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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 42 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 40 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 40 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 40 0 Browse Search
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 36 0 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 36 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 36 0 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 36 0 Browse Search
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley 34 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 34 0 Browse Search
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sent to Springfield they were brought in by loyal Arkansas troops a meteor of great brightnsss observed Refltogether by the people of south west Missouri and Arkansas in lubricating the wooden axles of their old-fashirned from the southern army and from Texas and southern Arkansas, and have been living at their homes nearly aln Kansas from the negro refugees from Missouri and Arkansas. If properly officered I have no doubt that they for an active spring campaign into that section of Arkansas occupied by the enemy. I should like to hear of of these prisoners to Colonel Phillips by the loyal Arkansas troops is noted with much satisfaction, for I remanths ago that there were enough Union men in northwestern Arkansas, if organized into regiments and battalions,ly in holding this section. The First regiment of Arkansas cavalry, commanded by Colonel M. La Rue Harrison, the Cherokee Nation in a few weeks, and then these Arkansas troops at Fayetteville will be much isolated, unl
Chapter 8: Colonel Phillips invited to address a mass meeting of the Union citizens of northwestern Arkansas, at Fayetteville the great difficulty in getting forage a scouting party returns from Van Buren the Indian division encamped on the edge of the battle field of Pea Ridge an account of the battle from data cnoticed a number of trees still bearing marks of shot and shell and small arms. General Curtis' forces not only drove Sterling Price's army out of Missouri into Arkansas, attacking it first at Springfield and then at Sugar Creek, but pursued them to Fayetteville, twenty miles south of here. Some sixteen miles south of Fayettevi contemplates an immediate movement northward, as they have not a force sufficiently strong to meet our troops in the open field. Nearly all the rebel troops in Arkansas, he thinks, are in the vicinity of Little Rock, at any rate, that there is not a large force in the western part of the State. We have no reason to doubt this
no such regiments exist criticisms concerning the matter near Rhea's Mills again two loyal Arkansas regiments organized after a battle the people show on which side their sympathies are by theirmore desirable section than around Bentonville. The spring here is one of the finest in Northwestern Arkansas, and furnishes an abundance of excellent water for ourselves and animals. It arises out animals. But we are gradually moving south with a prospect of holding the country. Two loyal Arkansas regiments belonging to, Colonel Phillips' division are stationed at Fayetteville, fifteen milest night from Dutch Mills, a small place a few miles west of Cane Hill, and right on the line of Arkansas and the Cherokee Nation. We wore sent out two days ago with the view of ascertaining as far as than ours, during the present war. Eleven men came into our camp to-day (31st) from southwestern Arkansas and northern Texas. J. R. Pratt, a staunch and prominent Unionist from Texas, is the lea
commendable conduct of the Indian soldiers while in Missouri and Arkansas the division crosses the line into the Indian country on the mar carriages. Though our Indian troops have been in Missouri and Arkansas since early last autumn, I believe t1.at they have committed fewer We pass now into the Indian country, and bid a temporary adieu to Arkansas. Early on the morning of the 6th we left Cincinnati and marcheagricultural and grazing purposes it is certainly much superior to Arkansas. We crossed the Illinois river again, a few miles to the east of It discharges a larger volume of water than when we crossed it in Arkansas, and its bottoms are much wider, and its course changes toward theer food. The country here is not so broken and hilly as in northwestern Arkansas; in fact we are right on the border of the prairie region. erminus of the range of mountains which run north-eastward through Arkansas. Turning to the south, you overlook the Arkansas river three mile
Flag of truce reconnaissance of Colonel Schaurte to the Arkansas line Colonel Harrison abandons Fayetteville Colonel Phiwere obliged to come down the State lines of Missouri and Arkansas. From about this time in the spring until the summer is ich we were able to get quite often while in Missouri and Arkansas. If, however, we manage to keep on hand full rations we nto camp to day. They represent that the rebel leaders in Arkansas are displaying a good deal of activity in organizing theihat General Cabell will be assigned to the command of Western Arkansas, but that they will co-operate with each other as farind fortifications, and were on the defensive. The loyal Arkansas soldiers are represented to have acted with distinguishedmen, in the direction of Ivansville, a little town on the Arkansas line. Major Foreman, with four companies of the Third Inndoning his post, for it leaves the Union people of northwestern Arkansas without any protection whatever. If his supplies w
