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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 717 1 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 676 8 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 478 10 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 417 3 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 411 1 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 2: Two Years of Grim War. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 409 3 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 344 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 332 2 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 325 5 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant 320 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) or search for Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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of dead and wounded, that they would not return to the attack. Our loss is put down at about one hundred, killed, wounded, and missing, during the two fights. That of the rebels was twice the number. Had it not been for the unfortunate occurrence of the Choctaw, our loss would have been very small indeed. Over one hundred dead were left by the enemy unburied, unattended to, upon the field. They took off nearly all their wounded. Another account. Twenty-Second day in rear of Vicksburgh, June 9, 1863. Two gentlemen from the Yazoo have given me the following particulars of the fight at Milliken's Bend, in which negro troops played so conspicuous a part: My informant states that a force of about one thousand negroes, and two hundred men of the Twenty-third Iowa, belonging to the Second brigade, Carr's division, (the Twenty-third Iowa had been up the river with prisoners, and was on its way back to this place,) was surprised in camp by a rebel force of about two thousa
Doc. 14.-the capture of Richmond, La. Admiral Porter's report. United States Mississippi Squadron, flag-ship Black Hawk, near Vicksburgh, Thursday, June 18, 1863. sir: I have the honor to inform you, that, hearing the enemy had collected a force of twelve thousand men at Richmond, in Louisiana, nine miles from Milliken's Bend, I sent General Ellet to General Mowry, at Young's Point, to act in conjunction to wake them up. General Mowry promptly acceded to the request, and, with abouely destroyed in the melee. This duty was handsomely performed by the different parties connected in it. David D. Porter, Assistant Rear-Admiral. Brigadier-General Ellet's report. Headquarters M. B. Brigade, flag-ship Autocrat, above Vicksburgh, June 17, 1863. Admiral: I have the honor to inform you, that, in accordance with your consent, I landed my forces at Milliken's Bend on the morning of the fifteenth instant, and proceeded toward Richmond, La. At the forks of the road, wi
th army corps from Milliken's Bend to Vicksburgh, Mississippi, etc. see page 687 Docs., Vol. VIhirteenth army corps, battle-field, near Vicksburgh, Miss., June 17, 1863. Lieutenant-Colonel J. A.m which operations could be directed against Vicksburgh, and also to afford them needed protection aports and gunboats from their moorings above Vicksburgh below to Carthage. Happily, on the seventackson, and was probably attempting to reach Vicksburgh in advance of us, and ordering me immediatele stand to cover his trains and retreat upon Vicksburgh, but several hours before sunset was dislodg my corps, and took up the line of march for Vicksburgh, twelve miles distant. General Smith's divisresting there for the night, four miles from Vicksburgh. Several prisoners and wagons were capturedlong hill overlooking a creek two miles from Vicksburgh. This hill runs north and south, and confor, in front, but each other. the siege of Vicksburgh. Since four o'clock A. M., my command had[14 more...]
give them a chance to see their homes again. We can only hear rumors of what is going on between Banks and Taylor, at Vicksburgh, on the Cumberland, and in Virginia, and the want of reliable news from the army and the impossibility of communicatinght down the river, and the non-arrival of the rebel force from Arkansas, which have put an end to Gen. Taylor's plans. Vicksburgh, according to the rebel account, was surrendered on the fourth of July, not to Grant, but to Admiral Farragut, and if ouring the late siege, but they must have made less noise about it. It is at last, it seems, an established fact that Vicksburgh and Port Hudson are ours. The capture of the first was the way old U. S. Grant took to celebrate the Fourth, while t to do, in order to be able hereafter to compare my dictum with what he does do. After leaving a sufficient garrison in Vicksburgh, he should send fifteen thousand men to reenforce General Banks's worn-out army, by which means Banks could capture or
w without resistance and ironed them. Captured Lieutenant Davenport as he came on deck. Weighed anchor, being unable to slip the cable, and started at three A. M., going out by Hussey's Sound. Towed out by two boats ahead, followed by the Archer as fast as the light wind would permit. Laid to outside waiting for the Archer. When the steamers attacked us could only find five round shots, and were obliged to fire stones and pieces of iron. Lieutenant Read belongs in Mississippi, near Vicksburgh, and graduated from Annapolis in 1860. He came in with the intention of burning the shipping and two gunboats which he learned were building, from a coal-laden English schooner from Pictou to New-York. He also intended to catch the steamer Forest City and burn her. All the Tacony's crew came out of Mobile in the Florida except three taken from the Byzantium. The Tacony passed many steamers during her cruise. On the day the Byzantium and Goodspeed were burned, a large steamer, showin
