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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., chapter 48 (search)
alongside of the Alabama in case she should enter that narrow harbor. In this harbor Semmes spent two weeks refitting his ship and studying natural history, and became so absorbed in watching the habits of locusts and monkeys, that he appears to have quite forgotten the Wyoming, which vessel ought to have heard of his whereabouts. Probably the commanding officer of the Wyoming was deceived by Semmes' eccentric movements, while the latter calculated that the Wyoming had gone to Canton and Shanghai in pursuit of him. The Alabama next proceeded to Singapore for coal and stores. Semmes' stay was short, but the officers and crew were sumptuously entertained. The day lie left Singapore Semmes captured a beautiful ship, which, though flying the British flag, was evidently an American vessel, officered and manned by the hated Yankees. The ship's papers appeared to be in due form, and she had been transferred by a bill of sale to her British owner. After a thoroughly examination, Semm
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 1.4, chapter 1.6 (search)
-roof. I began to feel interested in the loud turmoil of commerce. The running of the patent tackles was like music to me. I enjoyed the clang and boom of metal and wood on the granite floors, and it was grand to see the gathered freight from all parts of the world under English roofs. On boards slung to the rigging were notices of the sailing of the ships, and their destinations. Some were bound for New York, New Orleans, Demerara, and West Indies, others were for Bombay, Calcutta, Shanghai, the Cape, Melbourne, Sydney, etc. What kind of places were those cities? How did these monstrous vessels ever leave the still pools walled round with granite? I burned to ask these and similar questions. There were real Liverpool boys about me, who were not unwilling to impart the desired information. They pointed out to me certain stern-faced men, with masterful eyes, as the captains, whose commands none could dispute at sea; men of unlimited energy and potent voices as the mates, o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Balch, George Beall, 1821- (search)
Balch, George Beall, 1821- Naval officer; born in Tennessee, Jan. 3, 1821. He entered the navy in 1837: engaged in the war against Mexico, and was wounded in a naval engagement at Shanghai, China. He was engaged actively and successfully in the South Atlantic blockading squadrons and in other naval operations. He became rear-admiral in 1878, and retired in 1883.
n subjected to the most brutal assault and mutilation. At Pao-ting-fu, 80 miles southwest of Peking, fourteen persons, including women and children, were butchered by order of the authorities. Military operations ceased with the occupation of Peking, with the exception of punitive expeditions sent to Pao-ting-fu and the more disturbed districts. On Aug. 10, Count von Waldersee, field-marshal of the German army, was unanimously approved as commander of the allied forces. He arrived in Shanghai Sept. 21. On Oct. 3, the withdrawal of the United States troops was begun. Oct. 1, LI Hung Chang reached Peking, and the Chinese Peace Commission, consisting of LI Hung Chang, Yung Lu, Hsu Tung, and Prince Ching, was announced. Negotiations were begun at once, and on Dec. 22 the allied powers having come to an agreement as to the demands upon China, the following note was addressed to the imperial government: During the months of May, June, July, and August of the current year se
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Consular service, the (search)
inister resident, and consequently occupies a diplomatic position with all the expenses incident thereto. The consul-general at Athens, Bucharest, and Belgrade is paid $6,500. He is also envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Greece, Rumania, and Servia, and serves in all the above offices for one and the same salary. The consul-general at Havana receives $6,000, and the consul-general at Melbourne $4,500. There are twelve offices where $5,000 are paid, viz.: Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai, Paris, Calcutta, Hong-Kong, Liverpool, London, Port au Prince, Rome, Teheran, Cairo, and Bangkok (where the consul is also minister resident); seven offices where $4,000 are paid, viz.: Panama, Berlin, Montreal, Honolulu, Kanagawa, Monrovia, and Mexico; seven where $3,500 are paid, viz.: Vienna, Amoy, Canton, Tientsin, Havre, Halifax, and Callao; thirty-one where $3,000 are paid; thirty where $2,500 are paid; and fifty-one where $2,000 are paid. The remaining ninety-five of the salaried o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Roosevelt, Theodore 1858-1893 (search)
