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Browsing named entities in Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. You can also browse the collection for Numidia (Algeria) or search for Numidia (Algeria) in all documents.

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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A voiage made out of England unto Guinea and Benin in Affrike, at the charges of certaine marchants Adventurers of the Citie of London, in the yeere of our Lord 1553. (search)
ca the lesse are these kingdoms: the kingdom of Tunis and Constantina , which is at this day under Tunis , and also the region of Bugia , Tripoli , and Ezzah. This part of Afrike is very barren by reason of the great deserts, as the deserts of Numidia and Barca . The principall ports of the kingdome of Tunis are these: Goletta , Bizerta , Potofarnia, Bona , and Stora . The chiefe cities of Tunis are Constantina and Bona , with divers other. Under this kingdom are many Ilands, as Zerbi, Lamst by the river Nilus, on the West from Europe by the pillars of Hercules. The hither part is now called Barbarie, and the people Moores. The inner part is called Lybia and Aethiopia. Afrike the lesse is in this wise bounded. On the West it hath Numidia ; On the East Cyrenaica: On the North, the sea called Mediterraneum. In this countrey was the noble city of Carthage . In the East side of Afrike beneath the red sea, dwelleth the great and mighty Emperour and Christian king Prester John, wel