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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 732 732 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 83 83 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 28 28 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 27 27 Browse Search
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies. 26 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 20 20 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Index (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 18 18 Browse Search
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 15 15 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments. 13 13 Browse Search
John D. Billings, Hardtack and Coffee: The Unwritten Story of Army Life 8 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Index (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). You can also browse the collection for Antietam (Maryland, United States) or search for Antietam (Maryland, United States) in all documents.

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s, C. C., II., 343; X., 217. Andrews, E. B., X., 23. Andrews, G. L., X., 215. Andrews, J. J.: VII., 21; executed as a spy, VIII., 277. Andrews, S., VIII., 126. Ann, British steamer, VI., 314. Ann Maria, British schooner, VI., 316. Annapolis, Md.: V., 80; naval academy at, VI., 50, 70; camp at, VII., 107; VIII., 89. Annapolis Junction, Md.: New York Seventh arrives at, VIII., 67. Anthony & Co., chemists, I., 31, 42, 44; III., 170. Antietam, Md.: I., 53, 61, 62; view of battle field, I., 65, 132; churches, Lutheran and Dunker, in the battle area, II., 4; invasion of the North, to follow II., 55; Mumma's house at, II., 65; arrangement of the two armies before the battle of, II., 65, 68; Bloody Lane, II., 69; Dunker church, after the Federal assault, II., 75; Lincoln's visit to camps around, II., 77; results of the battle, II., 78; moral effect of the battle of, 78, 176. 324; III., 49; IV., 87, 197, 229, 231 seq.; V., 21, 27, 3
; pay of officers anti crew on, VI., 107; commanded by Confederate naval officers, VI., 108; first effective step against, VI., 115; number of captured, VI., 122; of Charleston, S. C., VI., 238; channel marks of, VI., 255; chases of, VI., 294; last of the, VI., 291. Bloodiest day of the Civil War, II., 63. Bloody angle. Spotsylvania, Va.: II., 247, 260; Federal victory at, May 12, 1864, III., 57; Confederate entrenchments near, III., 57, 62, 66, 68; V., 27. Bloody Lane, Antietam, Md., II., 69, 72. Bloomery Gap., Va., I., 356. Bloomfield, Va., II., 326. Blounts Farm, Ala., II., 332. Blountsville, Ala., VII., 145. Blountsville, Tenn., II., 344. Blue adopted by the Federals Viii., 95. Blue and the gray, F. M. Finch, IX., 138, 273. Blue Coats are over the border, A. E. Blackmar, IX., 343. Blue Mills, Mo., I., 350, 352. Blue Ridge, Va., II., 42. Blue Ridge Mountains, Va., II., 26, 57, 106. Blue Springs,
: II., 25; III., 324, 326; IV., 88, 177, 226, 233 seq., 224. Dug Springs, Mo., I., 350, 367. Dugan, Jimmine, a bugler boy, VIII., 189. Duganne, A. J. H., VII., 96. Duke, B. W.: II., 326; IV., 144, 148, 150; VII., 21; quoted, IX., 346. Dulany, R. H., IV., 104. Dumfries, Va., II., 328. Dummy battery, Seabrook Point, S. C. , VIII., 183. Dummy guns, I., 163. Duncan, A., VIII., 109. Duncan, J. K., I., 234; X., 273. Dunker's chapel, Antietam, Md. , II., 70. Dunns Bayou, Red River, La. , III., 318. Dunovant, J., X., 157. Du Pont, S. F.: I., 354, 357; II., 351; VI., 47, 100, 103, 115. 120, 125, 127, 171, 270, 271, 310, 311, 318; IX., 48, 51, 336. Dupre, G. W., VII., 125. Durham Station, N. C.: III., 247; Bennett house near, III., 247; VII., 203. Durvee, A., Fifth N. Y., VIII., 80, X., 221. Dutch Gap, Va.: I., 49. 113, 119; III., 98,; V., 133, 141, 243; dredge boat at, V., 245, 305, 309, 31
