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f Mr. Garfield, the resolution was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. On the sixth, Mr. Schenck, from the Military Committee, reported back the resolution with a substitute, enlarging its scope so as to include the campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta. The substitute provided: That the thanks of the people and of the Congress of the United States be tendered to Major-General William T. Sherman, and through him to the officers and men under his command, for their gallantry and good conduct in their campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta, and the triumphal march thence through Georgia to Savannah, terminating in the capture and occupation of that city; and that the President cause a copy of the resolution to be engrossed and forwarded to General Sherman. The substitute was agreed to, and the joint resolution as amended passed. In the Senate, a message was received from the House announcing the passage of the joint resolution tendering the thanks of the people and of C
I am not sure I can do better than to give an unstudied story of the unseen side of that golden shield of theirs — no silver side, alas! but dark, dull iron. The Ohio, at Louisville, behind you, southward across Kentucky and Tennessee, you look upon a region in the rear of the army of the Cumberland, a breadth of three hundred and eight miles to the spurs of the mountains. That area, once so lovely, is dappled with those shadows strange and sad — the hospitals of the Federal army. At Chattanooga, at Bridgeport, at Stevenson, at Cowan, at Decherd, at Murfreesboroa, at Nashville, strown all along the way, are flocks of tents sacred to mercy and the soldiers' sake. I wish I could bring you near enough to see them, that I could lift aside a fold in ward A here, or ward B there; that you may see the pale rows, each man upon his little couch, the white sheet setting close to the poor, thin limbs like the drapery of the grave. It would wonderfully magnify, I think, the work you are do
d hope. How they do scorn those copperhead knaves of the North. The fourth day they marched us six miles, and again we slept in the open air, with a terrific rain storm raging all night. The next day beggars description. It rained all day. We crossed one stream, waist deep, by wading. Some of the men swam it. The road was up the bed of a creek, and it was from ankle to knee deep more than half the time. We reached Tullahoma late in the evening. The men had to stay all night on a piece of ground three inches deep in mud, with nothing but green oak wood to make fires, and nothing to eat but meat, without vessels to cook it in; and it rained until midnight. It then turned cold, and next morning Bragg stripped us of our overcoats and canteens, and shipped us on cars to Chattanooga, and we have frozen and starved our way here. The result is that we have lost more men by their treatment than by their bullets, and a Northern penitentiary is a palace in comparison with this place.
of twenty regiments, four hundred each,--eight thousand; leaving a remainder of thirty thousand It is clearly ascertained that at least two brigades of cavalry have been sent from Van Dorn's command to Mississippi, and it is asserted in the Chattanooga rebel, of June eleventh, that General Morgan's command has been permanently detached and sent to Eastern Kentucky. It is not certainly known how large his division is, but it is known to contain at least two brigades. Taking this minimum as ase both the desire and the opportunity for desertion, and would very materially reduce his physical and moral strength. While it would lengthen our line of communications it would give us possession of McMinnsville, and enable us to threaten Chattanooga and East Tennessee; and it would not be unreasonable to expect an early occupation of the former place. 5. But the chances are more than even that a sudden and rapid movement would compel a general engagement, and the defeat of Bragg would
First division Twenty-First army corps, Chattanooga, Tenn., September 29, 1863. Sir: At early dajects which debarred my farther progress to Chattanooga. At four P. M. I communicated to him the r led me to suspect the enemy was evacuating Chattanooga, but the individuals who gave it were by no of the river that the enemy was evacuating Chattanooga. The information having been communicate was despatched to me to move my command to Chattanooga, prepared for a vigorous pursuit of the eneher opposition was encountered in occupying Chattanooga, and the Ninety-second Illinois pushed rapiommanding General. My division remained in Chattanooga until the morning of the tenth. I then rec, I led the First and Third brigades out of Chattanooga, to commence the pursuit of the enemy. At ct a position guarding the roads leading to Chattanooga and around the point of Lookout Mountain, a, hoping thus to cut our communication with Chattanooga, and capture and destroy the bulk of the ar[6 more...]
