Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Natchez (Mississippi, United States) or search for Natchez (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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Chambersburg, Pa.--Thirty-two men arrived at Williamsport, Md., from Berkley Co., Va., whence they had fled to avoid impressment into the rebel army.--A new Collector was appointed for Louisville, Kentucky, with orders to prohibit the shipment South of provisions, via that port.--N. Y. Herald, June 5. A proclamation dated Fort Smith, Arkansas, and signed W. F. Rector, Asst. Adjutant-General, says, the authority of the United States has ceased upon this frontier. --(Doc. 232.) The Natchez (Miss.) Courier of this day has the following: A wise and salutary law was passed by the Confederate Congress, before its adjournment, prohibiting, during the existence of the blockade of any of the Southern ports by the United States Government, the exportation of any raw cotton or cotton yarn except through the seaports of the Confederate States. The penalty for a violation of the law is the forfeiture of the cotton or yarn so attempted to be exported, as also fine or imprisonment for th
support of the United States Government, and serve in defence of their own soil.--(Doc. 241.) The New Orleans Catholic Standard says: Let no Southern child be educated outside the limits of the Confederate States. We have excellent schools and colleges at Richmond and Norfolk in Virginia; at Charleston and Columbia in South Carolina; at Savannah and Augusta in Georgia; at St. Augustine in Florida; at Mobile in Alabama; at Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian, Sulphur Springs, Vicksburg, and Natchez in Mississippi; at Fort Smith, Helena, and Little Rock in Arkansas; at Marksville, and Memphis in Tennessee; at Galveston, New Braunfels, San Antonio, Brownsville, and Liberty in Texas; and at St. Michael's Grand Coteau, Vermillionville, Thibodeaux, Donaldsonville, Natchitoches, Avoyelles, Alexandria, Shreveport, Iberville, Algiers, and New Orleans in Louisiana. The social bonds between us and the Catholics at the North have been severed by them. We acknowledge them no longer as our count
isoners were marched from the tobacco factories in which they had been confined, to the depot of the Petersburg Railroad, in double files, guarded by a detachment of fifty men from the Jeff. Davis Louisiana Battalion, commanded by Lieutenant C. W. Brocket, of the rebel army, who are to accompany them all the distance to Charleston. Twenty-five men of the detachment detailed from the Hadison (La.) Infantry, marched ahead of the prisoners, the rear being brought up by twenty-five men of the Natchez (Miss.) Rifles. The party embarked in three cars specially provided for their accommodation, each car being guarded by fifteen Southern soldiers, very fully armed.--Richmond Examiner, Sept. 11. A battle took place about three o'clock this afternoon, near Summersville, Va. General Rosecrans, after making a reconnoissance, found General Floyd's army--five thousand strong, with sixteen field-pieces — intrenched in a powerful position, on the top of a mountain at Carnifex Ferry, on the we
ns shall so far cease and determine, from and after the first of June next, that commercial intercourse with these ports, except as to persons and things and information contraband of war, may from that time be carried on, subject to the laws of the United States and to the limitations and in pursuance of the regulations which are prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury.--(Doc. 14.) Commander Palmer, of the United States steamer Iroquois, demanded the surrender of the city of Natchez, Mississippi, to the naval forces of the United States. Two regiments from Kentucky and Tennessee attempted to desert from the rebel army, near Corinth, but were forcibly detained.--The rebel steamer Gov. Morton was captured. The United States Senate passed Mr. Doolittle's bill providing for the collection of taxes in the insurrectionary districts.--During a debate on the motion fixing a time of adjournment, Mr. Wilson called Mr. Davis, of Kentucky, to order for uttering treasonable sen
ve mentioned. Last evening the rebels commenced shelling Fort Wright, on the Mississippi River, from behind Craighead Point, which, until yesterday, was occupied by the National mortar-boats. They kept up a fire during the night, the shells exploding wide of the mark. They are provided with mortars equal in weight of metal to those used by the Federal fleet.--Chicago Tribune, May 15. Dr. Nathan S. Jarvis, surgeon of the regular army, died at Baltimore, Md., this morning. Natchez, Miss., surrendered to the Union fleet, under the command of Flag-Officer Farragut.--(Doc. 108.) The Mobile Evening Telegraph, of this date, contains the following: As is customary, a handcar is sent from Pass Manchac down to Kenner, to ascertain if the road is clear; if so, a signal is given to the conductor of the regular train. In this instance, on Friday evening, the first handcar went down and was questioned by the Federal pickets and allowed to pass. The second car attempted to run
