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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 15, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) or search for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 7 results in 7 document sections:
From Washington. Washington, (via Mobile,) June 14.
--The Post Office Department are getting up a new stamp, in order to render worthless those held it the South.
The Southerners are erecting a battery at Matthias, ten miles below Aquia Creek, where the Potomac is narrow.
The steamers Freeborn and Resolute, armed with thirty two pounders, have gone to prevent its completion.
The gossip of the New York Tribune is that Arkansas is sending arms and munitions Mis. southward.
Gen. Scott is entirely confident of the security of Washington.
Persons from Montgomery county, Maryland, represent that vehicles of every description, laden with arms, provisions, &c., are passing from Baltimore, via Chesapeake Bay, for the Southerners.
The New York Herald says indications are that an attack will be made on Harper's Ferry at all hazards, with 35,000 men.
Badges for soldiers.
--We have received the following communication from Colonel Blanton Duncan, of the Kentucky Regiment, stationed near Harper's Ferry:
"I would suggest that, to avoid any difficulty about recognizing friends from enemies, Southern troops should all wear blue cockades upon their hats or caps.
I intend to have all of my men thus designated, and as it is typical of our cause, it will be very appropriate.
In a hand-to-hand encounter we could easily distinguish those who did wear them."
The Daily Dispatch: June 15, 1861., [Electronic resource], From another correspondent. (search)
Movements of Northern troops. Hagerstown, Md., June 14.
--Gen. Cadwal order is in command at Greencastle.
His division will cross the Potomac at Williams port.
Patterson's headquarters are at Hagerstown.
A fight is progressing at Dam No. 4.
A company of sharpshooters have gone to assist the Unionists.
The President of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal visited Gen. Johnson, at Harper's Ferry, and remonstrated against the destruction of dams and boats.
Gen. Johnson's instructions are to destroy everything that can be useful to the invaders.
There were rumors yesterday of a battle at Harper's Ferry, and of firing heard in the direction of Maispton but we could trace them to no reliable source.