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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Resume of military operations in Missouri and Arkansas, 1864-65. (search)
The conquest of Arkansas, Vol. III., p. 441], put the Arkansas River, from its mouth to its junction with the Grand and Vereditors. and with two pieces of artillery, crossed the Arkansas River on the 27th of September, moved north rapidly, entered63-64 the forces of Generals Steele and Blunt held the Arkansas River as a Federal line of advance. The winter was so cold er . . . General Steele determined to fall back to the Arkansas River. [Report of General U. S. Grant. Appendix to Memoirsrs. men and 20 pieces of artillery before crossing the Arkansas River, and consisted of three divisions, commanded by Generaith and Little Rock, Price, with his army, crossed the Arkansas River about half-way between those points at Dardanelle, ande of the Missouri troops, continued the pursuit to the Arkansas River, but Price did not again attempt to make a stand. Hisrewn with the debris of a routed army. He crossed the Arkansas River above Fort Smith with a few pieces of artillery, with