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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 18: capture of Fort Fisher, Wilmington, and Goldsboroa.--Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--Stoneman's last raid. (search)
miles, Major E. C. Moderwell, of Palmer's brigade (from whom the author received a very interesting account of this raid), after describing the manner of destroying railroad tracks, similar to that mentioned in note 2, page 892, says, A regiment of men could destroy from three to five miles an hour. and then returned to Jacksonville. Having performed his prescribed duty, General Stoneman turned his face southward, and, on the 9th of April, struck the North Carolina railroad between Danville and Greensboroa. At Germantown several hundred negroes, who had joined the column, were sent back into East Tennessee. At the same time Colonel Palmer was sent to destroy the railroad between Salisbury and Greensboroa, and the factories at Salem, in North Carolina; while the main column moved on Salisbury, forcing the Yadkin at Huntsville, April 11. and skirmishing near there. Palmer performed his duty well, and near Deep River Bridge, he captured a South Carolina regiment of four hundr
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 20: Peace conference at Hampton Roads.--the campaign against Richmond. (search)
te Petersburg; also, to insure the success of the cavalry of Sheridan in efforts to reach and destroy the South side and Danville railroads, now Lee's only avenues of supply. The right of Lee's intrenched line, which ran southwest-ward from Petersbum the rest of the Army on the morning of the 30th, for the purpose of making the contemplated raid on the South side and Danville railways; but Grant changed his plan. He said in substance, in a note to Sheridan, I want to end the matter, if it is phich she could not conveniently carry with her, excepting the furniture of the House, and had gone, five days before, to Danville, in North Carolina, to await the coming of her husband. the open disloyalists literally ran to and fro, and were at theiof the Louisiana banks, that had been sent to Richmond for safety, and that of the, Richmond banks, was sent away by the Danville road Early in the day. with the darkness came greater confusion, alarm, and dread; and then, when it was too late, th
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 21: closing events of the War.--assassination of the President. (search)
ty. The fugitive Government had then reached Danville with its archives and gold, whither Lee hopedd quartermasters' stores to be forwarded from Danville to Amelia Court-House. They were promptly seor supplies; and instead of pushing on toward Danville, and eluding the Union army pressing on to inernoon of the 4th April, 1865. he struck the Danville road at Jetersville, seven miles southwest ofimportant avenue of supply from Lynchburg and Danville was now cut off, and he was compelled to choosurrender. Davis, his colleague, was then at Danville, trying to reorganize the Government; and theCourt-House, to oppose the retreat, of Lee on Danville, and a third division, under Crook, was sent Jefferson Davis and his cabinet were then at Danville, where they had been playing Government for fage the new capital of the Confederacy. At Danville, on the 5th of April, Davis issued a Proclamahave observed, with the Government, fled from Danville on hearing of the surrender of Lee. They jour[1 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 22: prisoners.-benevolent operations during the War.--readjustment of National affairs.--conclusion. (search)
the damnable plans of the rebel Government, in relation to our poor captured soldiers, had not been fully carried out. For obvious reasons, the revolting details of the cruelties practiced upon the Union prisoners at Richmond, Andersonville, Danville, Salisbury, Millen, Charleston, and other places, and the results of those cruelties, are not put upon record here. General statements are considered quite sufficient for the purpose already avowed; and the reader may consult, for a knowledge olprit guard said he had made a bet that he would kill a damned Yankee, before he came off duty. No official notice was taken of the occurrence, and the fellow tried to murder another officer (Lieutenant Huggins) in the same way, but failed. At Danville, a prisoner was standing at a window, but in such a position that only his shadow could have given the guard knowledge of the fact. The sentinel went many feet from the line of his beat, and shot at and killed the captive, the bullet entering h
esident of the Confederacy, 1.252; inauguration of, 1.257; his cabinet, 1.258; sketch of, 1.259; character of contrasted with that of Lincoln, 1.275; leaves Montgomery for Richmond, 1.547; remarkable speech of at Richmond, 1.548; caprice and obstinacy of, 2.21; his message to the first Congress at Richmond, 2.32; his reorganized cabinet, 2.34; elected President of the Confederacy for six years, 2.567; his cabinet, 2.567; on the fall of Atlanta and Confederate finances, 3.454; flight of from Danville, 3.576; capture and imprisonment of, 3.578. Davis, John, heroism displayed by on board the Valley City, 2.175. Decatur, siege of by Hood, 3.417. Declaration of Independence of South Carolina, 1.111. Deep Bottom, lodgment effected at by Gen. Foster, 3.340; movement from against Richmond, 3.351, 353. Defenders of Fort Sumter, names of (note), 1.329. Delaware, loyal sentiment of the people of, 1.198. Devens, Gen., at the battle of Chancellorsville, 3.29. Dinwiddie Court