he west side of Grand river. The salt works near here have made this locality one of considerable importance for many years. Before the war large quantities of salt were taken from this place to various points in southwest Missouri and northwest Arkansas, and sold or exchanged for goods which the Indians required. We passed several of the salt wells this morning, and they were flowing like fountains, the column of salt water in one instance extending five or six feet above the ground. The shall lounge around the old brick Court House at Cassville. The dispatches and mail have arrived from Springfield; our horses have rested and fared moderately well in regard to forage, and we now leave for Fort Gibson. We have found the loyal Arkansas soldiers very clever; have had full rations while stopping with them, and our haversacks replenished for our return. When we arrived here, we felt sure that four days on hard bread and bacon had not quite kept us up to our usual standard of str
ed in coming so near us unexpectedly is due to the fact that they killed most ,of our pickets along the road they came in on. They killed, captured, or cut off all our men on the two outside picket stations, but when they came to the third not more than three miles from camp, our picket guard hurried to the fort and reported the approach of the enemy. It is supposed that they crossed the river near Webber's Falls and made a night's march. With General Cabell's division operating along the Arkansas line, and General Cooper's force directly in our front within four or five miles of us, it is impossible for Colonel Phillips, with the force at his disposal, to guard all the approaches to this post, except within a radius of a few miles. This raid of the enemy has cost us heavily in animals. Our loss will not fall much short of three hundred horses and mules, and perhaps even more, including the losses of the Indian soldiers. The four companies of the battalion of the Sixth Kansas cava
en Leaf, about eight miles east of this post. They are supposed to be apart of Standwaitie's rebel Indians, and to be moving in the direction of Tahlequah and the northern part of the Cherokee Nation. As all that part of the Nation adjacent to Arkansas is unoccupied by our troops, they may be permitted to remain in it several weeks undisturbed. Our cavalry is now so much occupied with escort duty to our supply trains, and in watching the movements of the enemy in this immediate vicinity, thaave a force of upwards of one hundred men in that section, murdering the loyal Indians, and committing all kinds of depredations. This force of the enemy crossed the Arkansas River near Webber's Falls, and marched up through the Nation near the Arkansas line. As complaints have been coming in for several days of their depredations, Colonel Phillips has determined to send a force of two or three hundred cavalry in pursuit of the rebels. That will soon put an end to the little reign of terror.
t the enemy were all white troops, and appeared to be moving northward. We think that this is a party of General Cabell's force, which has been operating in western Arkansas during the last month. Should General Cabell undertake to co-operate with General Cooper, Colonel Phillips will have his hands full. This movement to the ee time our next supply train comes down in about two weeks. They have commenced to set their toils early. A cavalry force can march in a day and night from the Arkansas line to any point on the Grand River, and thus easily co-operate with any force General Cooper might send to the west of us. Instead of making a demonstration agmoves to the east of us, it is reported, intends to join General Cabell, who has about fifteen hundred men and several pieces of artillery at a point between the Arkansas line, near Cincinnati, and Grand River. Though we do not know their exact intentions, everything points to their intention of concentrating all their mounted fo
verthrow the enemy at every point. Several Indian women who have just arrived from near the Arkansas line a few miles south of Maysville, state that it was currently reported when they left, that of using so many of the troops of this command is watching the movements of the enemy along the Arkansas line to the east of us, and our isolation would not have been so complete as it is at present. Even at this moment it is probable that a force of the enemy is moving from Arkansas northeast of us, to attack our supply train. If there are as many volunteer troops in Southwest Missouri as thereassville, it is surely strange that the Department Commander does not permit them to march into Arkansas and seek the enemy. At any rate a large infantry force is not required in Southwest Missouri. h our scouts, is the force I mentioned about a week ago as being encamped at Cincinnati, on the Arkansas line, under command of Brigadier-General Cabell. If the enemy arrive on the ground at the plac
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