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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) or search for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 19 results in 6 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], "What are we fighting For?" (search)
The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Madness of the Administration . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], Intemperance on the increase. (search)
Designs of the enemy.
The enemy seem to be concentrating their forces at present with a view of marching upon Strasburg, and cutting off the communications with Harper's Ferry.
They can scarcely suppose that our military men are not alive to the importance of preventing such a movement.
The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], War matters. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], War matters. (search)
Death of the State Armorer.
--The Dispatch received on Sunday an intimation of the death of A. M. Ball, Esq., the former Superintendent of the Armory at Harper's Ferry.
It was, however, on a subject which did not admit of a wrong announcement, and being withal couched in very ambiguous terms, it was deemed better not to give currency to it. It appears, however, that Mr. Ball is dead.
He reached Harper's Ferry, from this city, last Thursday evening, and shortly after retired, to all appearances, in his usual health; but on going to his room the next morning he was found dead on his couch.
His death is ascribed to apoplexy.
The loss of such a man a tended to:
"A subscription has been opened at the Exchange Hotel for the relief of the widow and four children of our lamented friend, Master Armorer at Harper's Ferry, A. M. Ball, of Virginia, who has left his wife and four children, all of Virginia, in this city penniless to mourn his loss.
This untimely death will be gre
The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], War matters. (search)