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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 19, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) or search for Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 4 results in 4 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: March 19, 1862., [Electronic resource], Affairs on the coast. (search)
Gen. McIntosh.
--Gen. McIntosh, who was Eileen at the late battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas is generally supposed to be Chillite McIntosh, a half-breed Creek Indian, and a Baptist minister.
This is a mistake, as a friend informs us.
Gen. McIntosh is the son of Col. James McIntosh, of Georgia, U. S. army who fell in the Mexican war, and nephew to Maj. Wm. McIntosh, of Savannah, almost an octogenarian, but who recently volunteered to serve with Commodore Tatnall in one of his attacks upon the Federal blockaders!
Confederate Congress.first session.
Senate. Tuesday, March 18, 1862.
The Senate transacted very little business in open session yesterday.
The House bill establishing certain post-offices and post-routes in Arkansas, Texas, Tennessee, and Mississippi, was reported back favorably from the Committee of Post-Offices and Post Roads, and passed.
The Judiciary Committee, through Mr. Hill, of Georgia, reported back the bill of Mr. Phelan, for the prohibition of cotton planting during the year 1862, with recommendation that it do not pass.--The report was concurred in. The Senate refused to concur in the House amendments to the bill fixing the salaries of members of Congress.
The vote signified a determination of Senators to insist on the $3,000 per annum clause.