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nd file, in good order, on the morning of the twenty-fourth of November, for Summerville, arriving there at ten P. M. the same day; distance fifty-three miles. Left Summerville next morning at seven o'clock, and arrived at the Hinkle farm at four P. M.--thirty-five miles--and being able to obtain some hay there, remained until feverity of the weather and hard marching, he wished to return to his camp at Summerville. I asked him to take the advance until we met the enemy's pickets, which heses, destroying camp, etc., we marched at four P. M. on the twenty-sixth for Summerville, where we arrived on the twenty-seventh, at noon, making one hundred and tweer the most mountainous and rugged part of Western Virginia. We remained in Summerville until the twenty-ninth; left for Camp Piatt, and arrived in camp on the thirat noon. My men suffered severely from frost. I left two men in hospital at Summerville, whose boots were cut from their feet; other were more or less frozen. My h