Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Key West (Florida, United States) or search for Key West (Florida, United States) in all documents.

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Rhett, Jr., R. W. Barnwell, and C. G. Memminger, delegates to the General Congress of the seceding States. The United States arsenal at Mobile was taken by the secessionists at daylight this morning. It contained six stand of arms, 1,500 barrels of powder, 300,000 rounds of musket-cartridges, and other munitions of war. There was no defence.--Evening Post, Jan. 7. An appeal to the people of Florida, by the Charleston Mercury, to seize the forts and other defences at Pensacola and Key West, threatens the capture of the California treasure ships by letters of marque and privateers.--(Doc. 13.) Fast-day throughout the United States, by proclamation of the President. It is generally observed.--(Doc. 14.) Fort Morgan, at the entrance of Mobile Bay, was taken this morning by Alabama troops, and is now garrisoned by two hundred men.--The Press, Jan. 5. This evening a workingmen's meeting was held at Cincinnati, Ohio. Speeches were made, and resolutions adopted, dec
portions of canons, both diocesan and general, not necessarily dependent upon the recognition of the authority of the Church in the United States, are hereby retained in force. This declaration is not to be construed as affecting faith, doctrine or communion.--New Orleans Picayune, May 12. President Lincoln issued a proclamation directing the commander of the forces of the United States on the Florida coast to permit no person to exercise any office or authority upon the islands of Key West, the Tortugas, and Santa Rosa, which may be inconsistent with the laws and Constitution of the United States, authorizing him at the same time, if he shall find it necessary, to suspend there the writ of habeas corpus, and to remove from the vicinity of the United States fortresses all dangerous or suspected persons.--(Doc. 151.) Captain Tyler, of the Second Dragoons, commanding at Fort Kearney, fearing that a mob might take and turn against the garrison the ten twelve-pounder howitzer
y 9. It having been ascertained to the satisfaction of the War Department that Captain Maury, Assistant Adjutant General; Captain Carter L. Stevenson, of the Fifth Infantry; and Second Lieutenant Dillon, of the Sixth Infantry, entertain and have expressed treasonable designs against the Government of the United States, their names, according to General Order No. 37, were stricken from the rolls of the army; and also Major Albert J. Smith, Paymaster, for having deserted his post at Key West, Florida.--Army Order No. 38. The Twenty-third Regiment N. Y. S. V., arrived at Washington. It is commanded by Colonel H. C. Hoffman.--National Intelligencer, July 9. Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, visited, this afternoon, the Ohio encampments in Virginia, and was greeted with the sight of a hanging effigy, bearing the inscription: Vallandigham, the traitor. When he approached the Second Ohio Regiment, he was saluted by a discharge of stones, and, on the interposition of the officers, t
ed it the accused exclaimed, My God, I am a ruined man. The articles found embraced among other things some twenty large-size navy revolvers of superior quality, a quantity of gold lace, red flannel, and a package of about one hundred and twenty letters, addressed to parties in Petersburg, Richmond, Norfolk, and Fairfax, some from several first-class business houses in Baltimore. The letters and other articles were sent to Gen. Dix, at Fort McHenry.--Baltimore American, September 9. G. L. Bowne, of Key West, Fla., was arrested at Cooperstown, N. Y., on a charge of treason. A large number of letters were found on him from the South, as also other papers of an important character. After the arrest an effort was made to rescne the prisoner by about one hundred of his friends. The resolute behavior of the officers, and their expressed determination to shoot the first man who persisted in the attempt, prevented the accomplishment of their purpose.--N. Y. Commercial, September 9.
ssissippi River, was evacuated by the rebels and immediately taken possession of by the National forces.--(Doc. 52.) Major French, the commanding officer at Key West, published the following important order; its promulgation caused a vast amount of commotion among the secessionists: Headquarters U. S. Troops, Key West, Key West, Florida, September 16, 1861. I. Within ten days from this late all male citizens of the Island of Key West who have taken the oath of allegiance will send their names to these Headquarters to be registered. II. Within thirty days from this date all the citizens of this island are required to take the oath of allegiance to th At the termination of sixty days all citizens of this island who have failed or refused to take the oath of allegiance to the United States will be removed from Key West. This will also apply to their families and the families of those who have left the island to join the Confederate States. Wm. H. French, Brevet-Major U. S. A.
