Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Natchez (Mississippi, United States) or search for Natchez (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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at the restoration of free speech, a free press, and protection to liberty and property! Doc. 108.-surrender of Natchez, Miss. Official correspondence. United States steamer Iroquois, at anchor off Natchez, Miss., May 12. sir: In advNatchez, Miss., May 12. sir: In advance of the squadron now coming up the Mississippi, I am instructed by the flag-officer to demand the surrender of the city of Natchez to the naval forces of the United States. The same terms will be accorded as those granted to New-Orleans and Bator the Mayor of Natchez. To this communication the Mayor was directed to make the following reply: Mayors office, Natchez, Miss., May 13. sir: Your communication of the twelfth instant has been received by me and laid before the Board of Selecfully, your obedient servant, John Hunter, Mayor. To Jas. S. Palmer, Commander U. S. Steamer Iroquois, at anchor off Natchez, Miss. Doc. 109.-Richmond to be defended. The following joint resolutions were adopted by the Virginia Legislature
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 108.-surrender of Natchez, Miss. (search)
Doc. 108.-surrender of Natchez, Miss. Official correspondence. United States steamer Iroquois, at anchor off Natchez, Miss., May 12. sir: In advance of the squadron now coming up the Mississippi, I am instructed by the flag-officer to deNatchez, Miss., May 12. sir: In advance of the squadron now coming up the Mississippi, I am instructed by the flag-officer to demand the surrender of the city of Natchez to the naval forces of the United States. The same terms will be accorded as those granted to New-Orleans and Baton Rouge. The rights and property of all peaceable citizens shall be respected, but all proper the Mayor of Natchez. To this communication the Mayor was directed to make the following reply: Mayors office, Natchez, Miss., May 13. sir: Your communication of the twelfth instant has been received by me and laid before the Board of Selecy belonging to the confederate States, they are not aware of any such within the limits of the city. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, John Hunter, Mayor. To Jas. S. Palmer, Commander U. S. Steamer Iroquois, at anchor off Natchez, Miss.