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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 2: the cadet. (search)
ad commenced, and as it was always safest to give personal attention to one's own interests, it might be best for him to go immediately to Washington, instead of waiting for the result of the application, and be ready to proceed at once, if successful, to his destination. Thomas declared his preference for this course, and departed without a day's delay. Borrowing a pair of saddle-horses and a servant from a friend, he hastened to Clarksburg, to meet the stage-coach which plied thence to Winchester and Washington. His garments were homespun, and his whole wardrobe was contained in a pair of leathern saddlebags. When he reached Clarksburg the stage had passed by, but he pursued it, and at its next stopping-place overtook it, and proceeded to Washington city. Presenting himself thus before the Honorable Mr. Hays, he was kindly received; and his patron proposed that he, should go at once, with the stains of his travel upon him, to the office of the War Minister to procure his appoint
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 4: life in Lexington. (search)
s the supply of chaplains for the army; and the other may be stated in his own words:-- I am afraid that our people are looking to the wrong source for help, and ascribing our successes to those to whom they are not due. If we fail to trust in God, and to give Him all the glory, our cause is ruined. Give to our friends at home due warning on this subject. To another friend he wrote, Dec. 5, 1862 (eight days before the great battle of Fredericksburg):-- Whilst we were near Winchester, it pleased our ever-merciful Heavenly Father to visit my command with the rich outpouring of His Spirit. There were probably more than one hundred inquiring the way of life in my old brigade. It appears to me that we may look for growing piety and many conversions in the army; for it is the subject of prayer. If so many prayers were offered for the blessing of God upon any other organization, would we not expect the Answerer of prayer to hear the petitions, and send a blessing? And
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 6: first campaign in the Valley. (search)
the way. he wrote thus to his wife:-- Winchester, April 29th.-I expect to leave here about haides this, the railroad leading southward to Winchester, diverges from Harper's Ferry, and ascends touthwestward into the interior of the State, Winchester, was therefore the true strategic point for to Charlestown, eight miles upon the road to Winchester, turned westward to meet Patterson, and chosnker Hill, a wooded range of uplands between Winchester and Martinsburg. Upon hearing of this movemM., when he gave the order to return towards Winchester. At about sunset, we reached this place, which is about three miles north of Winchester, on the turnpike leading thence to Martinsburg. Whenuable property should have been withdrawn to Winchester by the way of Harper's Ferry, before this pond of four days, General Johnston retired to Winchester. On the 15th of July General Patterson advao much needed by him. Upon his return to Winchester, Colonel Jackson received the following note[4 more...]
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 7: Manassas. (search)
t of General Johnston from Harper's Ferry to Winchester was dictated, not only by the circumstances been in a condition to threaten his rear at Winchester. East of the Blue Ridge, General Beauregardally whether he were at Harper's Ferry or at Winchester, and at once required the evacuation of the was ordered under arms at its camp, north of Winchester, and the tents were struck. No man knew theh. As they passed through the streets of Winchester, the citizens, whose hospitality the soldiersoon as the troops had gone three miles from Winchester, General Johnston commanded the whole columnused his men and resumed the march. From Winchester to Manassa's Junction the distance is about time should re-occupy the lower Valley about Winchester, Harper's Ferry, and Martinsburg, and, makin 1861.--I have received orders to proceed to Winchester. My trust is in God for the defence of thatir whole hearts. He repaired immediately to Winchester, and entered upon his duties as General comm
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 8: winter campaign in the Valley. 1861-62. (search)
his orders.from the Commander-in-Chief, for Winchester, by railroad, and reached that place on the , make them the paradise of the grazier. As Winchester is the focal point and metropolis for the loderates. General Jackson had not reached Winchester, before his foresight of these results inducand 23d and 37th Virginia regiments, reached Winchester. Near the close of December, the last reinfrgan County, a village forty miles north of Winchester, was a detachment of fifteen hundred Federalsecure in another line of communication with Winchester, far to, the south of Bath, even if the latd all the troops returned to the vicinity of Winchester. General Johnston detained the resignation counties of Pendleton, Highland, and Bath. Winchester was again exposed to the advance of the enemt he constructed no works for the defence of Winchester. To an inquiry of General Hill, he replied,ishing a telegraph line between Leesburg and Winchester, he proposed to secure a concentration of th[17 more...]
