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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 3: closing of Southern ports.--increase of the Navy.--list of vessels and their stations.--purchased vessels.--vessels constructing, etc. (search)
enemy's guns at any time during the war, it would have rendered the position of our armies in Virginia and around the Capitol very embarrassing. Second. The necessity of establishing an effective organization of combined naval and military expeditions against various points on our Southern coast, including also all needful naval aid to the Army in cutting off communication with the rebels. Besides this it was seen at an early date that a large naval force would be required on the Mississippi River and its tributaries. Third. There had to be provided a suitable number of swift vessels for the active pursuit of the Confederate cruisers, which might elude the vigilance of our blockading forces and proceed to prey upon our commerce in every part of the world. Immediately on the breaking out of the rebellion the Confederates prepared to operate against Federal commerce, and after the escape of their first privateer the destruction of our vessels became very common. This was t
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 15: capture of Fort Donelson and battle of Shiloh. (search)
nds of the national forces — the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers were opened to national vessels for hundreds of miles. Nashville, the capital of Tennessee and a place of great strategic importance, fell. Bowling Green had become untenable as soon as Donelson was attacked, and was abandoned on the 14th of February, the day before the Confederate works on the Cumberland were carried, while Columbus and the other end of the strategic line were evacuated early in March, thus leaving the Mississippi river free from the Confederate flag from St. Louis to Arkansas. The news of this victory was very encouraging to the Union people, especially when they beheld its results. When city after city fell and stronghold after stronghold was abandoned, and they saw that it was all in consequence of the capture of Fort Donelson, it is not strange that the national amazement and gratification knew no bounds, and it is only to be regretted that the Navy should not have had a greater share in the h
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 16: operations on the Mississippi. (search)
h on the Mississippi, and had also re-inforced Island No.10. Gen. Pope, with an army of ten thousand men, hastened to occupy New Madrid, on the west bank of the Mississippi, below Island No.10, and he at once detected the weakness of the enemy's position. Pope established a line of batteries from New Madrid to a point fifteen miled the enemy's batteries. The victory at Island No.10, although a bloodless one, was as important as the battle of Shiloh. It opened a long stretch of the Mississippi River, down which our forces were continually working their way toward the sea. By this victory and the great battle at Shiloh, was broken up the second line of demore obstacles to our mode of attack than any between Cairo and New Orleans, but of this you may rest assured that they will never penetrate further down the Mississippi River. Our casualties were two killed and one wounded. [Signed.] J. E. Montgomery, Senior Captain Commanding, River Defence Fleet. On the Federal side t
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 18: capture of forts Jackson and St. Philip, and the surrender of New Orleans. (search)
, and you are completely ready, you will collect such vessels as can be spared from the blockade and proceed up the Mississippi River and reduce the defences which guard the approaches to New Orleans, when you will appear off that city and take possr, tricing up whiskers, etc., Farragut issued the following general order: United States Flag-Ship, Hartford, Mississippi River, April 20, 1862. The Flag-officer, having heard all the opinions expressed by the different commanders, is of thfor them to reply. Captain Bailey kept on steadily in the Cayuga and ran the Farragut's fleet proceeding up the Mississippi River past forts Jackson and St. Philip. Porter's mortar flotilla in the foreground (dressed with trees) bombarding Fort of which the Navy could advance with its gun-boats, and with their heavy guns bring the people along the banks of the Mississippi to a sense of their obligations to the Government. It was the wedge that had been driven into the vitals of the rebel
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 19: battle of the forts and capture of New Orleans. (search)
ackson.United States Flag-Ship Hartford, Mississippi River, April 2, 1862. Sir — We commenced thSloop-of-War Portsmouth, off Pilot Town, Mississippi River, April 28, 1862. Sir-In compliance wi United States Steamer Mississippi, Mississippi River, April 26, 1862. Sir — I have to repoa. United States Gun-Boat, Cayuga, Mississippi River, April 24, 1862. Sir — The following United States Steamer Harriet Lane, Mississippi River, April 27, 1862. Sir — When I last deriet Lane, Forts Jackson and St. Philip, Mississippi River, April 28, 1862. By articles of capitiver. United States Steamer Miami, Mississippi River, May 3, 1862. Sir — I have the honor United States Steam Gun-Boat Owasco, Mississippi River, April 28, 1862. Sir — In obedience torter, Commanding U. S. Mortar Flotilla, Mississippi River. Report of Lieutenant-Commander Walt. U. S. Barkantine, Horace Beales, Mississippi River, April 30, 1862. Sir — I have the hon[18
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 20: a brave officer's mortification.--history set right. (search)
