Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Danville (Virginia, United States) or search for Danville (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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t to prevent reinforcements being sent to Wilmington, when Weitzel's expedition should start. It was at this time reported that Lee's cavalry had been sent to Georgia, to aid in the resistance against Sherman, and on the 30th of November, Grant said to Meade: Try to ascertain how much force Hampton has taken from here with him. He has gone himself, beyond doubt. Then with his usual policy, he continued: If the enemy has reduced his cavalry much, we must endeavor to make a raid upon the Danville road. Bragg has taken most of the troops from Wilmington to Georgia, which will aid an expedition I have ordered to cut the Weldon road south of the Roanoke. At the same time, as Hampton had been sent to Georgia, and Lee's infantry would be occupied in watching Meade's movement southward, Grant reverted to his constant idea of destroying the connection between Richmond and the Shenandoah Valley. On the 4th of December, he telegraphed to Sheridan: Do you think it possible now to send caval
and material were to be transported, but what was not indispensably requisite might be sent to Danville, or points on the Danville railroad. It was to this region, it will be remembered, that Grant On this day also he said to the same commander: Fitz Lee's cavalry has been ordered on to the Danville road. Private stores, tobacco, cotton, etc., had been turned over to the provost marshal, to bvidently both Grant and Lee knew the importance to the rebels not only of Lynchburg, but of the Danville road. Both commanders made their plans with a view to holding the railway and the town. Bue can, and destroy it so that it can not be repaired for three or four days, and push on to the Danville road as near to the Appomattox as he can get. Then I want him to destroy the road towards Burks sent to Lynchburg, showing a disposition to go there. Points, too, have been fortified on the Danville road. Lee's army is much demoralized, and his men are deserting in great numbers. Probably fr
rd, and Sheridan for the 30th of March, precisely similar in character to those of Lee, show, in the Present for duty, equipped. Army of the Potomac69, 751 Army of the James27,701 Army of Sheridan13,595 —— Total111,047 See Appendix for the returns of rebel and national commands, complete. After the long campaign through the Carolinas, Sherman could not be ready to move again until the 10th of April, but on that day he was to start for the Roanoke river, and thence either strike the Danville road or join the forces operating against Richmond, as the general-in-chief might determine. Grant's own movement to the left was fixed for the 29th of March, and, unless it was immediately and completely successful, he meant to send Sheridan to destroy the Danville and Southside railroads, and then allow him to move into North Carolina and join Sherman. By this strategy the commands of Lee and Johnston would both be enclosed and driven to a common centre. If they attempted to unite in o
the enemy is leaving. Unless Lee reaches the Danville road to-night, he will not be able to reach hs past four P. M., he said again: I think the Danville road will be safe until tomorrow. Accordinnd, and then move still further south towards Danville, to which point he might hope that Johnston wmeant to strike for Amelia court-house on the Danville road, eighteen miles north of Burksville. A of the city, and ordering him to push to the Danville road with all speed, with Humphreys and Griff the enemy, who are evidently pushing towards Danville. Push southwest with your command by the Coxh the expectation of holding the road between Danville and Lynchburg. The first object of present mble. I shall hold that place if Lee stops at Danville, and shall hold it anyhow, until his policy id him, but, as to myself, I start towards the Danville road with the army. I want to cut off as mucked in the morning. The last train left for Danville after dark, and there was then no further egr[1 more...]
cept the enemy, who are evidently pushing for Danville. Push south-west with your command. To Sherins loaded with supplies were on the way from Danville for Lee's army, and had been run up the road panying his troops, and that he was bound for Danville by way of Farmville. Unless you have informatwo hundred thousand rations immediately from Danville, to feed his army—doubtless the supplies of wfor you to strike for Goldsboro, or nearer to Danville, you will be better able to judge when you reville yesterday, and six miles beyond, on the Danville road, last night. General Lee is at Amelia ced for three or four days, and push on to the Danville road as near to the Appomattox as he can get. The intention was to take the direction of Danville, and turn to our advantage the good line for Davis thought, and issued a proclamation from Danville on the 5th of April, announcing to the peopleescape of Lee by a detour in the direction of Danville. He was at this time striking hard with one [17 more...]
ted strength. Circumstances may have rendered it necessary, but such a course is to be avoided if possible. It will require the greatest watchfulness, the greatest promptness, and the most untiring energy on your part to arrest the progress of the enemy in his present tide of success. All the reserves in the valley have been ordered to you. Breckenridge will join you or co-operate, as circumstances will permit, with all his force. Rosser left this morning for Burksville (intersection of Danville and Southside railroads), where he will shape his course as you direct. I have given you all I can. You must use the resources you have so as to gain success. The enemy must be defeated, and I rely upon you to do it. I will endeavor to have shoes, arms, and ammunition supplied you. Set all your officers to work bravely and hopefully, and all will go well. As regards the western cavalry, I think for the present the best thing you can do is to separate it. Perhaps there is a lack of confid
to Secretary Stanton. Richmond, Virginia, April 26, 9.30 P. M. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: Generals Meade, Sheridan, and Wright are acting under orders to pay no regard to any truce or orders of General Sherman respecting hostilities, on the ground that Sherman's agreement could bind his command only, and no other. They are directed to push forward, regardless of orders from any one, except from General Grant, and cut off Johnston's retreat. Beauregard has telegraphed to Danville that a new arrangement has been made with Sherman, and that the advance of the Sixth corps was to be suspended until further orders. I have telegraphed back to obey no orders of Sherman, but to push forward as rapidly as possible. The bankers here have information to-day that Jeff Davis's specie is moving south from Goldsboroa, in wagons, as fast as possible. I suggest that orders be telegraphed, through General Thomas, that Wilson obey no orders from Sherman, and notifying him an