214; Fifth, I., 352; VIII., 139, 141; IX., 244 seq.: X., 121, losses at Chickamauga, Ga., Confederate, X., 158; Seventh, I., 350; Eighth, I., 350, 364; Ninth, I., 364; losses at Gettysburg, Pa., Confederate, X., 158; Tenth, I., 364; losses at Antietam, Md., Confederate, X., 158; Twelfth, I., 354, 362, 364; Thirteenth, I., 360; X., 156; Fifteenth, losses at Gettysburg, Pa, X., 158; Seventeenth, losses at Manassas, Va., X., 158; Eighteenth, losses at Antietam, Md., X., 158; Twentieth, II., 71; TwAntietam, Md., X., 158; Twentieth, II., 71; Twenty-first, losses at Manassas, Va., X., 158; Forty-fourth, I., 322; losses at Mechanicsville, Va., X., 158; Forty-seventh, I., 366; militia, III., 338. Second Battalion, IX., 25. Georgia,, C. S. S., VI., 296. Georgia volunteer, grave of, IX., 283. Germanna Ford, Va.: III., 17, 24, 25, 37, 38, 40; IV., 119. Germanna Plank Road. IX., 61. Germans: recruiting of, in Wisconsin regiment, VIII., 75; in Confederate army, VIII., 120. Germantown,, U. S. S., VI., 54, 142
, VII., 60. Light draft water crafts: I., 243; on western rivers, VI., 209-223, 226; ferry-boats used as, VI., 262, 263; work of, in eastern waters, VI. 263, 264. Lightburn, J. A. J., X., 87. Lightfoot, J. A., X., 292. Lilian,, U. S. S., III., 342. Lilley, R. D., X., 4. Lincoln, Abraham I., 28 seq., 40, 41, 59, 63 seq., 67, 19, 98, 104, 120, 126, 226, 307, 338; inaugurated President of the United States at Washington, I., 346; II., 20, 49; in camp at Antietam, Md., II., 77, 78, 82, 102, 108, 109, 233, 271, 316; III., 14, 29, 155, 183, 220, 248, 303,304; IV., 24, 50, V., 124, 280; VI., 46, 53, 56, 84, 110, 115, 116, 137, 170, 308; VII., 30, 85, 117, 192, 194, 197, 202; assassination of, VII., 203 seq.: military commissioners to try Lincoln conspirators, VII., 207, 209 seq., 293, 310, 330, 346, 348; VIII., 26, 29; calls for troops, VIII., 67, 68; pen-portrait of. VIII., 92, 94, 102; quoted, VIII., 260, 294, 345, 346 seq., 350; in the telegraph offic
1, 352; VIII., 149, 151; Tenth, I., 352; Eleventh. I., 350; Twelfth, X., 156; Thirteenth, I., 348, 350, 352; Fifteenth, I., 356; X., 156; Sixteenth, losses at Antietam, Md., X., 158; Seventeenth, I., 350, 352; Eighteenth, I., 350, 352; losses at Antietam, Md., X., 158; Nineteenth, X., 156; Twentieth, I., 358; Twenty-sixth, I., 358Antietam, Md., X., 158; Nineteenth, X., 156; Twentieth, I., 358; Twenty-sixth, I., 358; Thirty-fifth, X., 156; Forty-second, X., 156. Mississippi troops, Union: Infantry: First, III., 342. Mississippi,, C. S. S., I., 229, 233, 234. Mississippi,, U. S. S.: I., 227, 234; II., 210; VI., 55, 188, 190, 191, 200, 234, 318. Mississippi Central Railroad Ii., 200. Mississippi river: opening of, IIIII., 332; X., 135. Mumford, W. B., VII., 110. Mumfordville, Ky. (see also Rowlett's Station, Ky.): I., 354; II., 324; IV., 154. Mumma's House, Antietam, Va. , II., 65. Munford, T. T., III., 344; IV., 87 seq., 104. Munn, B., I., 179. Munson, E. L., VII., 9, 218, 346, 347. Munson, J. W., IV
