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overnors of the States in which they are respectively located:
Fortifications — Location.Guns.Cost.
Fort Pulaski, Savannah150$923,859
Fort Jackson, Savannah14125,000
Fort Morgan, Mobile1321,212,556
Fort Gaines, Mobile8920,000
Fort Macon. Beaufort, N. C.51460,000
Fort Caswell, Oak Island, N. C.87571,231
Fort Moultrie, Charleston5475,301
Castle Pickney, Charleston2543,809
Fort St. Philip, Louisiana124203,734
Fort Jackson, Louisiana150817,608
Fort Pike, Louisiana49472,901
Fort McComb, Louisiana49447,000
Fort Livingston, Louisiana52342,000
Fort McRae, Florida151384,000
Fort Barrancas, Florida49315,000
Redoubt, Florida26100,000
The following are still in the hands of the Federal authorities:
Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Md.; Fort Washington, on the Potomac, Md.; Fort Monroe, at Old Point Comfort, Va.; Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, S. C.; Key West Barracks, Key West, Fla.; Fort Pickens, Pensacola, Fla.; Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Fla.