Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Index, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Troy, N. Y. (New York, United States) or search for Troy, N. Y. (New York, United States) in all documents.

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account of the burning of, Doc. 119 Gordon, Lieut., at Fairfax Court House, Va., D. 89 Gould, —, judge of Troy, N. Y., D. 27 Grace Church in N. Y., American flag raised on the spire of, P. 56; the flag on, a sign of the times, DoccClellan, the revenue cutter, surrendered, D. 16 Robins, Harry, the wife of, P. 148 Robinson, —, Judge, of Troy, N. Y., D. 27 Robinson, —, Judge, of Virginia, offers the command of the Southern army to Gen. Scott, P. 41 Robin R., Colonel, Doc. 134 Trinity Church, N. Y., American flag displayed from, D. 33 Tripp, —, Capt., D. 30 Troy, N. Y., Union meeting at, D. 27 Tucker, —, Attorney-Gen., D. 14 Tucker, St. George, of Va., his Dissertation on Sla D. 42 Woodward, S. H., Doc. 328 Wool, John E., Gen., his declaration in favor of Union, D. 8; Union speech at Troy, N. Y., D. 27; letters to a friend, Doc. 10; epigram on the letter of, P. 20 Worcester, Dr., of Salem, Mass., anecdo