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h, on motion of Mr. Wilson, took up the resolution, and it passed unanimously. In the House, on the twenty-sixth, the resolution, on motion of Mr. Eliot, of Massachusetts, was taken up and passed. The joint resolution tendered the thanks of Congress to Major-General Nathaniel P. Banks and the officers and soldiers under his command, for the skill, courage, and endurance which compelled the surrender of Port Hudson, and thus removed the last obstruction to the free navigation of the Mississippi River; and was approved by the President on the twenty-eighth of January, 1864. No. Lvii.--The Joint Resolution expressive of the Thanks of Congress to Major-General Ambrose E. Burnside, and the Officers and Men who had fought under him. In the Senate, on the fifteenth of December, 1863, Mr. Anthony, of Rhode Island, introduced a joint resolution expressive of the thanks of Congress to Major-General Ambrose E. Burnside, and the officers and soldiers who had fought under him, which was
et Lane, who were all taken prisoners at Galveston on the first of January, the same day we started from San Antonio. We had heard about the fight, but did not believe it. We were now reinforced by three hundred and twenty, which made the party over six hundred strong, not counting the Scotch Grays that the latter party had along. We were delayed at Fort Taylor three days, waiting for wood; but we finally got under way again, and got into Port Hudson, a strongly fortified town on the Mississippi River, in the hands of the rebels. Here we stopped all night, and the next morning went down the river, under a flag of truce, to Baton Rouge, where we were received by the Federal officers. I can hardly describe my feelings on landing once more on the soil where the stars and stripes were so proudly waving from the tall masts of the men-of-war lying in the river. Well, we were landed inside our lines after being prisoners of war twenty-two months. We marched up to the city and got quar
befere specified, under the authority aforesaid, further proceedings under the writ of habeas corpus shall immediately cease, and remain suspended so long as this act shall continue in force. Sec. 4th. This act shall continue in force for ninety days after the next meeting of Congress, and no longer. A true copy: James M. Matthews, Law Clerk Approved February 15, 1864. II. There will be appointed by this department, for each military division of the Confederacy east of the Mississippi River, one or more competent persons as commissioners to investigate the cases of persons who may be arrested or detained by any military authority, for any cause specified within the above recited act. Information of all such arrests will be given to him by the department commander as soon as practicable after they are made, and he will proceed to investigate the same. If, upon examination, a reasonable and probable cause for detention does not appear, he will certify the fact to the Gener
died, or been lost while in service. And all impressments under this act shall be taken in equal ratio from all owners in the same locality, city, county, or district. (Signed,) Thomas S. Bocock, Speaker House of Representatives. R. M. T. Hunter, President pro-tern. of the Senate. Approved, February 17, 1864. (Signed,) Jefferson Davis. II. The Bureau of Conscription will direct the enrolment of all the persons described in the first section of the act aforesaid, east of the Mississippi River, who are not unfit for the service required from them by reason of physical or mental incapacity or imbecility, and shall assign them to the performance of the duties mentioned in the act, or similar duties in any of the military bureaus, or with troops in the field, as there may be any call for such service. III. Applications for an exemption on the grounds that the interests of the country require it, or because it is demanded by justice, equity, or necessity, will be made to the
ed, I shall be glad to do so yet. I also hope that those who may have been overlooked in the distribution of honors will write to me, and I will endeavor to promote their just claims as far as my endorsement can. No. 119 East Seventeenth Street, New York city,, December 10, 1865. Appendix. I give herein an appendix of all the authoritative communications yet published on the battle of Five Forks Letter from General Warren in regard to his being relieved by General Sheridan.Mississippi River, Thursday, May 11, 1865. To the Editors of the New York Times: I respectfully request the publication in your paper of this communication and accompanying letters relating to the battle of Five Forks. The only reason I have heard assigned for relieving me at that time were the surmises of newspaper correspondents, which there is no authority for. But an unfriendly spirit toward me apparently dictated their suppositions, and they have done me much injustice. I was relieved only
ung's Point to Bayou Vidal, to reach the Mississippi River, near New Carthage; without co-operationing of the enemy on the east bank of the Mississippi River. General Bowen reported by telegraph tha to maintain its communications with the Mississippi River; and that the attempt to reach Jackson ato cut off the enemy's supplies from the Mississippi River. My own views were strongly expressed avancing with his whole force east of the Mississippi River against Jackson, my communications by thluting foot upon the eastern bank of the Mississippi River. I had resisted the universal sentimentall of Port Hudson; the surrender of the Mississippi River, and the severance of the Confederacy. on to the enemy's free navigation of the Mississippi River. I still conceive it to be the most impthis at once rendered the navigation of the Mississippi and Red Rivers dangerous, and from that timon to the enemy's free navigation of the Mississippi River. Vicksburg was greatly imperilled when [5 more...]
