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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. You can also browse the collection for Utica (New York, United States) or search for Utica (New York, United States) in all documents.

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Lundy's brief journal of this tour has been preserved; and, next to an entry running--On the 25th I arrived at Northampton, Mass., after 9 o'clock in the evening, and called at three taverns before I could get lodgings or polite treatment --we find the following: September 6th--At A<*>any, I made some acquaintances. Philanthrop sts are the slowest creatures breathing. They think forty times before they act. There is reason to fear that the little Quaker was a fanatic. Lockport, Utica, and Buffalo, reaching Baltimore late in October. Lundy made at least one other visit to Hayti, to colonize emancipated slaves; was beaten nearly to death in Baltimore by a slave-trader, on whose conduct he had commented in terms which seemed disrespectful to the profession; was flattered by the judge's assurance, when the trader came to be tried for the assault, that he [L.] had got nothing more than he deserved ; and he made two long journeys through Texas, to the Mexican departments ac
s, assailed a meeting of the Female Anti-Slavery Society, while its President was at prayer, and dispersed it. William Lloyd Garrison, having escaped, was found concealed in a cabinet-marker's shop, seized and dragged through the streets with a rope around his body, threatened with tar and feathers, but finally conducted to the Mayor, who lodged him in jail till the next day, to protect him from further violence. At the earnest request of the authorities, he left town for a time. At Utica, New York, the same day, a meeting, convened to form a State Anti-Slavery Society, was broken up by a most respectable Committee, appointed by a large meeting of citizens. The office of a Democratic journal that had spoken kindly of the Abolitionists was assailed and its press thrown down. The discipline proved effective. No Democratic journal issued in that city has since ventured to speak a word for Freedom or Humanity. The Abolitionists, at Gerrit Smith's invitation, adjourned to his home
t have led to disunion. They have a right to insist that there shall be conciliation, concession, compromise. While yet the pillars of our political temple he scattered on the ground, let them be used to reconstruct the edifice. The popular sentiment is daily gathering strength, and will overwhelm in its progress alike those who seek to stem it on the frail plank of party platforms and those who labor to pervert it to mere party advantage. [Cheers.] The venerable Alex. B. Johnson, of Utica, followed, in an address which lauded the good understanding which had always existed between the Democratic party and the South; which he attributed to a mutual dread of the undue extension and aggrandizement of Federal power. He said: To a superficial observer, our difficulties consist of revolutionary movements in the Southern States; but these movements are only symptoms of a disorder, not the disorder itself; and, before we can treat the disorder understandingly, with a view to its
ction and wholesale slaughter of the whites will alone satisfy the murderous designs of the Abolitionists. The Administration, egged on by the halloo of the Black Republican journals of this city, has sent its mercenary forces to pick a quarrel and initiate the work of desolation and ruin. A call is made for an army of volunteers, under the pretense that an invasion is apprehended of the Federal capital; and the next step will be to summon the slave population to revolt and massacre. The Utica [N. Y.] Observer more pointedly said: Of all the wars which have disgraced the human race, it has been reserved for our own enlightened nation to be involved in the most useless and foolish one. What advantage can possibly accrue to any one from this war, however prolonged it might be? Does any suppose that millions of free white Americans in the Southern States, who will soon be arrayed against us, can be conquered by any efforts which can be brought against them? Brave men, fighting
blockades the Nashville, 603. Tyler, Col., routed in West Virginia, 525. Tyler, Gen., at Bull Run, 539; 541-2. Tyler, John, sketch of his political life. 154 to 156; 169; 174; 185; Chairman of the Peace Conference, 397; 402. Twiggs, Gen., surrenders in Texas, 413; 442. U. Union humane Society, the, 112. Unitarians, the, and Slavery, 121. United States Telegraph, The, 143. Universalists, the, and Slavery, 121. Upton, Mr., of Va., in XXXVIIth Congress, 559. Utica, N. Y., Abolitionists dispersed at, 127. Utica Observer, The, on the President's call, 455-6. V. Vallandigham, C. L., of Ohio, catechises old Brown, 293; his opinion of Brown, 294; his Peace proposition, 384-5; remarks at the Extra Session, censuring the Administration, 561; moves provisos to thee Army Appropriation bill, etc., 561 ; 562; 615; 629. Van Buren, John, on Fugitive Slave Act, 213. Van Buren, Martin, influences causing his defeat in the Baltimore Convention of 1844, 69: