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General Johnston on his return, saying: I could find nothing so appropriate as a present for you; for I have never known any one whose character so closely resembled Washington's in all respects as your own. A very dear friend confirms this view of General Johnston thus: Did you ever see Jefferson's estimate of the character of Washington? It is better than the best for General Johnston. When General Polk took command in West Tennessee, his department extended from the mouth of the Arkansas River, on both sides of the Mississippi, to the northern limits of Confederate authority, and east as far as the Mobile & Ohio Railroad. For the following account of his services, previous to General Johnston's arrival, I am again indebted to Dr. William M. Polk: The force which he found in his command was mainly composed of a part of the Tennessee State army, together with some few Confederate troops in Mississippi. General Pillow, as the representative of the Tennessee State forces,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first year of the War in Missouri. (search)
by Major-General David Hunter, who immediately stopped the pursuit and turned the army back to St. Louis. On the 19th of November Major-General Halleck assumed command of the Federal Department. When I returned from Richmond, Price had gone into winter quarters on the Sac River near Osceola. Many of his men had been furloughed so that they might go to their homes, where they could subsist themselves during the winter and provide for their families. McCulloch's brigade was on the Arkansas River, and Pearce's had been disbanded. Under the treaty which had been negotiated at Richmond, the enlistment of Missourians in the Confederate army was at once begun and was continued at Springfield, whither Price moved his army just before Christmas. Before the end of January, 1862, two regiments of infantry (Burbridge's and Rives's), one regiment of cavalry (Gates's), and two batteries (Wade's and Clark's) had been mustered into the Confederate service, and on the 28th I started to Richm
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Pea Ridge campaign. (search)
ral Curtis, another detachment under Major Mezaros went to Pineville, 25 miles northwest, while from Carr's division a detachment under Colonel Vandever had been sent as far east as Huntsville, 40 miles from Cross Hollows, making the line of our front about seventy miles from Maysville in the west to Huntsville in the east. Since the 18th of February, when we took our first position at Sugar Creek, Price had made his way to the Boston Mountains (Cove Creek), between Fayetteville and the Arkansas River, where he united with McCulloch. Although serving the same cause, there never existed an entente cordiale between the two champions of Missouri and Arkansas; the two men were too different in their character, education, and military policy to understand each other perfectly, to agree in their aims and ends, and to subordinate themselves cheerfully one to the other. McCulloch was a rough-and-ready man, not at all speculative, but very practical, to the point, and rich in resources to
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Union and Confederate Indians in the civil War. (search)
kee Nation, and on the 19th of July Colonel Jewell, 6th Kansas Cavalry, captured Fort Gibson, the most important point in the Indian Territory. The Confederate forces were now driven out of all that part of the Indian country north of the Arkansas River, and the loyal Indians of the Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole nations were organized, by authority of the United States Government, into three regiments, each fully a thousand strong, for the defense of their country. The colonel and part of t Indian Territory were secessionists, and the moment the Southern States commenced passing ordinances of secession, these men exerted their influence to get the five tribes committed to the Confederate cause. Occupying territory south of the Arkansas River, and having the secessionists of Arkansas on the east and those of Texas on the south for neighbors, the Choctaws and Chickasaws offered no decided opposition to the scheme. With the Cherokees, the most powerful and most civilized of the tri
tement. His whole person seemed instinct with vitality, his movements were alert, his observation keen and rapid, and altogether he was to me the model of a dashing cavalry leader. Before the breaking out of hostilities between the North and South, he had served in the 1st United States Cavalry, of which regiment General Joseph E. Johnston was the Lieut.-Colonel, against the Indians of the Far West, and was severely wounded in an encounter with the Cheyennes on the Solomon's Fork of the Kansas river, in July 1857. In that wild life of the prairie, now chasing the buffalo, now pursuing the treacherous savage, Stuart had passed nearly all his waking hours in the saddle, and thus became one of the most fearless and dexterous horsemen in America, and he had acquired a love of adventure which made activity a necessity of his being. He delighted in the neighing of the charger and the clangour of the bugle, and he had something of Murat's weakness for the vanities of military parade. He
