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Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lviii. (search)
Douglass's antecedents valuable, he sent his carriage to the boarding-house where he was staying, with a request that Mr. D. would come up and take a cup of tea with him. The invitation was accepted; and probably never before, in our history, was the executive carriage employed to convey such a guest to the White House. Mr. Douglass subsequently remarked that Mr. Lincoln was one of the few white men he ever passed an hour with, who failed to remind him in some way, before the interview terminated, that he was a negro. A memorial, on a certain occasion, was presented to the President from the children and young people of Concord, Mass., petitioning for the freedom of all slave children. In reply, he wrote the following:-- Tell those little people I am very glad their young hearts are so full of just and generous sympathy, and that while I have not the power to grant all they ask, I trust they will remember that God has; and that as it seems He wills to do it. A. Lincoln.
any Southern statesman should thus make his appearance as a member in such Republican convention? (Applause.) You know it is so, gentlemen, and yet have we not a common country? Did those thirteen colonies which, commencing with that combat at Concord and following it with that battle at Bunker's Hill, and pursuing it in every battle-field of this continent, did those thirteen colonies form one country, or thirteen countries? Nay, did they form two countries or one country? I would imagine, this hall, that the people of Boston have much to excite their patriotism and carry them back to the great principles of the Revolutionary struggle. Where will you go and not meet some monument to inspire such sentiments? Go to Lexington and Concord, where sixty brave countrymen came with their fowling-pieces to oppose six hundred veterans — where they forced those veterans back, pursuing them on the road, fighting from every barn, and bush, and stock, and stone, till they drove them retrea
Mayor and Gov. Hicks were present.--Secession sentiments prevailed. The Mayor and Governor both notified the President that no more troops could pass through Baltimore unless they fought their way.--(Doc. 69.)--Times, April 21. Boston was terribly excited at the attack on the Massachusetts troops in Baltimore. The Government recognizes the similarity in the day and event suggested by the 19th of April, 1775, and those immortal memories which cluster around the men of Lexington and Concord. The Governor sent the following despatch to the Mayor of Baltimore: I pray you cause the bodies of our Massachusetts soldiers, dead in battle, to be immediately laid out, preserved in ice, and tenderly sent forward by express to me. All expenses will be paid by this Commonwealth. John A. Andrew, Governor of Massachusetts. --(Doc. 70.) At Fall River, Mass., a meeting was called on the reception of the news. Patriotic speeches were made, and the city government was instru
a Volunteers; another from Marietta, on Parkersburg, under Col. Steedman, 14th Ohio Volunteers. These officers were directed to move with caution, and to occupy all the bridges, etc., as they advanced. A proclamation to Virginians, and address to the troops, were issued by Gen. McClellan simultaneously with the advance.--(Doc. 199.) The First Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers, Colonel Tappan, passed through New York on their way to the seat of war. The regiment left Camp Union, at Concord, yesterday morning. Its progress through Massachusetts and Connecticut was an ovation, crowds assembling at all the stations to give them a greeting.--(Doc. 200.) Postmaster-General Blair issued the following order:--All postal service in the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas, will be suspended from and after the 81st inst. Letters for offices temporarily closed by this order, will be forwarded to
th inferior arms. He says that rifled muskets have been given all the regiments to which it was possible to supply them. Some of the commanders, however, have preferred smooth-bore muskets as decidedly preferable for close action, and these Col. Devens' men had.--N. Y. Times, Oct. 30. By direction of the President of the United States, a Commission was appointed, consisting of David Davis, of Illinois; Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, and Hugh Campbell, of St. Louis, to examine and report upon all unsettled claims against the Military Department of the West, which might have originated prior to the appointment of General Fremont, at which time the order was issued that all money must be disbursed by the regularly appointed agents of the Government.--N. Y. Times, Oct. 28. The Fifth New Hampshire regiment, Col. Edward E. Cross, left its camp, near Concord, for Washington. It numbers one thousand and thirty-three men, and is armed with the Enfield rifle.--N. Y. Commercial, Oct. 30.