ler, the lucky boat of the war, was at anchor in front of the town and joined in the action. The battle, though overshadowed by the brilliant achievements at Vicksburgh, is nevertheless an important one. I think it has given a final quietus to Price's army, about which we have heard so much during the war. It is to be regrettetc., Thos. N. Pase, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding First Indiana Cavalry. Naval reports. United States Mississippi Squadron, flag-ship Black Hawk, off Vicksburgh, July 11, 1863. sir: I have the honor to inclose you a full report of the late affair at Helena, where the gunboat Tyler saved the day, and enabled our littlners, with arms, officers, and colors. At half-past 10 o'clock A. M., the enemy had drawn off entirely, and the firing ceased as the white flag was run up at Vicksburgh. Our total loss in killed, wounded, and missing, has been two hundred and thirty; that of the enemy at least two thousand. They estimate their own loss at t
too, they would have to take to reach either Vicksburgh, Jackson, or any intermediate point on the r To prevent heavy reinforcements going from Vicksburgh to the assistance of the Grand Gulf forces, d makes a sharp turn to the left approaching Vicksburgh. The top of the ridge and the precipitous hmorning of the nineteenth, the investment of Vicksburgh was made as complete as could be by the forcarmy corps, Department of the Tennessee, Vicksburgh, Miss., July 4, 1863. soldiers of the Seventack to his defences within the stronghold of Vicksburgh. Your assaulting columns, which moved proal trophies of victory. Ii. The siege of Vicksburgh. It was on the eighteenth day of May, 186m the interior, embarked and landed opposite Vicksburgh, making Young's Point his depot of supplies.by him intrusted with the special defence of Vicksburgh. He denies having made the speech attribute expected General Grant's army to march into Vicksburgh that night, while there was no means of defe[85 more...]
ed duel of half an hour, drove it shamefully away. In half an hour Generals Taylor, Mouton, and Green, with their respective staffs, had their headquarters in the city of Brashear. Captured 1800 prisoners and thirty-three commissioned officers; $3,000,000 commissary stores; $1,500,000 quartermaster's stores; $250,000 ordnance stores; $100,000 medical stores; twenty-three garrison and regimental flags; 1000 tents; 2000 horses and mules; between 6000 and 7000 negroes; sixteen guns; 7000 stand of small arms, and a position of as much importance to this country (trans-Mississippi,) as Port Hudson and Vicksburgh; in fact, the key to Louisiana and Texas. This brilliant campaign of General Taylor had another great object in view and one of vast importance, namely: A diversion to force the enemy to raise the siege of Port Hudson. He now has his choice, to lose New-Orleans or to abandon his operations against Port Hudson, and retire with his beaten and demoralized army into that city.
Doc. 27.-battle at Milliken's Bend. Official report of General Dennis. headquarters Department of the Tennessee, near Vicksburgh, June 16, 1863. General: Herewith I have the honor of inclosing Brigadier-General E. S. Dennis's report of the battle of Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, fought on the seventh day of June, 1863, together with the list of casualties. In this battle most of the troops engaged were Africans, who had but little experience in the use of fire-arms. Their conduct is said, however, to have been most gallant, and I doubt not, with good officers, they will make good troops Very respectfully, your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Major-General. To Brig.-General Thomas, Adjutant-General of the Army. Headquarters N. E. District Louisiana, Young's Point, La., June 12, 1863. Colonel: I have the honor to report that, in accordance with instructions received from me, Colonel Leib, commanding Ninth Louisiana A. D., made a reconnoissance in the direction of Ric
ness and courage, and showed an unsurpassed devotion to the service. Thomas W. Hamilton, Quartermaster, United States steamer Cincinnati, in an attack on the Vicksburgh batteries, May twenty-seventh, 1863, was severely wounded while at the wheel, but afterward returned to lend a hand, and had to be sent below. Frank Bois, Quartermaster, United States steamer Cincinnati, in an attack on the Vicksburgh batteries, May twenty-seventh, 1863. Coolness in making signals, and in nailing the flag to the stump of the forestaff under a heavy fire. Thomas Jenkins, seaman; Martin McHugh, seaman; Thomas E. Corcoran, landsman; Henry Dow, Boatswain's Mate, United States steamer Cincinnati, in an attack on the Vicksburgh batteries, May twenty-seventh, 1863. All conspicuous for coolness and bravery under a severely accurate fire. These were no ordinary cases of performance of duty. John Woon, Boatswain's Mate, United States steamer Pittsburgh, in an engagement with the batteries at Gr