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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Census, United States (search)
1317,622 Trenton, N. J.73,30757,45815,849 Bridgeport, Conn.70,99648,86622,130 Lynn, Mass.68,51355,72712,786 Oakland, Cal.66,96048,68218,278 Lawrence, Mass.62,55944,65417,905 New Bedford. Mass.62,44240,73321,709 Des Moines, Ia.62,13950,09312,046 Springfield, Mass.62,05944,17917,880 Somerville, Mass.61,64340,15221,491 Troy, N. Y.60,65160,956*305 Hoboken, N. J.59,36443,64815,716 Evansville, Ind.59,00750,7568,251 Manchester. N. H.56,98744,12612,861 Utica, N. Y.56,38344,00712,376 Peoria. Ill.56,10041,02415,076 Charleston, S. C.55,80754,955852 Savannah, Ga.54,.24443,18911,055 Salt Lake City, Utah.53,53144,8438,688 San Antonio, Tex.53,32137,67315,648 Duluth, Minn.52,96933,11519,854 Erie, Pa.52,733 40,63412,099 Elizabeth, N. J.52,13037,76414,366 Wilkesbarre, Pa.51.72137,71814,003 Kansas City, Kan.51,41838,31613,102 Harrisburg, Pa.50,16739,38510,782 Portland, Me.50,14536,42513,720 Yonkers, N. Y.47,93132,03315,898 * Decrease. Cities with population exceeding 25
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hennepin, Louis 1640- (search)
, and was a regimental chaplain at the battle of Senef, between the Prince of Conde and William of Orange, in 1674. The next year he was ordered to Canada, and made the voyage with Bishop Laval and Robert Cavalier de la Salle. After preaching in Quebec, he went to the Indian mission at Fort Frontenac, and visited the Mohawk country. In 1678 he accompanied La Salle to the Western wilds, with Chevalier de Tonti and the Sieur de la Motte. Left by La Salle a little below the present site of Peoria to prosecute discoveries, he and two others penetrated to the Mississippi in a canoe, by way of the Illinois River, in February and March, 1680. They explored the Mississippi northward until, in April, they were captured by a party of Sioux and carried to their villages. Hennepin, at the beginning of the voyage, had invoked the aid of St. Anthony of Padua, and when he discovered the great rapids of the upper Mississippi he gave them the name of Falls of St. Anthony. He claimed to have dis
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hills, Newell Dwight 1858- (search)
Hills, Newell Dwight 1858- Clergyman; born in Magnolia, Ia., Sept. 2, 1858; was educated in Iowa College, Lake Forest University, and the McCormick Theological Seminary. He entered the ministry of the Presbyterian Church and in 1887-90 held a pastorate in Peoria, and in 1890-94 in Evanston, Ill. In the latter year he was called to the Central Presbyterian Church in Chicago to succeed Prof. David Swing, and in January, 1899, he became pastor of the Plymouth Congregational Church in Brooklyn, succeeding Rev. Lyman Abbott, D. D., who had succeeded Henry Ward Beecher. On March 29, 1900, he withdrew from the Presbyterian denomination. He is author of The investment of influence; A man's value to Society; How the inner light failed; and Foretokens of immortality.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hovey, Horace Carter 1833- (search)
Hovey, Horace Carter 1833- Clergyman; born in Rob Roy, Ind., in 1833; graduated at Wabash College in 1853, and at the Lane Theological Seminary in 1857; held pastorates in New Albany, Peoria, Minneapolis, New Haven, Bridgeport, and Newburyport. He is author of Origin and annals of old South of Newburyport; and a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Illinois. (search)
Illinois. The site of the present State was first explored by Marquette and Joliet, French missionaries from Canada, in 1763, who were followed by La Salle and Hennepin. Twenty years later mission stations were established at Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and Peoria; and early in the eighteenth century a French monastery was established at Kaskaskia. By the treaty of 1763, the Illinois country, as it was called, passed under the jurisdiction of the English. By the treaty of 1783 it was ceded to the United States, and it formed a part of the Northwest Territory. The country conquered by General Clarke, in 1778-79, the Virginia Assembly erected into a county, which they called Illinois. It embraced all State seal of Illinois. territory north of the Ohio claimed as within the limits of Virginia, and ordered 500 men to be raised for its defence. In 1809, when the present boundaries of Indiana were defined, Illinois included Wisconsin and a part of Minnesota, and in 1810 contained mor
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ingersoll, Robert Green 1833- (search)
