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Doc. 8.-fight at Milliken's Bend, Miss. Account by an eye-witness. Milliken's Bend, June 13. First allow me to describe the ground occupied by our troops. The camp is along the bank of the Mississippi River, and at this point the levee is not more than one hundred and fifty yards from the river. The encampment is between the levee and the river. Breastworks have been thrown up on the right and left, and a few rifle-pits dug along the levee; and this constituted our defensive work. The levee is about eight feet high at this point, and back of it is a plantation covered with hedges, fruit and ornamental trees, in the immediate vicinity of our camp and to the rear. For some days previous to the attack we had known that a force of rebels were in the vicinity, estimated from one thousand five hundred to ten thousand strong. The colored troops were only partially organized regiments and had all been armed within a week to meet this emergency. With such raw material you
, and to turn the rear of that city, it became a question of the highest importance, whether a point be. low on the Mississippi River, might not be reached, and a way thus opened to the attainment of the same end. My corps, happily, was in favorag been considerably strengthened by reenforcements supposed to have been sent from Grand Gulf, on the east bank of the Mississippi, the enemy on the fifteenth sought to reinstate his line between Perkins's and Dunbar's — the latter place being eightspace of three days and nights, thus extending and completing the great military road across the peninsula from the Mississippi River above to the Mississippi River forty miles below Vicksburgh. The achievement is one of the most remarkable occurriMississippi River forty miles below Vicksburgh. The achievement is one of the most remarkable occurring in the annals of war, and justly ranks among the highest examples of military energy and perseverance. On the twenty-second, receiving a communication from Admiral Porter, informing me that he would attack the enemy at Grand Gulf on the follow
enty-third Connecticut, held them at bay four or five days more at Lafourche, a little further down the road, with considerable loss of life on both sides. So that we did our share toward resisting the invasion of the Vandals; and if New-Orleans is not prepared, it is not our fault. A column of eight thousand men, from the rebel army in Arkansas, is daily expected to cross at this place and support the Texans, while General Kirby Smith is said to be advancing down the east bank of the Mississippi with the troops from Mississippi and Alabama. According to their own accounts they have risked all on this last attempt, and are bound to regain possession of the Department of the Gulf or perish in the struggle. I think they are in earnest, and I do hope Banks and his advisers are aware of and are equal to the exigency of the moment. Our wounded have not been badly treated by our captors; they give them what they have, but that is often very little. The weather has been very hot fo
., on the fourth day of July, the siege-gun, which was to give the signal of attack, belched forth its startling alarm to the little garrison, and immediately infantry, cavalry, and artillery were in motion to take up the various positions assigned them. For two nights we had been under arms at two o'clock A. M., and it was but a few moments' work to place all in readiness. To give some idea of the position, let us say that Helena lies upon flat ground, upon the western bank of the Mississippi River. About a quarter of a mile from the river, and running parallel to it, high ridges command the city and approaches, ravines, opening toward the river, and raked by the guns of Fort Curtis, (which is lower than all the ridges, and centrally located,) being between these ridges. Before the departure of General Gorman, Fort Curtis was readily commanded from all the ridges about the city. Generals Ross and Salomon conceived the plan of placing strong batteries upon these hills as an adv
f, I caused a channel to be cut from the Mississippi River into Lake Providence; also one from the Mississippi River into Coldwater, by way of Yazoo Pass. I had no great expectations of importantmited, most of the force was sent up the Mississippi River to Eagle's Bend, a point where the riverh, while it secured to us a point on the Mississippi River, would also protect the main line of comntention, up to the time of crossing the Mississippi River, to collect all my forces at Grand Gulf,al Banks giving his position west of the Mississippi River, and stating that he could return to Bat class of gunboats to keep the banks of the Mississippi clear of guerrillas, who were assembling intion of Hard Times, on the west bank of the Mississippi; four miles above Grand Gulf, occupied unti of Vicksburgh, our right resting on the Mississippi River, with a plain view of our fleets at the point about midway from the bastion and Mississippi River--the ground over which he passed was mor
