Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) or search for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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es. The two pieces now at Philippi belong to this company. affairs at Harper's Ferry. The Baltimore papers of Saturday contain the following: Frederick, Md., June 7. --An intelligent and reliable gentleman just from Harper's Ferry, reports a complete state of preparation for attack, which is eagerly expected therevania. Six or eight deserters from the Federal camp at Chambersburg reached Harper's Ferry yesterday evening, and several on the day previous. Their arrival created approaching each other on the Fairfax road. expected movement against Harper's Ferry. Washington, June 7.--Five companies of the Third U. S. Infantry--namedesigns by the Government with reference to the strongholds of the enemy at Harper's Ferry. Company F, of the 4th U. S. Artillery, left the arsenal this afternoon by y to blow it up, for a fortnight past. Shepherdstown is ten miles west of Harper's Ferry. important Movements on the Mississippi. A Baltimorean (says the
rt was made by Mr. Horsey in relation to the occupation of Maryland soil by the Southern forces. The following is an extract: "The undersigned made as thorough an examination of the condition of things on the Maryland mountain opposite Harper's Ferry as the pressure of circumstances, and the almost inaccessible nature of the mountain and its approaches would admit of. The top of the mountain he found occupied by four or five hundred Virginia troops, who had cut down four or five hundred aught to his notice the object of his mission, and the specific acts of aggression complained of in the entrance upon our soil by the troops of Virginia. "The Governor was understood to say that he would apply to the commanding officer at Harper's Ferry for information on the subject, and would be prepared to reply more fully when the report of that officer was received; but he begged me to convey to your honorable body the distinct and earnest assurance that if at any time the military forc
Designs of the enemy. The enemy seem to be concentrating their forces at present with a view of marching upon Strasburg, and cutting off the communications with Harper's Ferry. They can scarcely suppose that our military men are not alive to the importance of preventing such a movement.
supposed will not be less than 20,000. The Confederate forces are being posted at Richmond, Harper's Ferry and Norfolk. The movements planned out for the United States corps d'armee of Gen. McClellaof the main point more easy. McMullen's men, it is said, will lead the forlorn hope at Harper's Ferry, supported by the Scott Legion. Brigadier General Thomas is spoken of as having been fixed his rear. Holding these two positions, and Gen. Patterson's corps moving in force upon Harper's Ferry, not only would the latter be cut off, but the Confederates at Manassas Junction and elsewhenenviable way. The purpose of the Government is to make the enemy to treat or fight, as Harper's Ferry and Manassas Junction are essential to the safety of the forces at Charlottesville, Culpeperd to each member of the Cabinet. There is no confirmation of the reported evacuation of Harper's Ferry; nor is it, as I stated yesterday, believed. On the contrary, the latest advices thence rep
Death of the State Armorer. --The Dispatch received on Sunday an intimation of the death of A. M. Ball, Esq., the former Superintendent of the Armory at Harper's Ferry. It was, however, on a subject which did not admit of a wrong announcement, and being withal couched in very ambiguous terms, it was deemed better not to give currency to it. It appears, however, that Mr. Ball is dead. He reached Harper's Ferry, from this city, last Thursday evening, and shortly after retired, to all appearances, in his usual health; but on going to his room the next morning he was found dead on his couch. His death is ascribed to apoplexy. The loss of such a man atended to: "A subscription has been opened at the Exchange Hotel for the relief of the widow and four children of our lamented friend, Master Armorer at Harper's Ferry, A. M. Ball, of Virginia, who has left his wife and four children, all of Virginia, in this city penniless to mourn his loss. This untimely death will be gre
nionists there are quaking with apprehension of an advance from Point of Rocks, three miles distant. The feeling of the Marylanders is indicated by the fact that they will, at all hazards, continue to furnish food to the Confederate forces at Harper's Ferry and Point of Rocks. The concentration of artillery at Harper's Ferry, either indicates a retreat or an advance via Point of Rocks. It is rumored that the batteries at Aquia Creek have been reinforced by three thousand additional troHarper's Ferry, either indicates a retreat or an advance via Point of Rocks. It is rumored that the batteries at Aquia Creek have been reinforced by three thousand additional troops. Important military movements are on foot at Fortress Monroe. The Georgetown pickets were fired on last night. It is understood that the Government will make no further requisitions for troops. Senators and Representatives are arriving here. The President has recognized Miguel Jaragossa as Mexican Consul at San Antonio, Texas. The best informed men consider a brush with England inevitable, so soon as she wants cotton. Dispatches sent North state that France