of very great importance that they should be driven from their only stronghold in Arkansas. As a means of raising the siege of Vicksburg, and of keeping the Mississippi river closed, in the event of a surrender of that city, the policy of the move was perfectly apparent. Moreover, from information, considered reliable, in my posshills. I then dismounted one hundred and fifty more men, and sent them forward to the same point, and extended the line of skirmishers from the hills to the Mississippi river. I then drew up the remainder of the regiment in line of battle north of the blockade, about four hundred yards in the rear of the line of skirmishers, and armaduke upon the battery and fortifications of Reiter's Hill, and, not learning anything definite, and discovering the enemy moving up between the levee and Mississippi river, I moved my battery forward according to your order, and commenced firing on the enemy advancing, and also the enemy's batteries playing upon General Marmadu
West Tennessee Holly Springs, Miss., Oct. 20, 1862. General: I have the honor to make the following report of the battle of Corinth: Having established batteries at Port Hudson, secured the mouth of Red River and the navigation of the Mississippi River to Vicksburg, I turned my especial attention to affairs in the northern portion of my district. On the thirtieth day of August I received a despatch from General Bragg, informing me that he was about to march into Kentucky, and would leaourth day of September I received a communication from General Price, in which was enclosed a copy of the despatch from General Bragg above named, making an offer to co-operate with me. At this time General Breckinridge was operating on the Mississippi River, between Baton Rouge and Port Hudson, with all the available force I had for the field; therefore I could not accept General Price's proposition. Upon the return, however, of General Breckinridge, I immediately addressed General Price, giv
enemy's fleet was crossing the bars, and entering the Mississippi river in force. In consequence, I repaired at once to thatell, C. S. Navy, commanding the C S. Naval Forces, Lower Mississippi River. I also gave Captain Mitchell one hundred and fif John K. Mitchell, Commanding C. S. Naval Forces, Lower Mississippi River. Captain Huger will fill up the blanks with th. Captain J. K. Mitchell, commanding Naval Forces, Lower Mississippi River: Captain : I am of the opinion that the mortar . Captain J. K. Mitchell, commanding Naval Forces, Lower Mississippi River: Captain: The enemy has just sent up a small bo. Captain J. K. Mitchell, commanding Naval Forces, Lower Mississippi River: Captain: As I anticipated, and informed you yerigadier-General, commanding Coast Defences. (S.) Mississippi River, April 26, 1862. U. S. steamer Harriet Lane. Colonel s steamer Harriet Lane, Forts Jackson and St. Philip, Mississippi River, April 28, 1862. By articles of capitulation, ente
eat extent, attained. We hold two points on the Mississippi — more than two hundred miles--unmolested by the enemy, and closed to him. The navigation of the Mississippi River from the mouth of Red River to Vicksburg was at once opened, and still remains open to our commerce, giving us also the important advantage of water connectiof the Arkansas. I deem it eminently proper to say to the department, that neither the spirit which resolved to dispute at Vicksburg the jurisdiction of the Mississippi River, nor the energy which successfully executed that resolution, was local in its character, nor was it a spirit bounded by State lines, or circumscribed by Stat was held as a reserve. John C. Breckinridge. Report of Brigadier-General Daniel Ruggles. headquarters Second division, First District, Army east of the Mississippi, camp Breckinridge, August 9, 1862. Sir: I have the honor to submit, for the consideration of the Major-General commanding the forces, the following report