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The Daily Dispatch: May 26, 1864., [Electronic resource], Hurdle of Confederate soldiers by negro troops. (search)
ia, Alabama, and South Caroline, to aid and help them. Immediate, instant help is needed in clothing for women and children, bacon, salt meats, fish, meal, and corn. These things can be delivered to the agent of the Express Company, addressed to J. W. Duncan, President of the Relief Committee, Atlanta. They also need information as to where any number of destitute families can find shelter and food. Will the press please publish these and aid in the maiter? Two press reporters came from the army this evening. Their intelligence is mostly of a character which prudence requires should be withheld from publication. Further movements, looking to a secure base for the army, have been completed. The Yankees are reported moving down to Dalton in force. This morning some skirmishing took place on our extreme left. The claim in this city has in a great measure subsided. Several days may elapse before a general engagement takes place.--The trains to-day come from Alton.
Butts, of the Rochester Union; ex-Governor Hunt, ex-Governor Weller, of California; ex-Governor Noble, of Michigan; Ross, Stewart, of the Nineteenth Ohio district, delegates to the Chicago Convention; three delegates from Pennsylvania; two from Iowa; two from Missouri, and five from Kentucky. There are now nine thousand rebel prisoners in the barracks at Rock Island, Illinois, and five thousand three hundred and seventy-seven at Camp Douglas, Chicago. There are also several hundred at Alton. Thus there is a considerable rebel army in Illinois. Professor Hadley, of the Union Theological Seminary, a member of the Christian Commission, died last Monday on the boat from City Point. Bishop Whelan, of the Catholic Church, is now building, a few miles cast of Wheeling, a Female Seminary of immense proportions. William H. Carter, a citizen of Maryland, has been found guilty by a court-martial of being a spy, and sentenced to be hanged on Friday next, at the Old Capitol
nothing can be heard from him, and the Times thinks it is because he is "closing in upon the rebels." The latest intelligence from Georgia is the following dispatch, dated Chattanooga, the 15th: The reports of our scouts fail to show the presence of any considerable body of the enemy north of Turinel Hill. Walter and Whitfield counties have undoubtedly been scoured by a small body of rebel cavalry, which has not been very effective in destroying the railroads, though in possession of Alton, and but little damage is believed to have been done. Officers blockaded here on their way to the front have been ordered to prepare to join their commands at once. General Schofield sent out a strong reconnoitering party to-day to discover the whereabouts of the rebel column said to be moving towards the west. Scouts of the Forty-fourth colored regiment in the garrison at Dayton, who escaped after Colonel Johnson's surrender, arrived here to-day. They give numerous accounts
The Daily Dispatch: November 4, 1864., [Electronic resource], Stop the Runaways.--one thousand dollars reward. (search)
e criminals; if it don't, the public peace will be terribly disturbed, and the Copperheads in New York will do desperate things. We shall see how much it will bear down upon such demands." The New York insurance companies propose to raise their rates, and the signatures of nineteen- twentieths of the companies have been obtained to an agreement to that effect. "Mollie Hayes," a noted female rebel spy, of Forrest's command, who was captured six months ago, has been sent to the Alton (Illinois) prison. A hotel is up at raffle in St. Joseph, Missouri. It is valued at one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, and the tickets are one dollar each. General Sheridan, in the course of his recent campaign in the Valley, has had five of his staff officers killed or wounded. One lady and twelve gentlemen were graduated at Oberlin College at the late commencement. A movement is proposed at Nantucket to enter upon the cod and mackerel fishery as a means of retriev
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