Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) or search for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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e crowd was leaving the Court-House, a telegraphic dispatch was received from Staunton, per express — the same that Col. Baylor, of the Convention, sent to Staunton from Richmond — giving intelligence of Lincoln's calling for 75,000 militia. The whole crowd of course re-assembled, when Dr. A. M. Newman read the dispatch. With the messenger from Staunton a letter came the Colonel of the Staunton Regiment of Volunteers, to know of Col. Gibbons if the Fourth Regiment was ready to march to Harper's Ferry and take possession? To which Col. G. replied, "We are ready to go there, provided the Governor of Virginia gives permission." Immediately after the reading of the dispatch, Dr. S. H. Moffett arose and announced himself a candidate to the Southern Congress, at Montgomery. He will canvass this district with the Hon. J. T. Harris, who is a candidate for the Congress at Washington. I understand to day that Hon. John T. Harris gives up the Union horse since the demonstration of
Old Point and Harper's Ferry. It is said that Old Point and Harper's Ferry have both been largely reinforced. If measures have not been already taken to throw up some works on the James River and York for the protection of Richmond, it ought to be done before another sun has set. Old Point and Harper's Ferry. It is said that Old Point and Harper's Ferry have both been largely reinforced. If measures have not been already taken to throw up some works on the James River and York for the protection of Richmond, it ought to be done before another sun has set.
Harper's Ferry to be Occupied. --Among the first movements of the War Department will probably be to occupy Harper's Ferry with Northern troops. The Philadelphia Inquirer has the following by telegraph from Washington: The Hon. John Covode intends to muster a regiment in the centre of the State of Pennsylvania, which Gen. Cameron will order to Harper's Ferry Armory immediately, as he says that some of the best men in the Mexican army came from that region. Harper's Ferry to be Occupied. --Among the first movements of the War Department will probably be to occupy Harper's Ferry with Northern troops. The Philadelphia Inquirer has the following by telegraph from Washington: The Hon. John Covode intends to muster a regiment in the centre of the State of Pennsylvania, which Gen. Cameron will order to Harper's Ferry Armory immediately, as he says that some of the best men in the Mexican army came from that region.