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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 42 (search)
n 1846 had but six weeks of such interval, has now fourteen. All this extraordinary change is a tribute to summer, and to the summer habits of the people. We flee from the country in October or November, but only to return to it in May or June. In other words, we are adapting our social life to the characteristics of the American climate. That the final arrangement has been reached it is impossible to say, and the present fancy in our Northern Atlantic States for tobogganing and other Canadian winter sports may point to some further modification. But at present it may certainly be claimed that in the most thickly settled parts of the nation there is a distinct acceptance of the old English maxim, All summer in the field, all winter in the study. Those who have the right of choice will not forego, if they can help it, the winter pleasures of the city or the town, its lighted streets, its gay passers-by, its social intercourse, its concerts, theatres, libraries. But neither wil
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, Index. (search)
naparte, Napoleon, 247. Bonheur, Rosa, 250, 252, 261, 263. Bossuet, J. B., 87. Bourbons, decline of, 107. breaking and bending, 121. Bremer, Fredrika, quoted, 14. Brinton, Dr. D. G., quoted, 286. Broute, Charlotte, 260. Brooks, Mrs., Sidney, 76. Browning, E. B., 250, 252, 263. Browning, Robert, quoted, 273, 302. Also 308. brutality of Punch and Judy, the, 254. Burns, Robert, 19. but strong of will, 54. Butler, Fanny Kenble, 154. Byron, Lord, 19, 160. C. Canadian judge, ruling of, 92. Carlyle, Thomas, quoted, 300. Also 149. Carnegie, Andrew, quoted, 168, 169. Carr, Lucien, 179. Cato, M. P., 97. chances, 65. Channing, W. E., quoted, 127. Chateaubriand, F. R., 76. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 278. Chevy Chace, quoted, 220. Child, L. M., 13, 179. Children, dressing of, for school, 241. Children on A farm, 197. Children, the humor of, 217. Choate, Rufus, 18. Christmas all the time, 291. Cicero, M. T., 276. Cincinnati, art s