noyance, by historical statements growing out of the omission to make the desired correction. You recollect that when the Colorado, under my command, was found (after lightening her) to draw too much water to be got over the bar into the Mississippi River, I applied to you for the command of a division of gun-boats, and coveted the honor of leading, under your orders, the attack on New Orleans and its defences. Having been assigned by you to the command of a division of your fleet, with yourt, with an accompanying diagram heretofore made to the Department. The object of my addressing Admiral Farragut is now gained by the admission on his part of the correctness of my statements, that the fleet under his command went up the Mississippi River to attack and pass Forts Jackson and St. Philip, in order of battle, line ahead, or single file; that I led the fleet into the battle at the head of, and in command of the vanguard division; and that the Hartford, flag-ship, with Admiral Fa
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 21: capture of New Orleans.--first attack on Vicksburg by Farragut's fleet and mortar flotilla.--junction of flag-officers Farragut and Davis above Vicksburg.--ram Arkansas. (search)
age to our rigging. We have no casualties on board. We expended, in the action, 28 nine-inch shells, 41 nine-inch shrapnel, 62 Hotchkiss eighty-pound rifle shells, 3 Dahlgren eighty-pound rifle shells, 14 Parrott thirty-pound rifle shells. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Thos. T. Craven, Captain. Flag-officer D. G. Farragut, Commanding Western Gulf Blockading Squadron, United States Ship Hartford, above Vicksburg. United States Gun-Boat Katahdin, Below Vicksburg, Mississippi River, June 29, 1862. Sir — Agreeably to your order of this date, I have to report that I received no orders to follow the flag-ship up the river, nor any written order whatever, and was entirely ignorant of your plan of attack. Agreeably to your verbal instructions, which were to take the rear of the line, and to follow the Kennebec, and fire at anything and everything I saw fit, or could see, I got this vessel under way at 3.30, yesterday morning, took position as the rearmost vessel
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 22: operations in the Potomac.--destruction of Confederate batteries.--losses by shipwreck, in battle, etc. (search)
built by the Confederates, he is mistaken. The Northern States, with all their resources, all their vessels which could have been cut down and made impervious to shot and shells, had not an ironclad stronger than those hastily built on the Mississippi River. Naval commanders had to take whatever would carry a gun,no matter how frail or vulnerable, and attempt impossible things with, at times, deplorable consequences to themselves, their officers and crews, from bursting steam pipes and boilerned to prevent falling into the hands of the enemy. Adirondack Screw sloop. 9 1,240 Wrecked near Abaco, Aug. 23, 1862. Henry Andrew Steamer. 3 177 Wrecked in a gale near Cape Henry Aug. 24, 1862. Sumter Steam Ram. 2 400 Grounded in Mississippi river and abaudoned.     112 7,908   Vessels added since fourth of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. (exclusive of those lost.)   No. of Vessels. Guns. Tons. By purchase 180 688 86,910 By transfer. 50 230 32,828 By const
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 23: destruction of the ram Arkansas.--capture of Galveston.--capture of the Harriet Lane.--sinking of the Hatteras.--attack on Baton Rouge.--Miscellaneous engagements of the gun-boats. (search)
--capture of the Harriet Lane.--sinking of the Hatteras.--attack on Baton Rouge.--Miscellaneous engagements of the gun-boats. Remarks on letting the Mississippi River below Vicksburg fall into the hands of the Confederates again. destruction of the ram Arkansas. capture of Galveston by a portion of Farragut's Squadron. d that thus terminated the existence of one of the most troublesome vessels the Confederates had built. She was at that time the last Confederate ram on the Mississippi River. At the moment of her destruction there was considerable excitement along the river on hearing of her approach towards Baton Rouge, where General Williams wance to Confederate rams, he had seen enough of the performances of the Arkansas to know, that if properly managed, she was the most formidable vessel on the Mississippi River, and that there would be no security against her while she floated. To render everything secure at Baton Rouge, Farragut left a sufficient force there to
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 28: passage of the fleet by Vicksburg and capture of Grand Gulf.--capture of Alexandria, etc. (search)
en left at the mouth of the Yazoo River to take care of the upper Mississippi, and to look out for two formidable rams that were building at Yazoo City, forty miles from the mouth of the river. Sherman remained with his division at Young's Point, ready to make another attack from the Yazoo if opportunity offered, and also to protect the supplies at Milliken's Bend from General Sterling Price, who with a large Confederate force was encamped some thirty miles away on the west bank of the Mississippi. The Mississippi Marine Brigade, consisting of two thousand men, under Brigadier-General Alfred Ellet, in six or seven large steamers, was left there. These flying troops were attached to the Navy. Every precaution had been taken to prevent a surprise from the Confederates, or any attempt on their part to fortify the river banks again in the absence of the Army. General McClernand had been ordered by Grant to push forward with his division, and with the help of the Navy, to seize