igher commanders of the troops assembled in Chattanooga, that a movement was in contemplation to caoss Citico Creek near its mouth, just above Chattanooga, move up the peninsula enclosed between thee of Mission Ridge. The remaining force in Chattanooga was to make a demonstration against the enee ammunition and ambulance trains in rear of Fort Wood. Then, at the bugle signal, the magnifice the scene, was present. On the ramparts of Fort Wood were gathered officers of high rank, crownedine and column checkered the broad plain of Chattanooga. In front, plainly to be seen, was the erfectness of the grand battle array. From Fort Wood to the railroad the country is open. South et above the general level of the valley of Chattanooga. It is twenty-one hundred yards from Fort Fort Wood. The rebels had held the knob as an outpost since the investment was first established. A eadquartes Department of the Cumberland, Chattanooga, Tenn. General Granger: The General commandi[13 more...]
f a line of breastworks before reaching the Chattanooga road, and, though assailing them with greatterly and somewhat oblique direction to the Chattanooga and Lafayette road; and that at a point neas time, entered an old field, bordering the Chattanooga and Lafayette road, and attempted to cross ter moving through the woodland between the Chattanooga road and Dyer's farm-house, I reached a larards from Vinyard's house, on the road from Chattanooga to Lee and Gordon's Mill. The whole Yankeeershaw's brigade, posted to the left of the Chattanooga road. Word was sent to General Kershaw thanemy continued to retreat to and beyond the Chattanooga road, near which my brigade captured two pi found the enemy's telegraph running up the Chattanooga and Crawfish Spring road, several hundred yhis occasion. From thence we moved towards Chattanooga, to the position held by and relieving Deasemy back to within one hundred yards of the Chattanooga road, when I discovered a battery of two Na[171 more...]
headquarters Second brigade, Second division, Twenty-First army corps, Chattanooga, Oct. 8, 1863. Lieutenant-Colonel C. Goddard, A. A. General, Headquarters De the valley was occupied by a large force, and to cross ourselves and occupy Chattanooga at the earliest opportunity. The forces were scattered from Kingston to Wal Burnside. A battery and two regiments of infantry were placed opposite Chattanooga, and the enemy at that point annoyed and two of his boats disabled. I also ttempted. At the same time, the pontoon bridge of the enemy was moored at Chattanooga, as if to cross over troops at that point. All the crossings were closelyn A. M., on the ninth, from their works opposite that island. The city of Chattanooga was also evacuated the same morning, and the troops of General Wagner crosseat Frior's Island, reconnoitring thoroughly the country opposite and towards Chattanooga. Colonel Minty was at once ordered down to cross and report to Colonel Wi
f the enemy's most formidable gunboats, besides his transports and barges, succeeded in passing safely on the sixteenth. I found it a very difficult matter to obtain the necessary hawsers and chains for the raft in the Yazoo, but it was speedily replaced under the active and energetic supervision of Mr. Thomas Weldon. My request for the return of the troops forwarded to Middle Tennessee to reinforce General Bragg, was immediately complied with. A portion of them, however, had reached Chattanooga; the remainder were halted by telegraph at various points on the route, and the whole were restored to this department as soon as was practicable. The enemy's vessels of war occupying the river between Vicksburg and Grand Gulf, it was impossible for me to operate effectually in the Trans-Mississippi Department, to prevent the advance of the enemy to the west bank of the river. On the seventeenth April,therefore, I addressed the following telegraphic communication to Captain E. Powel
trike at present would be to take possession of Atlanta — thus isolating still more completely the Trans-Mississippi States, and detaching, in a great measure, the States of Mississippi and Alabama from the Eastern portion of the Confederacy. It would also be a deplorable injury to the energetic, populous State of Georgia, and cripple the resources of that people. We should, therefore, regard Atlanta as the actual objective point of the large force which the enemy has concentrated about Chattanooga, and the one which we must, at all cost, prevent him from obtaining. In this state of affairs, throwing aside all other considerations, subordinating all other operations to this one vital campaign, at a concerted moment we must withdraw from other points a portion of their forces — all, indeed, not absolutely essential for keeping up a show of defence or safety against a coup-de-main--and concentrate in this way every available soldier possible, for operations against General Grant.