royed the ballot-box and enrolling papers, and compelled the commissioners and provost-marshal to resign.--Cincinnati Commercial, October 8. The rebels having succeeded in placing a battery at Cockpit Point, Va., on the Potomac, with a view to restore the blockade of that river, one of the Union fleet of gunboats ran into the Point to-day, and shelled it, entirely destroying the battery.--The Thirteenth regiment of New Hampshire volunteers, under the command of Col. A. F. Stevens, left Concord for the seat of war. Charles Sumner delivered an elaborate and powerful speech at Boston, Mass., indorsing the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln, and advocating the cause of the African race, who, slave as well as free, must help the National Government. At the conclusion of his remarks, George Francis Train, being called for, took the platform, and, refusing to yield it, was carried off by the police.--Boston Transcript, October 7. A reconnoitring party of Union tro
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 17: events in and near the National Capital. (search)
ere displayed the words:--April 19, 1775; April 19, 1861. and then the two bodies were laid in a vault in the Lowell Cemetery. A little more than four years afterward, the remains of these first martyrs were laid beneath a beautiful monument of Concord granite, erected, to commemorate their history, in Merrimack Square, in Lowell. It was formally dedicated on the 17th of June, 1865, in the presence of nearly twenty thousand people, who were addressed by the same chief magistrate of the CommonFebruary 8, 1865. for the perpetuation of which they had taken up arms. And more. At the conclusion of the consecrating ceremonies at the tomb of the young martyrs in Lowell, Lieutenant-Colonel Morris Martyrs' Monument. the Monument is of Concord granite, and its entire hight twenty-seven feet six inches. The plan is cruciform, the larger arms measuring fifteen feet, and the shorter, twelve feet. It consists of a central shaft placed upon a plinth, with a high base, upon two sides of whi
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 7: sea-coast defences..—Brief description of our maritime fortifications, with an Examination of the several Contests that have taken place between ships and forts, including the attack on San Juan d'ulloa, and on St. Jean d'acre (search)
s, &c. &c.When completed.Cost of Repairs, exclusive of ordnance, &c. &c.Repaired between Delaware,74$543,368 001820$354,132 561827 and 1838 N. Carolina,74431,852 001825317,628 921824 and 1836 Constitution,44302,718 841797266,878 341833 and 1839 United States,44299,336 561797571,972 771821 and 1841 Brandywine,44 Returns incomplete.299,218 121825 Returns incomplete.377,665 951826 and 1838 Potomac,44 Returns incomplete.231,013 021822 Returns incomplete.82,597 031829 and 1835 Concord,20115,325 80182872,796 221832 and 1840 Falmouth,2094,093 271827130,015 431828 and 1837 John Adams,20110,670 691829119,641 931834 and 1837 Boston,2091,973 191825189,264 371826 and 1840 St. Louis,20102,461 951828135,458 751834 and 1839 Vincennes,20111,512 791826178,094 811830 and 1838 Vandalia,2090,977 88182859,181 341832 and 1834 Lexington,20?114,622 35182683,386 521827 and 1837 Warren,20?99,410 011826152,596 031830 and 1838 Fairfield,20100,490 35182665,918 261831 and 1837 Natches,
egroes escaped to British camps and garrisons, and were there manumitted and protected; while the master race, alarmed for the safety of their families, were un able or unwilling to enlist in the Continental armies, or even to be called into service as militia. The number of troops employed by the Colonies during the entire Revolutionary war, as well as the number furnished by each, is shown by the following, which is compiled from statistics contained in a work published by Jacob Moore, Concord, entitled, Collections of the New Hampshire Historical Society for the year 1824, vol. i., p. 236.   Continental. Militia. New Hampshire 12,496 2,093 Massachusetts 68,007 15,155 Rhode Island 5,878 4,284 Connecticut 32,039 7,792 New York 18,331 3,304 New Jersey 10,726 6,055 Pennsylvania 25,608 7,357 Delaware 2,317 376 Maryland 13,912 4,127 Virginia 26,668 5,620 North Carolina 7,263   South Carolina 6,417   Georgia 2,679     Total 232,341 56
the colony had their representatives. For the right of free negroes to bear arms in the public defense was, at that day, as little disputed in New England as their other rights. They took their place, not in a separate corps, but in the ranks with the White man; and their names may be real on the pension-rolls of the country, side by side with those of other soldiers of the Revolution.--Bancroft's History of the United States vol. VII., p. 421. around Boston by the tidings of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill, and were freely accepted in regiments mainly White ; though Maj. Samuel Lawrence, of Groton, Mass., is reported as having, at an early day, commanded a company of negroes in the Continental line. But Slavery was then cherished in nearly all the organized colonies; and its inconsistency with the embodiment of its victims in the armies of Freedom was felt to be so galling that the Committee of Safety judiciously resolved: May 20, 1775. That it is the opinion of this