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bering about six thousand men, was sent west to cut the Weldon, Southside, and Danville railroads, which connected our army with the south and west. This raid resultapply to the then existing condition of affairs. The program was to retire to Danville, at which place supplies should be collected and a junction made with the troopurpose being, as previously agreed on in conference with me, to march to Danville, Virginia. By a reference to the map it will be seen that General Grant, starting from the south side of the Appomattox, had a shorter line to Danville than that which General Lee must necessarily follow, and, if Grant directed his march so as to put his forces between Danville and those of Lee, it was quite possible for him to effect it. This was done, and thus Lee was prevented from carrying out his original toward Lynchburg. The enemy, having first placed himself across the route to Danville, at Jetersville, subsequently took up the line of Lee's retreat. His large fo
proceed, and thus to transport his sailors to Danville, the best mode known to him to execute the or meat; at Danville, 500,000 rations bread; at Danville, 1,500,000 rations meat; at Lynchburg, 180,00es were found at Pamphlin's Depot, Farmville, Danville, Salisbury, and Charlotte. Major B. P. Nolaned for the Government. . . . The Richmond and Danville and Piedmont Railroads were kept open, and ab from Petersburg, I left Richmond and reached Danville the next morning. Neither the president ofis now dismissed. Though the occupation of Danville was not expected to be permanent, immediatelyd to evacuate Petersburg, he would proceed to Danville, make a new defensive line of the Dan and Roath, the son of General Henry A. Wise, came to Danville and told me that, learning Lee's army was to ving toward the south around the west side of Danville, and we removed thence to Greensboro, passingt. I had telegraphed to General Johnston from Danville the report that Lee had surrendered; on arriv[4 more...]
Johnston statements of General Johnston his surrender my movements South order of General E. K. Smith to his soldiers surrender number paroled I overtake my family my capture taken to Hampton roads, and imprisoned in Fortress Monroe. The invitation to General Johnston for a conference, noticed in a previous chapter, was as follows: Greensboro, North Carolina, April 11, 1865—12 M. General J. E. Johnston, headquarters, via Raleigh: The Secretary of War did not join me at Danville. Is expected here this afternoon. As your situation may render best, I will go to your headquarters immediately after the arrival of the Secretary of War, or you can come here; in the former case our conference must be without the presence of General Beauregard. I have no official report from General Lee. The Secretary of War may be able to add to information heretofore communicated. The important question first to be solved is, At what point shall concentration be made, in view of
ered for capture, 418. Case of Major Wirz, 418-20. Charge brought by bureau of military justice, 420. Aggressive movement in Tennessee urged on J. E. Johnston, 461-62. Proclamation granting letters of marque and reprisal, 494. Message to Lincoln concerning treatment of prisoners, 494-95. Letters concerning treatment of prisoners and non-combatants, 501-03. Blair's attempts to negotiate peace, 517. Withdrawal of Confederate government from Richmond, 566-68. Proclamation to people of Danville, 574. Establishment of Confederate government at Greensboro, 575. Conference in Greensboro with generals, 576-79. Remark of Sherman to J. E. Johnston, 582. Statements of J. E. Johnston, 585-86. Journey South from Charlotte, 585, 588-91, 593-94. Capture and imprisonment, 594-97. Objects of book, 645. Mrs. Jefferson, 419. Davis Guards, 199. Dayton, —, 320. Deagan, Hugh, 201. Deane, Silas, 229. Deerhound (yacht), 216. Delaney, Michael, 201. Dibrell, General, 466. Dix, Genera