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James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley 56 0 Browse Search
William Alexander Linn, Horace Greeley Founder and Editor of The New York Tribune 3 1 Browse Search
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William Alexander Linn, Horace Greeley Founder and Editor of The New York Tribune, Chapter 1: his early years and first employment as a compositor (search)
ell could be. Horace then had a brother, eight years old, and two sisters of six and four years; another sister was born in 1822. In the following January the Greeleys, with their effects packed in a two-horse sleigh, joined the father in Westhaven, Vt., where he had hired a house at a rental of $16 a year. There for two years the elder Greeley worked by the day at such jobs as he could secure, the largest of these being the clearing of a fifty-acre tract of land. The two boys attended scaped him, and they recalled also his interest in the weekly newspaper for which his father subscribed. The first book that Greeley owned was The Columbian Orator, given to him by an uncle when, five years old, he lay sick with the measles. At Westhaven, Vt., the Greeleys lived near the house of the landowner who gave them employment, and he allowed Horace access to his library; and thus, by the time the boy was fourteen years old, he had read the Arabian Nights, Robinson Crusoe, Shakespeare,
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 4: his father ruined—removal to Vermont. (search)
ere to choose, excepting only that portion of it which is included within the boundaries of New Hampshire. He made his way, after some wandering, to the town of Westhaven, in Rutland county, Vermont, about a hundred and twenty miles northwest of his former residence. There he found a large landed proprietor, who had made one fortune in Boston as a merchant, and married another in Westhaven, the latter consisting of an extensive tract of land. He had now retired from business, had set up for a country gentleman, was clearing his lands, and when they were cleared he rented them out in farms. This attempt to found an estate, in the European style, signally t more than I could tell him. The passengers in the sleigh were Horace, his parents, his brother, and two sisters, and all arrived safely at the little house in Westhaven,—safely, but very, very poor. They possessed the clothes they wore on their journey, a bed or two, a few —very few—domestic utensils, an antique chest, and one <
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 5: at Westhaven, Vermont. (search)
Chapter 5: at Westhaven, Vermont. Description of the country clearing up land all thebefore he could work in it to advantage. At Westhaven, Horace passed the next five years of his li which the present chapter is devoted. At Westhaven, Mr. Greeley, as they say in the country, tossing. He went to school three winters in Westhaven, but not to any great advantage. He had alr in three of Horace Greeley. His cronies at Westhaven seem to have been those who were fond of dray tales and romances as he could borrow. At Westhaven, as at Amherst, he roamed far and wide in seuicken! The incidents in Horace's life at Westhaven were few, and of the few that did occur, sevhly interesting. That part of the town of Westhaven was, thirty years ago, a desperate place for life rendered possible. There was not in Westhaven one individual who was known to be a dissenn form little idea. Horace's last year in Westhaven (1825) wore slowly away. He —had exhausted [9 more...]
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 6: apprenticeship. (search)
d some history, and some travels, and a little of most everything. Where do you live? At Westhaven. How did you come over? I came on foot. What's your name? Horace Greeley. Now iwith eager steps, and a light heart, the happy boy took the dusty road that led to his home in Westhaven. You're not going to hire that tow-head, Mr. Bliss, are you? asked one of the apprentices ated a farm, leaving Horace alone in Vermont. Grass now grows where the little house stood in Westhaven, in which the family lived longest, and the barn in which they stored their hay and kept theirples Horace liked, and the bed of mint with which he regaled his nose. And both the people of Westhaven and those of Amherst assert that whenever the Editor of the Tribune revisits the scenes of hiserchant of East Poultney, who has marked with pride and pleasure every successive step of the Westhaven boy, from that day to this. In consequence of the change of proprietors, editors and other
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 17: the Tribune's second year. (search)
assaults upon all the institutions and the social phases of Great Britain—and then write so calmly of this country, with so manifest a freedom from passion and prejudice, as Dick-Ens has done, is to us no slight marvel. That he has done it is infinitely to his credit, and confirms us in the opinion we had long since formed of the soundness of his head and the goodness of his, heart. In the summer of 1842, Mr. Greeley made an extensive tour, visiting Washington, Mount Vernon, Poultney, Westhaven, Londonderry, Niagara, and the home of his parents in Pennsylvania, from all of which he wrote letters to the Tribune. His letters from Washington, entitled Glances at the Senate, gave agreeable sketches of Calhoun, Preston, Benton, Evans, Crittenden, Wright, and others. Silas Wright he thought the keenest logician in the Senate, the Ajax of plausibility, the Talleyrand of the forum. Calhoun he described as the compactest speaker in the Senate; Preston, as the most forcible declaimer;