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the country ought not to be kept in this state of suspense. He concurred in every sentiment expressed by the gentleman from Fauquier, (Mr. Scott,) but the question arises what is to be considered aggressive policy? He asked, why would the President evacuate Fort Sumter, for instance, and occupy the Tortugas and Fort Pickens? If this question were asked him, he would say, perhaps, that one was an inland fort, while the others were necessary to the free navigation of the Gulf and the Mississippi river, and were therefore as national. In what relation does that put Virginia? She stands, with her Fortress Monroe, in the same position that Florida stands towards the Tortugas. We were directly involved in this question. He hoped that any resolution here passed would not only express the desire that the President's policy should be pacific, but also institute such inquiries as might enable Virginia to judge for herself of the nature of his policy. Mr. Rives, of Prince George, op