New York. The Free Soilers of Massachusetts met July 6 in mass meeting at Worcester, where they announced adherence to their organization, and their opposition to candidates and parties bearing the badge of compromise. A letter from Sumner was Westfield, 28; Springfield, 29; Waltham, 31; Lynn, November 1; Taunton, 2; Nantucket, 3; New Bedford, 4; Fall River, 5; Lawrence, 7; South Danvers, 8; Lowell, 9; Worcester, 10; Marshfield, 11; Boston, 12. At Westfield he called at the State Normal School, which he had aided a few years before. Ante, vol. II. p. 327. Hitherto his
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 38: repeal of the Missouri Compromise.—reply to Butler and Mason.—the Republican Party.—address on Granville Sharp.—friendly correspondence.—1853-1854. (search)
s constituents after his return from Washington was at the Republican State convention held at Worcester, September 7. An account of the circumstances out of which the convention grew is given lat greet you. Works, vol. III. pp. 452-453. There was as expected an immense audience at Worcester, drawn there by the prodigious interest in Sumner, growing out of his recent conflicts in the papers, afford to ignore him. One of them hazarded the expense of hiring a special train from Worcester to Boston to run the distance of forty miles in an hour (unusual speed at that time), in order place in the leadership of a great movement. The result was that the mass convention held at Worcester July 20, and the nominating convention held there September 7, which Sumner addressed, were, tculiar direction which the politics of the State had taken, Sumner did not after his speech at Worcester make any political address during the recess of Congress; but his time was well occupied. He
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 39: the debate on Toucey's bill.—vindication of the antislavery enterprise.—first visit to the West.—defence of foreign-born citizens.—1854-1855. (search)
The public interest in the address was so keen that he repeated it in the same hall the next evening. Afterwards he delivered it during the same and the next month in several towns and cities of Massachusetts and New York. Woburn, Lowell, Worcester, New Bedford, Lynn, and other places in Massachusetts; also in Albany, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, and Auburn, For notices of the address and the reception it met, see Boston Telegraph, March 30, 1855, Atlas, March 30. At Auburn he was the guestriumph. Late in the canvass Sumner spoke at nine important places,— first at Fall River, where his audience was two thousand; the next evening at New Bedford; and November 2 at Faneuil Hall. Other places where he spoke were Springfield, Worcester, Fitchburg, Lynn, Lowell, and Salem. At Springfield The Boston Telegraph, October 29, gives extracts from newspapers showing Sumner's success at New Bedford, Springfield, and Worcester. The local paper at Lowell gave a similar description.
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 40: outrages in Kansas.—speech on Kansas.—the Brooks assault.—1855-1856. (search)
the plan of assisted emigration to the territory had taken form in Massachusetts; and at the instance of Eli Thayer, of Worcester, a charter was granted by the Legislature to a company to be organized for the purpose. Though it was not availed of aon that he should renew the conflict with slavery in the Senate as soon as he could return there. Wilson's speech at Worcester, June 4. Boston Telegraph, June 5. See Seward's Life, vol. II. p. 272. There was one man, at least, in Congress of mand said that now if he had live hundred votes, every one should be given to send him back again. Longfellow, Beck, and Worcester, scholars; Buckingham, the veteran editor; and R. H. Dana, Jr., equally distinguished at the bar and in literature. his eighty-fifth year, spoke or wrote with all the fire of youth. In like tone was heard the voice of Charles Allen at Worcester, and that of Oliver Wendell Holmes at a meeting of the Massachusetts Medical Society. In these meetings many who had k
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 43: return to the Senate.—the barbarism of slavery.—Popular welcomes.—Lincoln's election.—1859-1860. (search)
of New York. Seward promptly wrote from Auburn: Your speech in every part is noble and great. Even you never spoke so well. This and Sumner's later address at Worcester he called masterpieces. Descriptions of Sumner as an orator, stating his peculiarities, were given by Theodore Tilton in the New York Independent, July 19, anou will agree that the experiment has at last been most successfully made, and my cure completely established. Sumner spoke at the Republican State convention in Worcester, August 29. Works, vol. v. pp. 240-268. It was his first appearance in such a body since he was present at the same place six years before, as well as his fis, vol. v. p. 344. which, as it passed down Hancock Street, saluted them with repeated cheers. Later in the campaign he delivered in Fitchburg, and repeated in Worcester, a speech on the popular sovereignty dogma,—a doctrine which admitted the right of the settlers of a territory to establish slavery in it, and showed how such a