Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 28, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) or search for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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hmond, June 27, 1861. The Convention was called to order at the usual hour, Mr. Southall in the Chair. No minister being present, we had not the benefit of prayer. Mr. McFarland presented an ordinance providing for the laborers at Harper's Ferry. Ordered to be laid on the table, and be printed. [This ordinance is a response to a resolution submitted some days since by Mr. A. M. Barbour, late Superintendent at Harper's Ferry, asking justice for some of the loyal men at that point.] Harper's Ferry, asking justice for some of the loyal men at that point.] The resolution providing for a recess from 2½ to 5 o'clock, came up. It was amended so that no member shall speak more than ten minutes on any question, and that no member shall speak twice on the same subject.--The roll was called for the purpose of ascertaining the absentees, and the vote on the question was also taken, resulting — ayes 43, nays 45. The resolution was then amended by striking out "2½" and inserting "2," and providing that the recess shall commence from and after this day
Movements of the Confederate Army --Serious Destruction of Railroad Property--The Southern army under General Johnston, lately occupying Harper's Ferry, is reported as being posted, 20,000 strong, in the vicinity of Martinsburg and Winchester. Martinsburg itself has been occupied for several days past by Brigadier General Jng been entirely without their authority or knowledge, yet purporting to be issued by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, and said to have been posted at Harper's Ferry and other places in Virginia,) to the effect that the company wanted two thousand men at once, at two dollars a day, in order to restore the bridges and put t the causes which induced this action by the Confederate army. It is further stated that the vacillation of the movements of the Federal forces for so long a period after the evacuation of Harper's Ferry by the Confederates, led to their return to its vicinity, and also to the re-occupation of Martinsburg.--Baltimore Sun, 25th.
Military movements. Trenton, N. J., (via Augusta,) June 26. --The Governor has been ordered to send three regiments to Washington. Washington, June 26.--Intelligence from Hagerstown indicates that Gen. Wise has gone to attack the Federalists, who are reported advancing up the Kanawha. The Southern forces at Romney is 1500. Col. Jackson, with five regiments, is opposite Williamsport. There are 4000 at Falling Waters, five miles from Williamsport, and 8000 at various points between Hancock and Harper's Ferry. Williamsport, June 26.--A party of Confederate Cavalry crossed the Potomac and burned Schadfield's Ferry.