Ingersoll, Robert Green 1833- Lawyer; born in Dresden, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1833; began the study of law when eighteen years old, and three years later was admitted to the bar. His gift of oratory soon made him a distinguished man, both in the courts and in Democratic politics. In 1857 he removed from Shawneetown, Ill., to Peoria, and in 1860 was an unsuccessful candidate for Congress. In 1862 he organized the 11th Illinois Cavalry and went to the front as its colonel. He spent most of his military career in raiding and scouting. On Nov. 28, 1862, while endeavoring to intercept a Confederate raiding body with 600 men, he was attacked by a force of 10,000, and captured. He was almost immediately paroled, and placed in command of a camp at St. Louis. After a few months in this capacity, fearing that he would not be returned to active service, he resigned his commission. Returning home, he became a strong Republican, and in 1866 was appointed attorney-general of Illinois. In 1876
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), La Salle, Robert Cavelter, Sieur de 1643- (search)
ssing him with claims, and he unlawfully gathered furs and sent them back in the Griffin to meet those claims. Then he proceeded, with his party, in canoes, to the mouth of the St. Joseph River, in southwestern Michigan, where he established a trading-house and called it Fort Miami. Ascending the St. Joseph, he crossed to the Kankakee, and paddled down it until he reached an Illinois village, and, in January, 1680, he began the establishment of a trading-post on the site of the present Peoria, Ill., which he called Fort Robert Cavelier Sieur De La Salle. Crevecoeur. Disappointed in the failure of the Griffin to make a return voyage with supplies, he put De Tonti in command of the fort and despatched Hennepin and Acau to explore the Illinois to its mouth and the Mississippi northward. With five companions, La Salle started back for Canada, and from the mouth of the St. Joseph he crossed Michigan to a river flowing into the Detroit, and thence overland to Lake Erie. From its west
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lincoln, Abraham 1809- (search)
hat, if a man says he knows a thing, then he must show how he knows it. I always have a right to claim this, and it is not satisfactory to me that he may be conscientious on the subject. Now, gentlemen, I hate to waste my time on such things, but in regard to that general abolition tilt that Judge Douglas makes when he says that I was engaged at that time in selling out and abolitionizing the Old Whig party, I hope you will permit me to read a part of a printed speech that I made then at Peoria, which will show altogether a different view of the position I took in that contest of 1854. [Voice: Put on your specs. ] Yes, sir, I am obliged to do so. I am no longer a young man. This is the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. The foregoing history may not be precisely accurate in every particular; but I am sure it is sufficiently so for all the uses I shall attempt to make of it, and in it we have before us the chief materials enabling us to correctly judge whether the repeal of t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Marquette, Jacques 1637- (search)
and rivers. That on which we sailed is broad, deep, and gentle for 65 leagues. During the spring and part of the summer the only portage is half a league. We found there an Ilinois town called Kaskaskia, composed of seventy-four cabins. They received us well, and compelled me to promise to return and instruct them. One of the chiefs of this tribe, with his young men, escorted us to the Ilinois Lake, whence at last we returned in the close of September, to the Bay of the Fetid, whence we had set out in the beginning of June. Had all this voyage caused but the salvation of a single soul, I should deem all my fatigue well repaid; and this I have reason to think, for, when I was returning, I passed by the Indians of Peoria. I was three days announcing the faith in all their cabins, after which, as we were embarking, they brought me on the water's edge a dying child, which I baptized a little before it expired, by an admirable Providence for the salvation of that innocent soul.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Maury, Dabney Herndon 1822- (search)
Maury, Dabney Herndon 1822- Military officer: born in Fredericksburg, Va., May 21, 1822; graduated at the University of Virginia; and at the United States Military Academy in 1846; joined the Mounted Rifles in the same year, and served with marked distinction in the Mexican War. During the interval between that struggle and the Civil War he was an instructor at West Point and later superintendent of cavalry instruction and regimental adjutant at Carlisle Barracks. In 1861 he resigned his post and became a colonel in the Confederate army; was promoted brigadier-general for gallantry in the Elkhorn campaign. His publications include System of tactics in single rank; Recollections of a Virginian; History of Virginia, etc. He died in Peoria, Ill., Jan. 11, 1900.