pineuil Zouaves, under command of Col. D'Epineuil, and the Sixty-sixth regiment N. Y. S. V., under command of Colonel Pinckney, left New York for the seat of war. Sixty-eight prisoners arrived at Tallahassee, Florida, in charge of a detachment of Captain Sheffield's company, the whole under Colonel M. Whit Smith. They are composed of Spaniards, Yankees, and Floridians, and were captured while engaged in fishing around the Florida coast in the vicinity of Egmont Key for the Federals at Key West. Colonel Smith says they are the crews of twelve fishing smacks, and that the craft captured are worth, in the aggregate, from thirty-five thousand dollars to forty thousand dollars.--Tallahassee Sentinel, Nov. 17. Gen. Patterson, at an entertainment given by the Philadelphia City Troop, made a statement in relation to his conduct while in command on the Upper Potomac, which appears to relieve him from the odium of failure to participate in the movement which resulted in the defeat at
ania Volunteers, and a detachment of five hundred sailors, belonging to the Ellsworth and Naval batteries, commanded by Col. Wainwright, also arrived at Baltimore during the day.--Baltimore American, November 18. The Wild Cat Brigade, under Gen. Schoepf in Kentucky, reached Crab Orchard after a forced marched of four days in retreat.--(Doc. 170.) United States steam gunboat Connecticut captured the British schooner Adelaide, of Nassau, N. P., near Cape Canaveral, and took her into Key West. She was loaded with coffee, lead, and swords, having several cases of the latter. The supercargo, Lieutenant Hardee, a relative of Tactic Hardee, is an officer in the Confederate army. He claimed the cargo as his property, and acknowledged that he was taking it to Savannah, Ga. The Adelaide had made several voyages to Savannah since the blockade.--N. Y. Commercial, November 27. Lieutenant George W. Snyder, of the U. S. Engineers, first assistant to General Barnard on the constructi
ough the left hand; James Whitchair, slight wound in the head, and a ball through the right arm; John W. Leese, ball in the leg; Edward Henderson, shot in the left hand. In a skirmish, on the night of the 5th inst., between the same parties, private A. Watts was slightly wounded in the arm.--Wheeling Intelligencer, January 17. The Ninety-first regiment of New York Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Jacob Van Zandt, left New York, on board the steam transport Ericsson, for Key West, Florida. A battle was fought, this day, at Roan's Tanyard, in Randolph county, Mo. The rebels, one thousand strong, under Colonel Poindexter, were posted in a very strong position, on the Silver Creek, at Roan's Tanyard, seven miles south of Huntsville, and seven miles west of Renick, near the residence of Joel Smith. The attack was made by Majors Torrence and Hubbard, with four hundred and eighty men, at four o'clock P. M. The rebels made but a feeble resistance, owing to the want of
emy beyond Newton, shelling them the whole distance. Jackson's men were perfectly demoralized and could not be rallied. They threw overboard the dead and wounded to lighten the wagons. They confessed a loss of eight hundred and sixty-nine killed, wounded and missing. The National forces lost one hundred and fifteen killed and four hundred and fifty wounded.--(Doc. 103.) This morning the schooner Cora, prize to the United States gunboat Pinola, Lieut. Crosby commanding, arrived at Key West, Fla. The Cora was captured on the sixth inst., about one hundred miles south of Apalachicola, from which port she had escaped two days before, and is loaded with two hundred and eight bales of cotton. There was a most exciting chase before she was taken. Several shells were fired at her, and not until they burst between her masts did she condescend to heave to. She was commanded by Robert May, an Apalachicola pilot, and was brought here by Acting Master's Mate D. C. Kells, of the United St
six prisoners were taken. The regiments fled in confusion across the creek. The national loss was four wounded. A party of National troops from the Fifth Virginia regiment, and Captain Fish's company of Connecticut cavalry, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Latham, surprised a guerrilla band on Sheff's Mountain, Randolph County, Va., and put them to flight, capturing most of their arms and equipments, and without any loss on the National side.--Wheeling Intelligencer, May 27. The steamer Swan, laden with one thousand bales of cotton, and eight hundred barrels of rosin, was captured off the coast of Cuba by the United States brig Bainbridge, and bark Amanda, and sent to Key West, Florida, for adjudication.--National Intelligencer, June 3. A reconnoissance in force was this day made from General Keyes's headquarters, for the purpose of ascertaining the strength of the rebels in the neighborhood of the Pines, some eight and a half miles from Richmond, Va.--(Doc. 115.)