rg, Pa., X., 158; Third, losses at Gettysburg, Pa., X., 158; Fourth, losses at Seven Pines, Va., X., 158; Fifth, I., 272, 348, 350; II., 67; Sixth, I., 350; Seventh, I., 356, 358; losses at Seven Days, Va., X., 158; Eighth, L, 356; Eleventh, I., 348, 350; Seventeenth, L, 356; Eighteenth, IX., 89; losses at Seven Days, Va., X., 158; Nineteenth, I., 356; Twentieth, X., 156; Twenty-sixth, I., 356, 358; II., 350; losses at Gettysburg, Pa., X., 158; Twenty-seventh, I., 356; II., 59; losses at Antietam, Md., X., 158; Twenty-eighth, I., 356; Thirty-first, I., 356; Thirty-third, I., 356, 358; losses at Chancellorsville, Va., X., 158; Thirty-fifth, I., 356, 358; Thirty-sixth, VI., 246; Thirty-seventh, L, 356; Forty-sixth, I., 356; Forty-eighth, X., 156; Fifty-seventh, X., 156; Fifty-ninth, I., 356; Sixty-seventh, VII., 249. North Carolina troops, Union: Infantry: First, II., 322; colored, II., 350; Second, II., 348. North Carolina,, U. S. S., VI., 163. Northern Virginia, Army o
IX., 22. Sharp, J. H., X., 275. Sharpe, G. H.: horses of, IV., 311; put in charge of military information bureau, VIII., 264, 265, 276; headquarters of, at Brandy Station, Va., VIII., 279, 289. Sharpsburg, Md. (see also Antietam, Md.): I., 53; II., 58 seq., 59 seq., 70 seq., 73; Lutheran Church, Main Street, II., 75, 324; IV., 92; V., 72; IX., 196; X., 64, 122; losses at, X., 124, 142. Sharpshooters: at Gettysburg, Pa., IX., 207. Shaup, F. A., X., 261. Shaw., 158; losses at Gaines' Mills, X., 158; Second, I., 348, 350; Third I., 348, 350; Fourth, I., 350; Fifth, I., 350; Sixth, I., 356; losses at Fair South Carolina troops—Continued, Oaks;. Va., X., 158; Seventh. I., 348, 350; losses at Antietam, Md., X., 15S; Eighth, I., 350; Tenth, VII., 249; Twelfth, losses at Manassas, Va., X., 158; Fourteenth, losses at Gaines' Mills, Va., X., 158; Seventeenth, II., 191; losses at Manassas. Va., X, 15S; Twenty-first, X., 150; Twenty-third, losses at
VIII., 129. Texas troops, Confederate: Cavalry: Second, L, 358, 360, Third, I., 358; II, 350; Fourth, I., 358, 360; Fifth, I., 358, 360; Sixth, L, 358; Seventh, I., 358, 360; Ninth, II, 350; Eleventh, I., 358. Infantry: First, losses at Antietam, Md., Confederate, X., 158; Third (dismounted cavalry), X., 156; Fourth, I.,328,342; losses at Antietam, Md., X., 158; Fifth, X., 156; Seventh, losses at Raymond, Miss., X., 158. Texas troops: Union: Cavalry: Second, III., 346. Thatcher, H. KAntietam, Md., X., 158; Fifth, X., 156; Seventh, losses at Raymond, Miss., X., 158. Texas troops: Union: Cavalry: Second, III., 346. Thatcher, H. K., V., 120, 260, 276, 322. Thayer, J. M., X., 221. The Aged Stranger, F. Bret Harte, IX., 35, 182. The Alabama, E. King and F. W. Rasier, IX., 345. The battle Cry of Freedom, G. F. Root, IX., 342. The bivouac in the Snow, M. J. Preston, IX., 132. The blue and the gray, F. M. Finch, IX., 28, 270. The Bonny blue flag, H. Macarthy, IX., 343. The campaign of Chancellorsville, John Bigelow, quoted, II., 106. The Conquered Banner, A. J. Ryan, IX.,
, VIII., 344 seq.; age of enlistment in, VIII., 190; summary of organizations in, X., 150; casualties of regiments, X., 154; roster of general officers, X., 301. Engineer Corp.,: bridge building by, II., 19; problems of, in Civil War, V., 222; inception of, V., 224; reorganization of, V., 224; Company B, V., 225; composition before 1861, V., 226; at Harper's Ferry, Va., V., 228; Peninsula campaign, V., 228; topographical engineers before Yorktown, Va., V., 229; Corps of, V., 229, 232; at Antietam, Md., V., 232; in Chancellorsville, Va., campaign, V., 232; reorganization of, V., 232; at work, V., 233; at Cold Harbor and James River, Va., V., 240 seq.; Company D, in front of Petersburg., V., 247; Engineer Corps at Arlington Heights, Va., VIII, 89. Artillery: I., 21; Randolph's Battery, I, 354; Thompson's Battery, I, 354; II., 324; regular, V., 18 seq. First, Battery A, I., 352, 351; Battery B, V., 151; Battery F, I., 354; Battery G, I., 86, 346; VIII., 156; Battery L., I., 354; II., 326