s sustained by them, and for the expenses of the military expeditions sent by the various powers to protect life and restore order. Under the provisions of the joint note of December, 1900, China has agreed to revise the treaties of commerce and navigation, and to take such other steps for the purpose of facilitating foreign trade as the foreign powers may decide to be needed. The Chinese government has agreed to participate financially in the work of bettering the water approaches to Shanghai and to Tientsin, the centres of foreign trade in central and northern China, and an international conservancy board, in which the Chinese government is largely represented, has been provided for the improvement of the Shanghai River and the control of its navigation. In the same line of commercial advantages a revision of the present tariff on imports has been assented to for the purpose of substituting specific for ad valorem duties, and an expert has been sent abroad on the part of the U
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Treaties. (search)
e JaneiroSept. 24, 1878 Brunswick and Luxemburg: Convention of Rights of citizensWashingtonAug. 21, 1854 Central America: Convention of Peace, amity, navigation, etcWashingtonDec. 5, 1825 Chile: Convention of Peace, commerce, and navigationSantiagoMay 16, 1832 Convention of Arbitration of Macedonian claimsSantiagoNov. 10, 1858 China: Treaty of Peace, amity, and commerceWang-HiyaJuly 3, 1844 Treaty of Peace, amity, and commerceTientsinJune 18, 1858 Convention of Adjustment of claimShanghaiNov. 8, 1858 Convention of Additions to treaty of June 18, 1858WashingtonJuly 28, 1868 Treaty of EmigrationPekingNov. 17, 1880 Treaty of Commercial and judicialPekingNov. 17, 1880 Treaty of Peace with the powersPekingSept. 7, 1901 Colombia: Convention of Peace, amity, commerce, navigationBogotaOct. 3, 1824 Convention of ExtraditionBogotaMay 7, 1888 Costa Rica: Treaty of Friendship, commerce, navigationWashingtonJuly 10, 1851 Convention of Adjustment of claimsSan JoseJuly 2, 1860 D
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ward, Frederick Townsend 1831-1862 (search)
Ward, Frederick Townsend 1831-1862 Military officer; born in Salem, Mass., Nov. 29, 1831; became a sailor; went to Shanghai, China, in 1860, when the Taeping rebels were being victorious everywhere. He recruited a band of men from various countries and their services were accepted by the government. He first captured the walled town of Sungkiang, in which there were 10,000 rebels, in recognition of which he was created a mandarin of the fourth degree. He next dispersed the rebels around Shanghai and later prevented them from taking that city. Afterwards he was made admiral-general and created a mandarin of the highest grade, married the daughter of a powerful native, and was named Hwa. When Captain Wilkes removed the Confederate commissioners from the Trent and war seemed probable between the United States and England, he planned the seizure of the British warships and merchant vessels in Chinese waters. At the outbreak of the Civil War he tried to close up his affairs in Ch
e P. M. The harbor was filled with shipping, but there was no United States ship of war among the number. The reader has seen that the Wyo ming was at Anger in the Strait of Sunda, only two days before we burned the Winged Racer. She must have heard of that event soon after its occurrence, and also of our burning the Contest near Gaspar Strait. The English ship Avalanche had, besides, carried news to Batavia, that we were off Sorouton, still higher up the China Sea. The Wyoming, if she had any intention of seeking a fight with us, was thus entirely deceived by our movements. These indicated that we were bound to Canton and Shanghai, and thither, probably, she had gone. She must have passed within sight of Pulo Condore, while we were scraping down our masts, tarring our rigging, and watching the funeral of the dead monkey described; and about the time she was ready to run into Hongkong, in the upper part of the China Sea, we had run into Singapore, and anchored in the lower part.
from all parts of the China seas, by vessels passing constantly through the Strait of Malacca, and touching at Singapore for orders or refreshments. There were two American ships laid up in Bankok, in Siam; one or two at Canton; two or three at Shanghai; one at the Phillippine Islands; and one or two more in Japanese waters. These, besides the twenty-two ships laid up in Singapore, comprised all of the enemy's once numerous Chinese fleet! No ship could get a freight, and the commerce of the in the China Sea, since she had burned the Contest. The birds had all taken to cover, and there was no such thing as flushing them. This state of things decided my future course. I had, at first, thought of running up the China Sea, as far as Shanghai, but if there were no more than half a dozen of the enemy's ships to be found in that part of the sea, and these had all fled to neutral ports for protection, cui bono? It would be far better to return to the western hemisphere, where the enemy
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