o Van Buren Federal pursuit capture of Van Buren burning of steamboats and supplies artillery duel across the Arkansas River the enemy shell their own city return to Rhea's Mills. Before saluting the new year we must notice some furthee rebel army, as we had recently received information that it was encamped around Fort Smith,on the south side of the Arkansas river, four miles above Van Buren.-Even if our force had been sufficiently strong to make our success reasonably certain, ie steamboats lying at the wharves to cross the river, but continued their flight on the road along the north bank of the Arkansas. A squad of rebels, however, attempted to escape over the river on a horse-power ferry, but they had scarcely reached tf October, we have driven him, step by step, before us; so that now there is not a rebel organized force north of the Arkansas River, excepting guerrilla bands. But notwithstanding the series of splendid achievements, we hear that Gen. Blunt has mad
t we have no organized enemy of much consequence directly in our front for at least one hundred miles south of us. Since our expedition to Van Buren last December, the rebel authorities have not ventured to keep a regular station north of the Arkansas river. After an army becomes so demoralized as were General Hindman's forces last winter, it takes some time to reorganize it for effective operations. Unless the enemy receives reinforcements from east of the Mississippi, which is not at all likve good horses, and will probably be able at least to hold their own with the guerrillas of southwest Missouri. A deserter came into our lines to-day from Colonels Carroll's Arkansas regiment, which is now stationed below Van Buren on the Arkansas river. He does not think that the enemy in that section contemplates an immediate movement northward, as they have not a force sufficiently strong to meet our troops in the open field. Nearly all the rebel troops in Arkansas, he thinks, are in th
Captain Mefford is an experienced officer, and a better one could not be selected to deal with Livingston's guerrillas. Several persons who have just arrived from Fort Gibson report that grass is coming up in sufficient quantities on the Arkansas River and lower Grand River bottoms for grazing purposes. While Indian ponies might live there on the grass now, it will probably be two or three weeks before our cavalry horses can live on wild grass, and perform the service required of them. Itthe rebel commanding officer at Van Buren or Fort Smith, into this section, for the purpose of ascertaining whether our whole force is moving south, or only a reconnoitering party. In a few days the organized forces of the enemy north of the Arkansas River will find it convenient to retire to the south bank. There is now no prospect of Colonel Phillip's progress being checked this side of Fort Gibson. Yesterday morning (28th) a detachment of thirty men were sent to Neosho with the mail for
ng reconnoissance Webber's Falls he drives the enemy into the Arkansas River and takes Fort Gibson Description of the place its importance, the remainder having made their escape by swimming across the Arkansas river. It may now be said that we have undisputed possession of all the Indian country north of the Arkansas river. If there are any forces on this side of the river they will doubtless plunge into, it rather ake a reconnaissance in the direction of Webber's Falls, on the Arkansas river, some twenty-five miles south of us, returned to-day, having catward through Arkansas. Turning to the south, you overlook the Arkansas river three miles distant, and your eyes rest upon the opposite heighmarks the course of the Verdigris River, which empties into the Arkansas River some five or six miles above the mouth of Grand River. The junst was established. Every season during the spring rise of the Arkansas River, light draft steamers have not only run to this point, but some
urse depend upon the country here for nothing except fresh beef, and in a few weeks, grass for our animals. Since the enemy can hold no position north of the Arkansas River, we have already seen indications that he is not going to remain inactive in this region during the spring and summer. Our troops to-day (14th) commenced Cabell in the vicinity of Cane Hill a few days ago, with upwards of a thousand cavalry; and the force under General Cooper near us on the opposite side of the Arkansas River, in the vicinity of Webber's Falls, looks as if Colonel Phillips will be required to display great firmness and activity, to enable us to maintain our positio Phillips took a force of six hundred men, composed of details from the three Indian regiments, and the battalion of the sixth Kansas cavalry, and crossed the Arkansas River several miles below this post, and making a night's march, reached Webber's Falls early Saturday morning, and at once commenced a vigorous attack on the enem