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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Florida Volunteers. (search)
n at Barrancas.) Expedition to Alabama & Florida R. R. March 18-25. Near Evergreen March 24. Muddy Creek, Ala., March 26. Siege of Fort Blakely March 31-April 9. Near Blakely April 1. Occupation of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-25. Duty there and in Alabama till May. Ordered to Barrancas, Florida, and duty in Western and Middle Florida till November. Mustered out November 17, 1865. 2nd Florida Regiment Cavalry Organized at Cedar Keys and Key West, Florida, December, 1863, to June, 1864. Attached to District of Key West and Tortugas, Dept. of the Gulf, and Dept. of Florida, to November, 1865. Service. Duty at Fort Myers, Cedar Keys and in District of Key West till June, 1865. Skirmishes at Pease Creek, Florida, February 13-14 and February 20, 1864. Attack on Fort Myers February 20. Affair at Tampa May 6. Operations on West Coast of Florida July 1-31. Expedition to Bayport July 1-4. Skirmish at Station Four, nea
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, New York Volunteers. (search)
Regiment Infantry. Organized by consolidation of McClellan Chasseurs and McClellan Rifles at New York City November and December, 1861. Left State for Key West, Florida, January 5, 1862. Attached to Brannan's Florida Expedition to March, 1862. District of Key West, Dept. of the South, to August, 1862. District of KeDivision, District of Savannah, Ga., Dept. of the South, to July, 1865. District of Georgia, Dept. of the South, to February, 1866. Service. Duty at Key West, Florida, till November, 1862; then in District of Beaufort, S. C. Ordered to New Orleans, La., April, 1863. Expedition from Barrie's Landing toward Berwick Cit(Teche) Campaign October 3-November 30. Vermillionville November 11. Duty at New Iberia till January 7, 1864. Moved to Franklin January 7, thence to Key West, Florida, February, 1864, and garrison duty at Fort Jefferson till August, 1865. Attack on Fort Myers, Florida, February 20, 1865 (Detachment). Mustered out Aug
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Pennsylvania Volunteers. (search)
bdistrict, South Carolina, Dept. South Carolina, to December, 1865. Service. Duty in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., till January, 1862. Moved to Key West, Florida, via Annapolis, Md., and on Steamer Oriental January 22-February 4. Duty at Fort Taylor, Key West, Florida, till June 18. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., Key West, Florida, till June 18. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., June 18-22, thence to Beaufort, S. C., July 2, and duty there till October. Expedition to Florida September 30-October 13. St. John's Bluff October 3. Capture of Jacksonville October 5 (Cos. E and K ). Expedition from Jacksonville to Lake Beresford and capture of Steamer Gov. Milton near Hawkinsville October 6 (Cos. E and K ). Expedition to Pocotaligo, S. C., October 21-23. Frampton's Plantation and Pocotaligo Bridge October 22. Ordered to Key West, Florida, November 15. Garrison Fort Taylor (Cos. A, B, C, E, G and I ) and Fort Jefferson (Cos. D, F, H and K ) till February, 1864. Moved to New Orleans, La., February 25. (Regi
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, United States--Regular Army. (search)
arate organization. Battery B, 1st United States Artillery Stationed at Fort Taylor, Key West, Florida, January, 1861, to June, 1862. Attached to District Key West, Florida, Dept. South. Ja Artillery Brigade, 24th Army Corps, to August, 1865. Service. Duty at Fort Taylor, Key West, Florida, till June, 1862. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., thence to Beaufort, S. C., June 18-21, aoved to Fort Washington, Md., April 15, 1861, and duty there till December. Ordered to Fort Taylor, Florida, December 21, and duty there till June 18, 1862. Moved to Hilton Head, thence to Beauf States Artillery Stationed at Fort Duncan, Eagle Pass, Texas, January, 1861, Garrison Fort Taylor, Florida, till May, 1861. Moved to Fort Pickens, Florida, May 24, 1861, and duty there till Mayy Stationed at Eagle Pass, Fort Duncan, Texas, January and February, 1861. Moved to Fort Taylor, Florida, and duty there till January, 1862. Moved to Washington, D. C. Attached to Artiller
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, United States Colored Troops. (search)
men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 113 Enlisted men by disease. Total 185. 2nd United States Colored Regiment Infantry. Organized at Arlington, Va., June 20 to November 11, 1863. Ordered to the Dept. of the Gulf December, 1863. Attached to District of Key West, Florida, Dept. of the Gulf, February, 1864, to July, 1865. Dept. of Florida to January, 1866. Service. Duty at New Orleans, La., and Ship Island, Miss., till February 13, 1864. Ordered to Key West, Florida, February 13. Affair at Tampa, Florida, May 5. Operations on West Coast of Florida July 1-31. Expedition from Fort Myers to Bayport July 1-4. Expedition from Cedar Key to St. Andrew's Bay July 20-29. Fort Taylor August 21. Station No. 4 February 13, 1865. Attack on Fort Myers February 20. Operations in the vicinity of St. Mark's February 21-March 7. East River Bridge March 4-5. Newport Bridge March 5-6. Natural Bridge March 6. Duty in District of Flo