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Banks's Amnesty. --We find in our exchanges a list of the political prisoners to be released by General Banks copied from the official Delta. It embraces prisoners confined at Ship Island. Fort St. Philip, Fort Jackson, Fort Pike, Fort Pickens, and the Parish prison of New Orleans. Among them we find the name of John T. Monroe, late Mayor, who is to be released upon taking the oath of allegiance; also, Rev. Theodore Clapp, H. Bonapa to, and the following persons, whom we take to be slaves and free persons of color, released upon giving parole not to commit any act of hostility to the United States &c.; Girl of Mrs. Cornas, Andrew of Reed, Didul f. m. c., George of Williamson, Jim. Nelson Davis)
The Daily Dispatch: December 8, 1863., [Electronic resource], The fall of New Orleans — opinion of the Court of Inquiry in the case of Gen. Lovell. (search)
is ability to hold that line against such an attack was greatly impaired by the withdrawal from him, by superior authority, of nearly all his effective troops. 2. The exterior line, as adopted and improved by him, was well devised, and rendered as strong as the means of his command allowed. 3. Until the iron-clad gunboats Louisiana and Mississippi should be ready for service it was indispensably necessary to obstruct the navigation of the Mississippi river between Forts Jackson and St. Philip. The raft completed under Gen. Lovell's direction was adequate for the purpose while in position: but it was swept away, and left the river unimpeded, either by reason of some error in its construction, or neglect in preventing the accumulation of drift, or because of insuperable mechanical difficulties, as to which this Court feels unprepared to give an opinion. General Lovell communicated to the Government no opinion as to the insecurity of the raft, nor any apprehension that it might
The Daily Dispatch: December 25, 1863., [Electronic resource], The capture of New Orleans — McClellan's Orders to Gen. Butler. (search)
antry, 275 cavalry, and 580 artillery: total, 15,255 men. The commanding General of the Department of Key West is authorized to loan you, temporarily, two regiments; Fort Pickens can probably give you another, which will bring your force to nearly 18,000. The object of your expedition one of vital importance — the capture of New Orleans.--The route selected is up the Mississippi river, and the first obstacle to be encountered, perhaps the only one, is in the resistance offered by Forts St. Philip and Jackson. It is expected that the navy can reduce the works. In that case you will, after their capture, leave a sufficient garrison in them to render them perfectly secure; and it is recommended that on the upward passage a few heavy guns and some troops be left at the pilot station, at the forks of the river, to recover a retreat in case of a disaster. The troops and guns will of course be removed as soon as the forts are captured. Should the navy fail to reduce the works,
The Daily Dispatch: March 3, 1865., [Electronic resource], Proclamation by the President, appointing a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, with thanksgiving. (search)
th Admiral Porter's gunboats. She took the alarm yesterday, and sought a safer anchorage. The other steamers — for the most part small river boats — have gone up in the direction of Fayetteville. At noon, the fleet of Admiral Porter fired a salute in honor of Washington's birthday — a feu de joie at the same time in token of the double victory at Charleston and Wilmington. Soon after, the fleet began advancing. A channel had first to be cut through the obstructions opposite Fort St. Philip. The small boats accomplished this in a short space of time, and the Malvern, Admiral Porter's flagship, passed through, leading the way for the rest of the fleet. The Malvern, on coming abreast of the city, fired a salute, which had the effect of bringing the citizens, in a great concourse, to the wharves, where, throughout the afternoon, they gazed with much interest upon the Yankee gunboats.--The Malvern was followed by the Sassacus, which, in time, was followed by such others of t<