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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 10 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 7 1 Browse Search
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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XXVII (search)
ad been accustomed, proved inadequate. This caused the spirit of discontent to increase and to become general among all ages. The natural result was such a threat of war from the great Sioux nation in the winter of 1890-91 as to necessitate the concentration of quite a large army to meet the danger of a general outbreak. In the course of military operations, accidents rather than design on either side occasioned some serious collisions between the troops and the Indians, especially at Wounded Knee, resulting in desperate conflict and in much loss of life. But by very careful management on the part of the commanding general in the field, Major-General Miles, a general conflict was averted, and the Sioux made their submission. They had had no general intention to go to war, if they could avoid it without starvation. After a large sum of money had been expended by the War Department in this way, the deficiencies in food were supplied at about the same cost as would, if made in adva
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
8; results of broken faith with, 436-438; the problem of restraint of, 487-489; threatened outbreak by, 488; battle of Wounded Knee, 488; enlistment of, 488, 489; allotments in severalty, 489; civilization of, 489; campaigns against, 514, 515 Indihe fates of Maximilian and Carlotta, 393 Miles, Maj.-Gen. Nelson A., telegram from S., July 2, 1894, 406; battle of Wounded Knee, 488; absence from his post, 493, 494; commanding Department of the Missouri, 494; doubts the use of United States tro Sinclairville, N. Y., Rev. James Schofield's pastorate in, 1 Sioux Indians, threatened outbreak by, 488; battle of Wounded Knee, 488; enlistment of, 489 Sixteenth Kentucky Infantry, in battle of Franklin, 178-180, 229 Slavery, the question th Thomas, Dec. 15, 1864, 263; orders to Fourth Corps, Dec. 15, 1864, 263; Orders of the Day for Dec. 16, 1864, 263 Wounded Knee, battle of, 488 Wyman, Col. John B., letter from Fremont to, Aug. 6, 1861, 39 Wyoming, massacre of Chinese in, 5
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Riley, Fort (search)
Riley, Fort A fortification of the United States in Geary county, Kan., on the Union Pacific Railroad, 4 miles northwest of Junction City, the county seat. A military post was established here in 1853, and, under the name of Camp Centre, because it was the geographical centre of the United States, was garrisoned in 1855. Later in the same year the name was changed to its present one in honor of Gen. B. C. Riley. In 1887, under an act of Congress, this army post was entirely transformed, enlarged, and equipped to accommodate a permanent school of instruction in drill and practice for the cavalry and light artillery service of the United States. The post now occupies 21,000 acres, and on a conspicuous site is a monument to the memory of the officers and men killed in the battles of Wounded Knee and Drexel Mission, in South Dakota, in 1890, culminations of the Messiah craze.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sioux Indians, or Dakota, Indians, (search)
Sitting Bull. His adherents arrayed themselves in warpaint, and provided an ample supply of guns and ammunition. They refused to report themselves at the different agencies, and a few of the most desperate began burning and pillaging near Wounded Knee, and afterwards escaped to the Bad Lands. On Dec. 15 a body of Indian police, acting under orders from General Miles, attempted to arrest Sitting Bull in his camp, about 40 miles northwest of Fort Yates, N. D. A skirmish ensued, and in it the noted chieftain, together with his son Crowfoot and six other Indians, was killed. The remnant of the band made its way to the Bad Lands. On Dec. 28 a battle occurred near Wounded Knee, S. D., between a cavalry regiment and the men of Big Foot's band. Thirty of the whites were killed, while the Indian dead numbered over 200, including many of their women and children. Over 3,000 Indians then fled from the agency and encamped near White Clay Creek, where, on the next day, another encou
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Whitside, Samuel Marmaduke 1839- (search)
Whitside, Samuel Marmaduke 1839- Military officer; born in Toronto, Canada, Jan. 9, 1839; joined the United States army in 1858; served throughout the Civil War with the 6th Cavalry; was then assigned to duty on the frontier, where he served for twenty-five years. In December, 1890, he captured Big Foot and his 400 Sioux warriors, and led his regiment at the battle of Wounded Knee. During the war with Spain he commanded the 5th Cavalry; was transferred to the 10th Cavalry in October, 1898; and went to Cuba in May, 1899, where he was placed in command of the Department of Santiago and Puerto Principe in January, 1900. On the reorganization of the regular army, in 1901, he was promoted brigadier-general.