ield all the able-bodied men in the county of Jefferson and city of Louisville, and the Mayor called upon the citizens to come forward and enroll themselves for the immediate defence of their city. The public archives were removed from Frankfort to Louisville, and the Legislature adjourned to the same place. Lexington, Ky., was entered and occupied by the rebel forces under Gen. E. Kirby Smith. The Union troops evacuated the place a few hours previous, and fell back to Covington.--Natchez, Miss., was shelled by the Union gunboats. Yesterday the rebels commenced an attack upon the National forces at Stevenson, Ala., which continued until to-day, when the rebels retired with a severe loss. The fight was brought on by the National forces, which had just evacuated Huntsville, and were on their way to Nashville, Tenn. The batteries engaged were Simonton's Ohio and one section of Loomis's Michigan regiments. They were supported by the Tenth Wisconsin and Thirteenth Michigan reg
itish steamer Calypso ran the blockade of Charleston, S. C., and arrived at her wharf in that city without receiving any damage from the blockading fleet.--Charleston Courier. Rear-Admiral Farragut, from the flag-ship Hartford, lying off Natchez, Miss., sent a letter to the Mayor of that city, stating that if the United States boats were fired on by the people of Natchez or by guerrillas, he would bombard the city.--Gold was quoted in Richmond, Va., at four dollars and twenty-five cents presteamer Calypso ran the blockade of Charleston, S. C., and arrived at her wharf in that city without receiving any damage from the blockading fleet.--Charleston Courier. Rear-Admiral Farragut, from the flag-ship Hartford, lying off Natchez, Miss., sent a letter to the Mayor of that city, stating that if the United States boats were fired on by the people of Natchez or by guerrillas, he would bombard the city.--Gold was quoted in Richmond, Va., at four dollars and twenty-five cents premium.
July 12. This morning a portion of the fleet blockading the port of Wilmington, N. C., ran a rebel vessel on shore, close in by the edge of Smith's Island. While trying to get her off, the rebels in Fort Fisher despatched a steamer with a battery on board to prevent it. She had been at Smith's Island but a short time When a fire was opened from the National fleet on the eastern side of the shoals. At the same time a party of rebels was discovered approaching with a piece of artillery. Upon this, the fleet on the western side of the shoals opened fire to prevent the reenforcement of the rebels, and finally succeeded. The firing was continued until four o'clock, when the Union fleet returned to its station.--the blockade-runner Emma was captured by the Union transport steamer Arago.--Hagerstown and Funkstown, Md., were occupied by the Union forces after a slight engagement.--(Doc. 32.) Natchez, Miss., was occupied by a detachment belonging to General Grant's army.
July 29. Numerous depredations and outrages having been committed by citizens and rebel soldiers in disguise, harbored and concealed by citizens residing on the route of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, orders were issued by General Halleck authorizing the arrest of every citizen against whom there was sufficient evidence of his having been engaged in these practices.--A skirmish took place at St. Catherine's Creek, near Natchez, Miss., between a party of rebels belonging to the command of General Logan, and the Seventy-second Illinois regiment, under the command of Captain James, in which the former were routed with a loss of fifty prisoners and seventy-five horses.--A force of rebels, numbering about two thousand, under the command of General Pegram, made an attack upon the National troops at Paris, Ky., and after a severe engagement, lasting over two hours, were repulsed and routed.--the Eighth regiment of Massachusetts volunteers returned to Boston from the seat of war.--
August 9. A reconnoissance under Major Warden, of General Ransom's staff, to Woodville, seventy miles from Natchez, Miss., destroyed five locomotives, forty-three platform and twelve passenger cars; and burned a rebel cotton factory at Woodville, and also cotton and manufacturing goods to the value of two hundred thousand dollars. Join L. Chatfield, Colonel of the Sixth regiment of Connecticut volunteers, died at Waterbury, from wounds received in the assault on Fort Wagner, of July eighteenth.