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ot be done very fast on account of the darkness. At twelve o'clock, midnight, six regiments of infantry came after his brigade, and he left, taking the road to Chattanooga, over the mountains, intending to strike the Cow Creek bridges, near Stevenson, but on attempting to get down the mountain single-file, at Tantalon, he found ths without farms or inhabitants, and to leave then was certain capture. He started the head of the column, after Colonel Munroe came up from Hillsboro, toward Chattanooga, and on the other slope of the mountains, during a terrible rain which washed out his trail, moved by his left flank two miles over the rocks into the woods, leaving a picket to watch for the rebels. He had not been hid more than an hour before the rebel column came along and followed the road toward Chattanooga, without discovering him. As soon as they had passed he struck across the mountains without guides or a road, but luckily came out on the Tracy City road at the point aimed at,
rth-western base of the Cumberland Range to Chattanooga and its vicinity. The Cumberland Range i East-Tennessee, and their concentration at Chattanooga. To dislodge him from that place, it was nhe night at Rossville, five miles south of Chattanooga. During these operations Gen. Thomas pusost before morning, receiving supplies from Chattanooga, and offering the enemy battle during all tossville, sending the unorganized forces to Chattanooga for reorganization, stating that he would ed reported to me that his chief had gone to Chattanooga to report to General Rosecrans. I then deced the various fords for thirty miles above Chattanooga, and made constant demonstrations at variould, Georgia, fifteen miles south-east from Chattanooga. The corps, except the brigades that had ben, and without doubt have left the road to Chattanooga, and the rear of the entire army with its lm attention — the pass at Rossville, on the Chattanooga road. With this in possession of the enemy[92 more...]
the most glorious triumphs to our arms that history has yet recorded. The Richmond Examiner of the twenty-seventh November, 1863, has the following in its leading editorial upon Lieutenant-General Longstreet and his Knoxville and Suffolk campaigns, which are pronounced as parallel failures: Perhaps the result might have been different if Longstreet and his corps of the Virginia army had been in line. His operations in East-Tennessee afford little compensation for the reverse at Chattanooga, nor have the late bare and scanty news from that quarter sustained the high hope which the public justly based on the first intelligence briskly forwarded by General Bragg. His telegram declared that Longstreet's cavalry had pursued the enemy into Knoxville; that the infantry was close up, and it was natural to suppose that the next news would be that of Knoxville's recapture. But the next news from Longstreet contained a mention of intrenching, which suggested disagreeable reminiscenc
. 96.-the battle of Wauhatchee. Official report of General Thomas. headquarters Department of the Cumberland, Chattanooga, Nov. 7, 1863. General: I have the honor to forward herewith the official reports of Major-General Hooker, (commandthe river at Brown's Ferry, and seize the heights on the south or Lookout Valley side, thus giving him an open road to Chattanooga, when his forces should arrive in Lookout Valley. The force to throw the bridge was organized by Saturday, the twenty Report of Brigadier-General W. F. Smith. headquarters Department of. The Cumberland, Office Chief Engineer, Chattanooga, Nov. 4, 1863. General: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations for making a lodgment on gorge and hills to the left, while General Turchin was to extend from the gorge down the river. The boats moved from Chattanooga at three A. M., on the twenty-seventh, and, thanks to a slight fog and the silence observed, they were not discovered
ack, on the twenty-seventh of June last, to Chattanooga. The enemy followed at leisure to the bankmy at Bridgeport, having previously shelled Chattanooga by a small force in front. The threateningd Gordon's Mills are at the crossing of the Chattanooga and Lafayette road, and that Dalton's, Tedfft, so as to get our forces between him and Chattanooga, and thus cut off his retreat, believing thBreckinridge's division had now crossed the Chattanooga road, having been advancing parallel with ia half, and formed at right angles with the Chattanooga road, the movement at the same time unitinghe approached by placing artillery near the Chattanooga road, and opposite the angle formed by the eft, and centre, and was in full retreat to Chattanooga, night alone preventing their further pursuouisiana cavalry, went within five miles of Chattanooga, and captured the splendid colors of the Ththat night, we would have at least occupied Chattanooga, as the enemy was most precipitous in his f[13 more...]
