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James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 26: three months in Europe. (search)
oned. The omission gave him an opportunity to retort upon the London Times its assertion, that with the English press, fidelity in reporting is a religion. The speech was written out by Mr. Greeley himself, and published in the Tribune. It must be confessed, that the graduate of a Vermont printing-office made a creditable appearance before the lords and gentlemen. The sights in and about London seem to have made no great impression on the mind of Horace Greeley. He spent a day at Hampton Court, which he oddly describes as larger than the Astor House, but less lofty and containing fewer rooms. Westminstor Abbey appeared to him a mere barbaric profusion of lofty ceilings, stained windows, carving, graining, and all manner of contrivances for absorbing labor and money— waste, not taste; the contortions of the sybil without her inspiration. The part of the building devoted to public worship he thought less adapted to that purpose than a fifty-thousand dollar church in New York.