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 9: General view of the campaigns of 1862. (search)
ble battery, its centre about Manassa's Junction, and its left at Winchester under General Jackson. This army was composed of volunteers enlilellan was to drive back the left wing of the Confederate army at Winchester, by — the forces under Shields and Banks, to insulate and overpowston from Manassa's Junction implied that of General Jackson from Winchester, for reasons already explained (in Chap. VII.); and for the latton, not to permit the Federalists to insinuate themselves between Winchester and the Blue Ridge. Had there been no armies on the theatre of w be left open to General Banks. But unless the Confederates from Winchester moved so decisively towards the Blue Ridge, as to leave the road Banks at the fords of the Shenandoah, and on the main roads from Winchester to Manassa's, if that purpose were to be the dominant one, the Coding his stores and sick to Mount Jackson, forty-five miles above Winchester. It will appear how far events confirmed his speculations. T
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 10: Kernstown. (search)
Chapter 10: Kernstown. By the 11th of March, 1862, General Jackson had removed all his sick anhered in all his troops from the outposts to Winchester. He now had only the First, Second, and Thiexpression of his bitter reluctance to leave Winchester without one brave stroke for its defence. T, to enrich their conquest. The citizens of Winchester, who, saw their nervous timidity at the thouore him, and drove the enemy's outposts into Winchester. The rapidity of this movement took them byAshby pressed back to the highlands south of Kernstown, and confronted by considerable masses of th Creek, a quiet mill stream, five miles from Winchester, proceeds thither over a series of long and ter surmounting a moderate ridge, it reaches Kernstown, a hamlet of a dozen houses, seated in the mh gently undulating farms, converges towards Winchester, in such a direction as to meet the main thoaround their devoted town raged like that of Kernstown, with cannonade so fast and furious, and suc[20 more...]
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 11: McDowell. (search)
as general director of the operations of all the armies in the field. The high estimate held by General Jackson of his character and accomplishments was pleasantly illustrated by the manner in which he received the news of this appointment, at Winchester. Much had been said by his friends there, of the desire that he should receive reinforcements. One evening, at supper, he said, with a smile, to the lady whose hospitality he was sharing: Well, Madam, I am reinforced at last; and pointed her e Rappahannock and made a vigorous onslaught against the Federalists upon the Manassa's Railroad, and at its Junction. It was hoped by General Lee, that the news of this attack, so far towards his base, would cause Banks's immediate retreat to Winchester, or even to the Potomac. The third project was to leave the same dispositions for the defence of the Valley, effect a junction with General Ewell at Gordonsville, and marching thence to Fredericksburg, unite with the forces of Generals Anderso
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 12: Winchester. (search)
on upon a commanding height on the side next Winchester, overlooking the village, and the approach og executed his orders, now appeared upon the Winchester road, in the most timely manner, to join in ody of his army neither to Strasbourg nor to Winchester, but to Middletown, a village upon the greatey, was directed to pursue his movement upon Winchester by the Front Royal road, observing appearanc attempted to make a stand at Strasbourg, at Winchester, or at any intermediate point, the whole fort-damps, advanced to battle. The town of Winchester is seated upon ground almost level; and suchna, Colonel Kirkland was within two miles of Winchester. Here he rested his advance at 10 o'clock Protect the rear of the army. On arriving at Winchester, General Jackson learned that the approach oinding a large and well provided hospital at Winchester, filled with seven hundred Federal sick andrejoicing as was manifested by the people of Winchester, as our army yesterday passed through the to[27 more...]
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 13: Port Republic. (search)
mpaign was already accomplished; his rapid movements and stunning blows had neutralized the efforts of General McDowell against Richmond --Banks was driven from Winchester the 25th of May, and the Federal authorities were panic-struck by the thought of a victorious Confederate army, of unknown numbers, breaking into Maryland by Hast by their momentum and even broke through the ranks of the rear regiment in a brigade of infantry,--that of Colonel Campbell,--commanded since his wounding at Winchester by Colonel J. M. Patton. But that officer, filing his next regiment from the road in good order, made way for the onset of the enemy, and, as they passed, gaveost dangerous. The 2nd and 6th regiments of cavalry were now transferred from the command of General Stewart, to that of Ashby. When the latter returned to Winchester the week before, from the pursuit of Banks, he was met by his commission of BrigadierGen-eral of cavalry; an honor well earned by his arduous and important serv