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Browsing named entities in William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Los Angeles (California, United States) or search for Los Angeles (California, United States) in all documents.
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Chapter 21: polygamy.
in Salt Lake Valley, as in Los Angeles, San Jose, and other places, the Red aberrations of White people are in process of correction.
White polygamy is perishing in Utah, like Red polygamy, of which it is a bastard offspring, not by force or violence, but by the operation of natural laws.
It dies of contact with the higher fashions of domestic life.
I gather, not from what you tell me only, but from every word I hear, and every man I see, that there is change of practice, if not change of doctrine, I remark to President Wells and Apostle Taylor.
That is your impression?
asks the Apostle.
Yes, my strong impression; I might say my strong conviction.
Pardon me for saying that the point is very serious.
If you mean to dwell in the United States, you must abate the practice, even if you retain the principle, of plural wives.
Nature, Law, and Accident are all against your theories of domestic life.
Nature puts the male and female on the ear