ible condition by the first of May, as has been reported, but the inferior numbers of our cavalry and the scarcity of long forage wore out our cavalry horses faster than we could replace them, and it was not before the fifteenth of June that we had brought what we had into available condition. The General-in-Chief has been informed of the reasons why an advance was not deemed advisable until all things were prepared. the position of the rebels. Their main base of supplies was at Chattanooga, but a vastly superior cavalry force had enabled them to command all the resources of the Duck River Valley and the country southward. Tullahoma, a large intrenched camp, situated on the barrens at the intersection of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad with the McMinnville branch, was their main depot. Its front was covered by the defiles of Duck River, a deep narrow stream, with but few fords or bridges, and a rough, rocky range of hills which divides the barrens from the lower lev
hird. The reception of our troops at this place was most gratifying. General Buckner with his rear-guard had left the day before Colonel Foster's arrival, for Chattanooga. There is reason to believe Rosecrans had in front of him, at Chattanooga, the whole force of Buckner, Bragg, and Johnston. The people about Knoxville say theChattanooga, the whole force of Buckner, Bragg, and Johnston. The people about Knoxville say the flight of the rebels, when Burnside's approach was announced, was something wonderful. Their panic was immense. They had a report among them that Burnside had an army of from sixty to one hundred and twenty thousand men, and were of the opinion that their safety depended upon their speed. They left behind a considerable quantitoad as far east as Morristown, and the indications were that they might extend their lines at pleasure. A considerable force had proceeded down the road toward Chattanooga. The universal report was, that the rebels were disheartened and demoralized so that there was no fight in them. They fled like sheep from Emery's Gap, and sh
, 1863. The rebel army, after evacuating Chattanooga, retired to La Fayette, twenty-eight miles Crittenden, followed by Granger, by way of Chattanooga; Thomas, by way of Trenton; and McCook, witturning our left and getting between us and Chattanooga. About eleven A. M., hearing some cannond to get in the rear of the former and take Chattanooga. Consequently, Wood was ordered to hold thhad reached a position a few miles south of Chattanooga. On Friday morning he sent General Steadmaoralized and routed corps, he headed toward Chattanooga, and at about one o'clock disappeared entir order to do so had ridden all the way from Chattanooga, passing through a fiery ordeal upon the romas fell back to Rossville, four miles from Chattanooga, around and in which city the army lies to- Rebel despatches. ten miles South of Chattanooga, via Ringgold, Sept. 21, 1863. To General S. Cooper: The enemy retreated on Chattanooga last night, leaving his dead and wounded in our han[2 more...]
mpting Maryland, the equally bold and alarming enterprise of carrying the war through Kentucky into Ohio, was assigned to Bragg, who was in command of the insurgent army on the southern border of Tennessee. He, with great rapidity, moved from Chattanooga, turning the left flank of General Buell, and, appealing for reenforcements to the slaveryinspired sentiments which existed in Kentucky and Tennessee, directed his forces against Louisville and Cincinnati. An uprising of the farmers of Ohio cgg, who, with little fighting, hastily abandoned his fortified positions of Shelbyville and Tullahoma, in Southern Tennessee. General Rosecrans took, and he yet holds them, while Bragg, with severe loss in a hurried retreat, has fallen back to Chattanooga. It is understood that his army had been already much weakened by detachments sent from it to reenforce Johnston, with a view to a raising of the siege of Vicksburgh. I must not overlook the operations of cavalry. General Stoneman, in con
atteries. By this time Colonel Giltner had taken possession of the south side of the bridge, dismounted and deployed his men as skirmishers, and, after a spirited engagement, drove the enemy across the creek, and held the railroad and south end of the bridge. In this latter engagement, and up to the time of the capture of the enemy, Colonel Giltner had the valuable services of Lieutenant-Colonel J. L. Bottles, of the Twenty-sixth Tennessee regiment, who, being absent from his command at Chattanooga, volunteered his services for the occasion. Just as this feat was accomplished by Colonel Giltner, Lieutenant-Colonel Walker's battalion, of Thomas's legion, was thrown out to the left, through a skirt of timber on the left of the enemy's sharp-shooters, and the artillery, led by Colonel Haynes in person, advanced to within two hundred yards of the roads occupied by the enemy, and opened a rapid fire of shell and canister upon the sharp-shooters. At the same time the infantry, upon th