Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 23, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Danville (Virginia, United States) or search for Danville (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Runaways. --The following named Slaves left the Piedmont Railroad at Danville, on the 28th August. Davy--5 feet 2½ inches high, yellow, hazel eyes right arm has been broken, about 30 years old.--Bought of Wm. Borahan, of Southampton county, Va. Tom.--5 feet 6 inches high, yellow black eyes, scar over the right eyeHared of Jesse Brown, Griffin co., N. C. A reward of $23 each for Davy and Tom will be paid, if taken within the State, and $50 each if taken in another State, and delivered to me at Danville, and the legal reward for Thacker. E. B. Welburn, Superintendent First Division Piedmont. se 2--ts Railroad at Danville. Hared of Jesse Brown, Griffin co., N. C. A reward of $23 each for Davy and Tom will be paid, if taken within the State, and $50 each if taken in another State, and delivered to me at Danville, and the legal reward for Thacker. E. B. Welburn, Superintendent First Division Piedmont. se 2--ts Railroad at Danville.
The Daily Dispatch: September 23, 1862., [Electronic resource], A heart dislocated on the battle-field. (search)
Runaways. --The following named slaves left the Piedmont Railroad, at Danville, and are now A reward of $25 each will be paid for delivery at Danville, if taken in the State, or taken in another State, or a liberal reward in any jail where they can be secured. Isaiah left on August 1st; calls himself Isaiah Fanton. Danville, if taken in the State, or taken in another State, or a liberal reward in any jail where they can be secured. Isaiah left on August 1st; calls himself Isaiah Fanton. Anderson on August 3d. Willis left on the 6th of August calls himself Willis Hunter, is light brown, spare made, and speaks quick when spoken to. George left on the 6th of August; calls himself George Taylor. Richard left on the 24th of August; calls himself Richard Twyman; is dark brown; wears goatee and mousf George Selden, recently owned by Wm. Warwark, Macon P. O., hatan; navel slightly enlarged. above slaves having been recently purchased in Richmond, a more particular description will be given as soon as their original owners can be heard from. E. D. Wilburn, Sup't Section Piedmont Railroad, au 26--ts At Danville.
Runaways. --The following slaves ran away from the Piedmont Railroad, at Danville, on the 3d inst.: Henry; black, about 35 years old, has several whip marks — was recently bought of John King, of North Carolina. Spencer — hired of David Hotly, Chowan county, North Carolina. Joe and Tom — hired of Mr. Roberts, a. Joe and Tom — hired of Mr. Roberts, Gates county, North Carolina. A reward of $25 will be paid for Henry if taken within the State, or $30 if taken in another State and the legal reward for the hirelings upon delivery to me at Danville. E. D. Wilburn. Sup't first section Piedmont H. R. se 8--ts Danville, Va a. Joe and Tom — hired of Mr. Roberts, Gates county, North Carolina. A reward of $25 will be paid for Henry if taken within the State, or $30 if taken in another State and the legal reward for the hirelings upon delivery to me at Danville. E. D. Wilburn. Sup't first section Piedmont H. R. se 8--ts Danville