e balance they sent ashore. The Texana was then set afire, and was burning splendidly when she was left. Among the prisoners is Captain Woolf, of the old bark Asa Fish, well known here. There are about seventeen prisoners on board of the Boston, all of whom seem quite resigned to their fate. The Boston arrived at Fort Morgan this morning about two o'clock, and at the wharf at eleven o'clock. She is a staunch tug — runs about twelve knots an hour, and is a propeller. In the Mississippi River the confederates were for some time within speaking distance of the United States man-of-war Portsmouth, sixteen guns, and about half an hour previous to their capturing the Boston, a gunboat had passed up within gun-shot of our men. This prize will prove very valuable to the captors — and shows what daring can accomplish in the way of a little private enterprise. What a howl will go up in New-York when they hear the news. The Boston was cheered all along our front as she came i
nd defences of the city exceed any thing that has been built in modern times, and are doubly unassailable from their immense height above the bed of the river. The fall of Vicksburgh insured the fall of Port Hudson and the opening of the Mississippi River, which I am happy to say can be traversed from its source to its mouth without apparent impediment, the first time during the war. I take this opportunity to give to Mr. Fendal and Mr. Strausz, assistants in the coast survey, the full crng you, Captain, on the combined success of the army and navy in reducing this Sebastopol of the rebels, I remain, very truly, yours, F. J. Herron, Major-General. To Captain J. H. Greer, Commanding Benton. United States steamer Conestoga, Mississippi River, July 8, 1863. sir: I have the honor to present the following report of the naval battery, consisting of two eight-inch columbiads, whilst under my command. Acting under your orders of June first, I reported to General Sherman, who lo
p Red River. Report of Admiral Porter. United States Mississippi Squadron. Flag-ship Black Hawk, off Vicksburgh, July 18, 1863. sir: I have the honor to inform you that the expedition I sent into the Red River region proved very successful. Ascending the Black and Tensas Rivers, (running parallel with the Mississippi,) Lieutenant Commanding Selfridge made the head of navigation — Tensas Lake and Bayou Macon, thirty miles above Vicksburgh, and within five or six miles of the Mississippi River. The enemy were taken completely by surprise, not expecting such a force in such a quarter. The rebels that have ascended to that region will be obliged to move further back from the river, if not to go away altogether. Lieutenant Commanding Selfridge divided his force on finding that the transports, which had been carrying stores to Walker's army, had escaped up some of the narrow streams. He sent the Mainton and Rattler up the Little Red River, (a small tributary of the Black,)
tinguished citizens, to confer with him on the measures to be taken for the defence of our common cause. Those measures we do not particularize, as they had best be disclosed by the execution of them, and by the benefits they must produce. Coming to a thorough understanding with him, the members of the conference unanimously sustain the vigorous and decided policy he proposes to pursue. We will not attempt to disguise the change in our position by the fall of our stronghold on the Mississippi River. Interrupting communication between the two sections of the Confederacy, it throws each mainly on its own resources. But the apprehensions of evil from this interruption have been greatly exaggerated. The warning given by the fall of New-Orleans has not been unheeded, and the interval since that event has been used to develop the great resources of this department. We now are self-dependent, but also self-sustaining. With our own manufactories of cannon, arms, powder, and other
spectfully, Your obedient servant, H. Tibbetts, Acting Master, Commanding the Arizona. To Commodore H. H. Bell, New-Orleans. A National account. headquarters General Weitzel's division, nineteenth army corps, steamer Belvidere, Mississippi River, September 11. The expedition of the Nineteenth army corps, Major-General Franklin commanding, which left New-Orleans on the fourth inst., has returned without accomplishing the object for which it was despatched. All the preliminary arfrom Houston, the capital of Texas, it is distant about sixty miles, and is connected with a branch railroad from Beaumont. This railroad is not in operation at present, a portion of the track being torn up. The distance from the mouth of the Mississippi is two hundred and eighty miles. The strategic importance of the place can thus be comprehended at a glance, and its occupation was doubtless intended as the first step in a campaign the results of which promised to be of the most brilliant an